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Mandi (Request)

May 14, '07 6:25 PM for everyone

Category: Other Style: Middle Eastern Description: Actually I wanted to post the English version of Mandi in my other blog (my recipes blog in English), but the blog is still under construction. I post here due to a request from Ronald who's wife is 3 months pregnant. He wrote in my guestbook: hi.. my wifes been asking me for the whole week to cook mandi for her (shes 3 months preggy ). and i came across your site while googling for a recipe. do you mind if you can translate your recipe to english? ill really lly appreciate it very much. Ya I know it's hard to find this recipe in English. I searched by Google but nothing out there, the one that I have was from Tukang Dongeng who gave me the instruction after reading some of recipes written in Arabic. , I hope that this recipe can help you in cooking Mandi for your beloved wife. So Ronald, Indonesian version here. Ingredients: 5 chicken thighs, cut into 2 pieces piece with skin on 1 tsp ground cumin Juice from lemon 1 tsp vinegar 2 cups of Basmati rice (long grain rice) 4 tbsp raisins 1 onion (cut into 2 pieces) 1 cinnamon stick 1 bay leave, shreds 2 cups of water

Spices, grind/puree: 4 garlic cloves 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp fresh black pepper 1 knucklebone ginger (about 2 cm) 1 knucklebone galangal 7 cardamons 1 tsp ground curcuma 1 tsp salt 1 block of chicken broth Sugar to taste Directions: 1. Marinate chicken with cumin, lemon juice and vinegar for 10 menit. Clean. 2. Mix ground spices with 2 cups of water inside a big pan. Add chicken, cinnamon stick, and half of onion, bay leave and sugar as desired, then boil. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer it for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat. 3. Put the chicken in a baking dish (greased with margarine). Bake until the color change or cooked or as desire. 4. Chop the rest of onion. Saut until fragrant and smell. 5. Mix rice with onion and chicken broth (water from boiling chicken). Cover with aluminum foil. Simmer with very low heat for 20 minutes or until rice is cooked. Set aside. 6. Saut raisins for 5 minutes. Set aside. 7. Serve rice and garnish with chicken and raisins.

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