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I choose to create the Gate of Ishtar. The Gate of Ishtar was built in 604-562 B.C. in the entrance to Babylon. The Gate of Ishtar was built on the orders of Nebuchadnezzar II , a famous ruler of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar II wanted to beautify his capital. The gate was built using a rare blue stone called lapis lazuli, with alternating rows of base-relief and aurochs. The doors and roof were made of cedar. Through the gate was the processional way, which was lined with walls covered by 120 lions. The Gate of Ishtar was built in dedication to the Babylonian goddess, named Ishtar, .Sadly the original does not stand today. It was replaced by the Lighthouse of Alexandria .Although it was rebuilt in a museum called Staatliche museum in Berlin .The Gate of Ishtar has the total height of 47feet and total width of 32 feet .It was also one of the eight gates in the inner city of Babylon . I choose this building for two reasons first I didnt know anything about it, Ive never even heard of it, and secondly I love the color of it.

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