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Petitioning POTUS, SCOTUS, and the 113th, 114th cogress This petition will be delivered to: POTUS, SCOTUS,

and the 113th, 114th cogress

POTUS, SCOTUS, and the 113th, 114th cogress: Fed & Treasury loan to each citizen 57K to Pay off debt!
1. Petition by (your name)____________________ 1. ______________ City,State________ 2. The Social Security Credit Debit card encompassing the 6 billion dollar a day interest by an immediate pay off from 320 million citizens accounts will end the debt, immediately and give the POTUS, CBO, and Congress to have a balanced budget and debt zero making adjustments each fiscal start year never having debt ever again. To: POTUS, SCOTUS, and the 113th, 114th cogress Fed & Treasury loan to each citizen 57K to Pay off debt! Sincerely, [Your name] _______________________________________

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