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Alekhine's Defence: Chase Variation and lines with early Nc3

1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.c4 Nb6 4.c5 Nd5 5.Nc3 Nxc3 6.dxc3 e6 7.Qg4 last book move 7...g6 8.Bg5 Be7
9.h4 [9.Nf3 Bxg5 10.Nxg5 f5 11.exf6 Qxf6] 9...Bxg5 [9...h6 10.Be3] 10.hxg5 Nc6 11.Nf3 b6 [11...Qe7
12.Qf4 Qxc5 13.Qf6] 12.Qg3 [12.Nd2!? Nxe5 13.Qg3+-] 12...Bb7 13.Nh2 Ne7 [13...Qe7!? 14.cxb6
axb6] 14.Ng4 Nd5? [14...Ng8 15.Qe3] 15.Bc4 [15.c4 makes sure everything is clear 15...Nb4
16.Nf6+ Kf8 17.000+-] 15...Qe7 16.Bxd5 Bxd5 17.Nf6+ Kd8 18.Rd1 [18.000 Bc6+-] 18...Qxc5
19.Rh4 [19.00] 19...Ke7? [19...Kc8 20.b4 Qb5 21.Nxd5 exd5 22.Rhd4] 20.c4 [20.b4!? Qb5
21.Qf4+- (21.Nxd5+?! exd5 22.Qf3 Qc6+-) ] 20...Qb4+ 21.Kf1 Bc6 22.Qf4 Raf8?? causes even
greater problems [22...Kd8 23.Nxd7 Kc8] 23.Nxd7!+- Decoy: d7.

23...Bxd7 [23...Bxd7 24.Qd2

Double attack(24.Qd2 Decoy) ; 23...-- 24.Qf6+ Mate threat] 24.Qf6+ Ke8 25.Rhd4 Qa4 [25...Rfg8+- a
last effort to resist the inevitable] 26.b3 [26.Rxd7?! is not possible 26...Qxd7 27.Rxd7 Kxd7+-] 26...Qc6
27.Rd6!! Mate threat [27.Rxd7?! is a useless try 27...Qxd7 28.Rxd7 Kxd7+-] 27...cxd6 [27...cxd6
28.exd6 Passed pawn; 27...-- 28.Rxc6 Mate threat] 28.exd6 Qxd6 29.Rxd6 Line

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