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ABBEY monastery, convent. ABHOR detest, hate. ABIDE comply with, obey, observe, follow, uphold, tolerate, stand, continue, remain, survive, last, persist. ABOUND be plentiful, be abundant. ACCOMPLISH fulfil, achieve, succeed in, realize. ACCOMPLISHMENT achievement, performance, effort, talent, skill, ability, expertise. ACCORDINGLY appropriately, therefore. ACCOUNT FOR explain, answer for, justify. ACCOUNT description, report, version, story, view, impression, performance, interpretation; consider, regard as, view as. ACCRUE result, arise, follow, collect, accumulate. ACQUAINT familiarize, advise of, apprise of, aware of. ACQUAINTANCE contact, colleague, association, familiarity with, knowledge of, experience of, awareness of. ADHERE stick, bond, attach. ADO trouble, bother, upset, agitation, excitement. AFFAIR business, concern, matter, responsibility; romance. AFTERWARDS later, subsequently, next. AIM point; objective, goal. 1

AIMLESS purposeless. AKIN similar, related, close, equivalent. ALTHOUGH in spite of the fact that, notwithstanding. AMID in the middle of, surrounded by, among, amongst. AMOUNT TO constitute, comprise. ANGST anxiety, fear, worry. APART away, separately. APPRAISE assess, judge, rate, review, consider. ASCRIBE attribute, assign. ASIDE apart, away, separately. ASSEMBLE gather, collect. ASSESS evaluate, calculate, determine. ASSIST help, aid. ASSORTMENT mixture, variety. ATTAIN achieve, accomplish, reach, obtain, procure, secure, get, earn, acquire, realize. AUGMENT increase, magnify. AUGUST distinguished, respected, eminent, prestigious, renowned, celebrated, honoured. AVAIL use, take advantage of, help, aid, assist. AWARE conscious of, acquainted with, familiar, alert to.

AWFUL disgusting, terrible, dreadful, repugnant. AWKWARD difficult, tricky, cumbersome, inconvenient, inappropriate, embarrassing, delicate, uncomfortable, troublesome.

BARE naked, uncovered, empty, basic, essential, fundamental, plain. BARRING except for, excepting. BEACON warning, light-fire, signal. BEAR carry, bring, transport, display, exhibit, sustain, support, endure, tolerate, give birth to, produce, yield. BEARER carrier, messenger, agent, holder, owner. BEARING posture, attitude, relevance, course, trajectory. BEFALL happen to, occur, come upon. BELIE contradict, discredit. BENEATH under, underneath, below. BENEFIT good, advantage. BESET plague, bedevil, afflict, torment, oppress, trouble, surround, encircle. BESIDE alongside, next to, parallel to, compared with, compared to. BESIDES in addition to, as well as, apart from, except, with the exception of; as well, furthermore, moreover. BESTOW confer on, grant, afford, endow someone with, give, donate. BEYOND 3

on the other side of, later than, past, after, greater than, more than; further away. BIAS prejudice. BITTER sharp, acid, painful, unpleasant. BLIGHT disease, affliction, trouble, misfortune. BLUR cloud, obscure, dim. BODE be a sign of, warn of, foreshadow, presage, predict. BOND friendship, relationship, association, alliance, chains, promise, pledge; join, attach, bind, stick. BOOKKEEPER one who manages financial records. BOOST encouragement, inspiration, stimulus, increase; improve, raise, uplift, enhance, help, promote, encourage, stimulate. BOTHERSOME annoying, troublesome. BOTTLENECK traffic, congestion, constriction, restriction, obstruction. BOUNCE rebound, spring back, ricochet, leap, jump, vigor, enthusiasm. BOUND tied, chained, certain, sure, compelled, connected, linked, united. BOUNTIFUL generous, magnanimous, abundant, plentiful. BRAND type, variety, class; mark, stamp, burn, label. BREED reproduce, variety, type. BREEDING reproduction, pedigree. BRIEFLY momentarily, temporarily, in short. BROAD wide, extensive, general, obvious, pronounced.

BROADLY in general, as a rule, mainly, predominantly, widely. BRUISE lesion, injury; injure. BUCK resist, oppose. BUFFER barrier, shield; absorb, soften. BUFFET cold table, self-service meal, cafe, cafeteria, restaurant; strike, hit, afflict, trouble, harm, bother, torment. BULGE protuberance, rise, increase. BURY hide, cover, enfold, embed, sink, absorb, occupy, engage. BY VIRTUE OF because of, as a result of, through, as a consequence.

CAPITULATE surrender. CAST throw, toss, register, record, emit, give off, choose, select; type, sort, variety, nature. CAVEAT warning, caution, condition, stipulation, provision, qualification. CEASE come to an end, suspend. CHAMPION winner, gold medalist, advocate, proponent; advocate, promote, defend, support. CHARACTER personality, nature. CHERISH adore, love, treasure, prize. CHORE task, job, duty. CIRCUMVENT avoid. 5

CLAIM state, argue, declare. CLEANSE clean, clear, purify, purge, absolve. CLEAR-CUT definite, distinct, clear, well defined, precise, explicit, unequivocal. CLOTHE dress, cover, envelop. COALESCE merge, unite, combine, consolidate. COARSE large, rough, vulgar, rude, common, indelicate, improper. COGENT convincing, compelling, strong, powerful. COMMIT carry out, do, perpetrate. COMMITMENT responsibility, obligation, duty, dedication, devotion, promise. COMMITTED devout, devoted, dedicated, loyal, faithful. COMPANION associate, partner, friend, helper, assistant, complement, counterpart. COMPASS scope, range, limits, parameters, bounds. COMPEL force, pressure, push, demand. COMPELLING convincing, persuasive, strong. COMPLAISANT willing, acquiescent, cooperative, compliant, obedient. COMPLIMENT flattering remark; speak highly of, speak well of. COMPRISE consist of, be made up of. CONTEMPLATE look at, view, regard. CONTEMPT disrespect, disgust, disregard.

CONVEY transport, carry, communicate, relate, reveal. CRAVE desire, want, wish, yearn for. CRAWL worm ones way, go on hands and knees, be full of, overflow with. CREASE fold, line, ridge, wrinkle. CUE signal, sigh, indication; word, gesture. CUMBERSOME inconvenient, heavy.

DARING audacious, intrepid, brave. DAUNT discourage, intimidate. DEARTH lack, deficiency, insufficiency, inadequacy. DECEIVE cheat, trick, defraud, be unfaithful to. DECEPTIVE misleading, illusory, distorted, dishonest. DEFIANCE resistance, opposition, disobedience. DELVE search, hunt, investigate, enquire, probe, explore, research. DEMAND request, command, order. DEMISE death, end, break-up. DEPARTURE leaving, going, deviation, digression, shift, variation. DEPICABLE detestable. DEPICT 7

represent, picture, illustrate, describe. DESPISE detest, hate, execrate. DESPITE in spite of, notwithstanding, regardless of, even with. DETRIMENTAL harmful, damaging. DEVICE implement, gadget, utensil, tool. DEVISE conceive, work out, formulate, design, create, produce, develop, discover. DEVOID free, empty, vacant, deprived, destitute, lacking, without. DIEHARD hard-line, reactionary, conservative, traditionalist, intransigent, inflexible. DIMINISH decrease, decline, reduce, subside, abate. DISBELIEVE not believe, doubt. DISCLOSE reveal, divulge. DISENTANGLE untangle, unravel, undo, untie, remove, disengage, disconnect. DISFAVOUR disapproval, dislike, displeasure, dissatisfaction. DISGUISE hide, camouflage. DISQUIET worry, anxiety, perturbation; perturb, agitate, upset. DOOM destruction, fate, sentence. DOUBLY twice as, even more, especially. DRAG haul, pull, become tedious, pass slowly, resistance. DRAW sketch, delineate, outline, draft, pull, drag, heave, move, go, come, proceed, close, shut, attract, interest, win, capture, deduce, infer, conclude, derive, gather, glean; lottery, tie, attraction, lure, temptation, charm, seduction.

DRAWBACK disadvantage, limitation, trouble, difficulty. DRAWN exhausted, tense, worried. DREAD fear, be afraid of, worry about; fear, apprehension, trepidation, anxiety, disquiet; frightful, terrible, horrible. DREADFUL terrible, frightful, horrible, grim, dire, unpleasant, outrageous, shocking. DRILL instruction, training; bore a hole in, perforate. DUB call, label, nickname. DWELL reside, live, be settled, be housed, stay.

EAGER enthusiastic, avid, impatient, desirous of, wishing. EDGE border, extremity, limits. EFFORTLESS easy, simple, undemanding. ELATION euphoria, happiness, delight. ELUDE evade, avoid, escape from. ELUSIVE difficult to find, evasive, fugitive, ambiguous. EMBELLISHMENT decoration, adornment, beautification, enhancement. EMBEZZLE misappropriate, steal, thieve. EMBEZZLEMENT misappropriation, theft, stealing, robbery, appropriation. EMBODY realize, represent, incorporate, include, contain, emcompass.

EMCOMPASS contain, have within, surround, enclose. EMPLOY hire, occupy, apply. ENDEAVOUR try, attempt, aspire, aim; effort, venture, struggle, enterprise. ENDOW pay for, provide, supply, invest, give, bestow. ENFORCE impose, apply, administer, implement, execute, force, compel, coerce. ENGENDER cause, give rise to, lead to, result in, produce, generate. ENHANCE increase, intensify, augment, improve, complement. ENLIGHTEN inform, notify, illuminate. ENLIST join up, recruit. ENSUE result, follow, develop, proceed, succeed, happen, take place. ENTAIL involve, require, need, demand, produce, result in, lead to. ENTICE tempt, lure, attract, convince. ENTITLE qualify, authorize, permit, title, name. ENVISAGE foresee, predict. ENVISION visualize, imagine, picture. ESPECIALLY mainly, mostly. ESPOUSE adopt, embrace, accept. EVADE avoid, escape. EVENTUAL final, ultimate, concluding.


EVENTUALLY in the end, in due course, by and by, in time, after some time, finally, ultimately. EVOLVE develop, progress, advance, grow, expand, change, transform, adapt. EXCEEDINGLY extremely, exceptionally, very. EXEMPT free, not subject, excused, absolved; excuse, release, absolve. EXERT apply, employ, use, utilize, try hard, strive. EXPERTISE skill, knowledge, mastery, ability. EXPLOIT utilize, use, make use of, abuse, impose; adventure, achievement. EXQUISITE beautiful, lovely, elegant, superb. EXTRANEOUS irrelevant, external.

FACILITY provision, space, means, potential, establishment, aptitude, talent. equipment, advantage, convenience, FADE become pale, lose colour, whiten, disappear, vanish, evanesce. FAITH trust, belief. FAITHFUL loyal, true, devoted. FANCY wish for, desire, thirst for, find attractive. FAR-FETCHED improbable, unlikely. FASHION manner, way, style. FATHOM understand, comprehend, work out. FEASIBLE 11

practicable, workable, achievable, realizable, viable, attainable, realistic, suitable. FIERCE ferocious, savage, aggressive. FIERY burning, vivid, intense, deep, explosive. FIGMENT invention, creation, illusion. FIGURE statistic, number, quantity, price, cost, value, calculations, computation, person, individual, diagram, illustration, drawing; feature, appear, calculate, work out, reckon, compute, determine. FLATTER compliment, gratify, delight. FLATTERING favourable, admiring, pleasing, gratifying. FLAW defect, blemish, fault, shortcoming, limitation. FLING throw; good time, affair. FLOUNDER struggle. FLUSH blush, go red, colour; drive, force. FOIST impose, force, thrust. FORECAST predict, prediction. FOREFATHER ancestor, antecedent, progenitor. FOREGO forgo, do without, go without, give up, renounce, surrender. FOREGOING preceding, aforesaid, aforementioned, previously mentioned, earlier, previous. FOREMOST leading, principal, prime, greatest, supreme, most important. FORESEE anticipate, predict, forecast, envisage, envision. FORESHADOW imperfection, deficiency, weakness, inadequacy,


indicate, suggest, anticipate. FORESIGHT forethought, vision, anticipation, prudence, care, caution, precaution. FOREWORD preface, introduction, prologue, preamble. FORFEIT lose, be deprived of, sacrifice; punishment. FORGE form, build, establish. FORGO do without, give up, renounce, surrender. FORMER first-mentioned, first. FORTH out, outside, away, ahead, forward, onwards, until now. FORTHCOMING imminent, ready, available. FORTHRIGHT frank, direct, honest, straightforward, sincere. FORTHWITH immediately, at once, instantly, promptly. FOSTER encourage, promote, stimulate. FOUNDER originator, creator, father, architect, developer. FREE REIN freedom. FRINGE perimeter, border, edge. FRUITION fulfilment, realization, success, completion, conclusion. FULFIL achieve, attain, perform, accomplish, meet, satisfy, comply with, conform to. FULFILLED satisfied. FURNISH supply, provide, equip, give, offer. FURTHER


also, additionally, in addition, besides. FURTHERMORE moreover, further, additionally, besides.

GAZE stare, look fixedly, scrutinize; regard, inspection, scrutiny. GLANCE look briefly. GLIMPSE glance, brief look. GLOW shine, radiate; radiance, light, pleasure, satisfaction. GLOWER glare, give a someone a black look. GNAW torment. GRANT allow, accord, permit, give, award, bestow on, provide with, admit, accept, concede. GRASP hold, understand, comprehend, follow. GRIP hold. GROSS obese, corpulent; earn, make.

HANDFUL a few, a small number. HANDICAP disability, defect. HANDSOME good-looking, attractive, elegant, substantial, considerable. HARBOUR dock, haven, refuge, safe; hide, protect.


HARNESS equipment; control, exploit, utilize, use, make use of. HENCE consequently, therefore, thus, so, accordingly. HENCEFORTH from now on, hence, subsequently, hereafter. HEREAFTER from now on, after this. HIGHLIGHT high point; underline, call attention to. HINDRANCE impediment, obstacle, inconvenience. barrier, restriction, limitation, complication, difficulty,

HINT clue, suggestion, inkling, tip; imply, insinuate, suggest, indicate. HITHERTO previously, formerly, earlier, before, so far, until now. HOOP ring, circle, loop. HOWEVER nevertheless, nonetheless, but, still, yet, though, although, despite that, anyway. HUGE enormous, vast, immense, large, massive, colossal. HUMBLE respectful, submissive, modest, poor, ignoble, ordinary; humiliate, demean, degrade, defeat, beat.

IMPAIR have a negative effect on, damage, harm, diminish. IMPAIRMENT disability, abnormality, defect, dysfunction. IMPENDING imminent. INCREASINGLY progressively. INCURSION attack, invasion.


INDEED as expected. INEPT incompetent. INGENIOUS inventive, creative, original, innovative, intelligent. INNERMOST central, middle, internal; deepest, private, secret, hidden. INSET something inserted, a small picture, map, inserted within the border of a larger one. INSIGHT intuition, discernment, perception. INSURE provide insurance for, assure, protect, guarantee, warrant. INTERLOCK interconnect, interlink, engage, mesh, join, unite, connect. INTERSPERSE mix, scatter, disperse, spread. INTERVENE occur, happen, take place, get involved, interfere. INVOKE cite, refer to, appeal to.

JUMBLE confusion, mess.

KINDLE light, ignite, stimulate, inspire, stir (up), excite, evoke, provoke, fire. KNIT unite, unify.


incline, have a preference for. LEND loan, let someone use, give, bestow, confer, provide, supply, contribute. LIAISON cooperation, contact, association, connection, collaboration, alliance, mediator, (love) affair, relationship, romance. LIFT raise, boost, improve, enhance, clear, vanish, dissolve, cancel, remove, amplify, raise; elevator, (car) ride, drive, stimulus, push. LIKEN compare, equate, draw an analogy between, link, associate. LOAD delivery, plenty, commitment, fill (up), pack, insert, place. LONER recluse, introvert. LONG lengthy, extensive; yearn, hunger, thirst, be desperate. LOSS mislaying, misplacement, forgetting, deprivation, disappearance. LOUSY awful. LUDICROUS absurd, ridiculous. LUMP piece, mass, block; combine, group, unite. LURE tempt, attract, induce.

MERGE join. MERIT excellence, quality, credit, value, eminence, advantage; deserve, be worth. MILD gentle, tender, sensitive, sympathetic, tranquil, serene, slight, faint, vague. MISFIRE go wrong, fail. MISLEAD 17

deceive, delude, misguide, misinform. MISMATCH inconsistency, contradiction, discrepancy. MISUNDERSTAND misinterpret, misconceive. MOREOVER besides, furthermore, in addition. MORTIFY embarrass, shame, horrify. MOTLEY miscellaneous, varied, diversified, heterogeneous. MUDDLED in a mess, in disorder, confused. MULL ponder, consider, think about, reflect on, contemplate. MUSTER assemble, gather, collect.

NEATLY methodically, systematically, cleverly, elegantly, skilfully, expertly. NEVERTHELESS nonetheless, even so, however, but, still, yet, though, despite that. NEWLY recently. NORMALCY regularity, state of being normal. NOTEWORTHY notable, interesting, significant, important, special, unusual, extraordinary, singular. impressive, outstanding, unique,

NOTWITHSTANDING despite, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, although. NOVEL book; new, original, unusual. NUB central point, core, heart, essence. NUISANCE annoyance, inconvenience, bore, bother, problem, trouble. 18

NULL invalid, cancelled, characterless.

OATH vow, pledge, promise, affirmation, guarantee, dirty word, vulgarity. OBLIVIOUS unaware, unconscious. ON PURPOSE intentionally. ONGOING in progress, going on, taking place, advancing, unfinished. ONSET start, beginning. ONWARD forward, further; advancing, progressing. OUTCLASS surpass, be superior to. OUTCOME result, consequence, conclusion. OUTGROWTH protuberance, swelling, excrescence. OUTLINE profile, form, line, delineation, diagram, sketch, rough idea, thumbnail, summary; define, delineate, draft. OUTLOOK point of view, opinion, expectations. OUTNUMBER exceed in number. OUTPOURING outflowing, flux. OUTSET starting point, beginning. OVERALL general, universal, complete. OVERAWE intimidate, daunt.


OVERBEARING dominating, autocratic, tyrannical, despotic, oppressive. OVERCOME defeat, beat, conquer. OVERLOOK miss, neglect, ignore, have a view of. OVERSTATEMENT exaggeration, overemphasis. OVERTURN turn over, cancel, reverse, overrule, abrogate. OVERWHELM submerge, inundate, defeat, conquer, overcome. OVERWHELMING very large, enormous, immense, very strong, forceful, uncontrollable, compelling. OWING TO because of, due to, as a result of, as a consequence of, thanks to.

PACE step, rate, speed, velocity. PALE post, boundary, improper; white, pallid, light, dim, faint, weak; lose colour, lose significance. PARAMOUNT most important, of greatest importance, uppermost, main, central, major. PAVE THE WAY prepare (the way) for, get ready for, lay the foundations for. PAVE tile, surface, flag. PERTAIN concern, relate to, be connected with, refer to, belong to, exist, prevail. PERVADE permeate, spread through, fill, penetrate. PERVASIVE prevalent, extensive, universal, general. PINPOINT point, spot; precise, strict, exact; identify, determine, discover, detect. PITFALL 20

danger, risk, difficulty. PLAGUE infestation; afflict, torment, trouble. PLASTERING sticking. PLEAD beg, implore, claim, use as an excuse, argue, state. PLEASED grateful, thankful, happy, glad, delighted. PLEASING nice, agreeable, pleasant, friendly. PLEDGE promise, vow, word (of honour), assurance, oath; promise, swear, vow. PLUMB explore, probe, search, examine. PLUNGE dive, jump, throw oneself, fall; drive, jump. PONDER think about, contemplate, consider, reflect on, review. POSE present, create, raise. POSIT postulate, propose, put forward, advance. POSTPONE delay, defer, reschedule. PREACH give a sermon, proclaim, teach. PRECISELY exactly, accurately. PRECLUDE prevent, prohibit. PREJUDICE preconceived idea, bias, harm, damage. PRESUMABLY I presume, I expect, I assume. PREVAIL win, triumph, succeed, overcome. PROBE


investigation; investigate. PROFILE side view, outline, shape, form, figure, description; describe, depict, sketch, outline. PROFIT (financial) gain, earnings, advantage, benefit. PROFITABLE remunerative, beneficial, productive. PRONE susceptible, vulnerable. PROWESS skill, expertise, ability. PUNY undersized, inadequate, insufficient, miserable. PURPORT claim, pretend. PURPOSE reason, motivation, justification, intention. PURSUE follow, search for, seek, aspire to, hunt, chase, strive for, investigate, examine. PURSUIT aim, goal, objective.

QUARREL argument, disagreement, fight, dispute, wrangle; argue, fight, disagree. QUEER odd, strange, unusual. QUELL put an end to, end, calm, settle, quieten, quiet. QUIESCENT inactive, inert, motionless. QUIRK idiosyncrasy, peculiarity; chance, anomaly, freak. QUOTE recite, repeat, reproduce, cite, mention, refer to.


RAMPANT uncontrolled, intense. RAPT fascinated, captivated, gripped, enchanted, ecstatic. RATHER preferably, quite, a bit, a little, more precisely, instead. REAR bring up, care for, look after, raise, grow; back (part), tail (end). RECALL remember, bring to mind. RECANT renounce, deny, repudiate, forswear, abjure. RECEDE retreat, withdraw, disappear from view, fade into the distance, diminish, decrease, abate, subside. RECKON calculate, compute. RECOIL draw back, jump back, pull back, shrink (back), have an adverse effect on; kick back, kick. RECOURSE option, possibility, alternative. RECOVER recuperate, convalesce, improve, retrieve, recuperate. RECUR happen again, repeat, return, reappear. REGRET be sorry about; remorse, sorrow, guilt, apology. REIN restriction, limitation, control. RELAY broadcast, transmission; transfer, repeat, spread, circulate. RELENT change ones mind, become merciful, agree to something, allow something, concede something. RELENTLESS


persistent, continuing, constant, continual, non-stop, never-ending, unabating, incessant, unceasing, endless, unending. RELUCTANCE unwillingness, hesitation, doubts. RELY depend, count, be confident of. REMARK observation. RENDER give, provide, perform. RESORT holiday destination, recourse to, step, choice, alternative, option. RESOURCE assets, funds, device. RETREAT withdraw, retire, draw back, go out, change ones mind. RIDDLE puzzle, problem, question, enigma, mystery. RIPPLE wavelet, wave, undulation, ripplet, ridge, ruffle. RIVETED fixed, fascinated. ROUGHLY violently, forcefully, harshly, unkindly, brutally, savagely, cruelly, heartlessly, abruptly, approximately, around. RULE OUT refuse, reject.

SAKE purpose, reason. SAVANT intellectual, scholar, sage, philosopher, thinker, master. SCANT little, minimal, limited, negligible, insufficient, inadequate. SCARCE in short supply, scant, insufficient, deficient, inadequate. SCRUTINIZE 24

examine, study, investigate. SEEMINGLY apparently. SEQUESTER isolate oneself, hide away. SERENDIPITY good luck, good fortune, fortuity, providence, happy coincidence. SET IN begin, start. SETTLE resolve, solve, fix, work, arrange. SHAFT pole, rod, stick, passage. SHED outhouse; drop, remove, reject, discard, radiate, diffuse, disperse. SHELTER protection, refuge; protect, shield. SHORTLY soon, at any moment, pretty soon. SHROUD covering, cover; envelop, hide, mask, obscure. SHUN avoid, evade, shy away from, keep ones distance from. SIGH breathe out, exhale, rustle, whisper, lament. SIGHT vision, glimpse, opinion. SKETCH (preliminary) drawing, outline, brief description, summary. SLANT slope, incline, distort. SLIP slide, drop, fall; piece of paper. SNAP break, split, crack. SOBER not drunk, serious, sensible, thoughtful; make serious, subdue, calm down. SORT


type, kind, nature, variety, category, class, group; classify, categorize, assemble, systematize. SORTIE foray, charge, offensive, attack, assault, onset, mission, operation. SOUNDNESS wholeness, firmness, stability, validity, trustworthiness. SPARKLING effervescent, fizzy, brilliant, vivacious, vibrant, lively, animated. SPOIL damage, impair, blemish, disfigure, injure, harm, ruin, destroy. SPOTLIGHT public eye; focus attention on. SPREAD open out, scatter, disperse, disseminate; expansion, propagation. SPUR stimulus, incentive; stimulate, encourage. SQUEEZE compress, extract. STAGGER walk unsteadily; amaze, astound, astonish, surprise, startle, stun, daze. STANDPOINT point of view, opinion. STANDSTILL halt, stop. STARK sharp, evident, clear, clear-cut, well focused. STARTLING surprising, astonishing, amazing. STEEP precipitous, abrupt, sharp, expensive, costly, excessive, exorbitant, outrageous, prohibitive. STEM FROM have its origins in, produced by. STEPWISE gradually, in steps. STIPEND salary, allowance. STIRRING arise from, originate from, spring from, be caused by, be


exciting. STRAGGLE walk slowly. STRAIGHTFORWARD uncomplicated, simple, easy, effortless, undemanding STRAND filament. STREAM jet, flow, efflux, succession, series. STRESS emphasis, importance; emphasize. STRETCH be elastic, lengthen, prolong. STRIKE hit, smack, beat, collide. STRIKING noticeable, obvious, impressive, amazing. conspicuous, evident, notable, remarkable, astonishing,

STRING ALONG go along, accompany, join (up with). STRING cord, chain, series, succession, sequence, conditions, qualifications; hang, suspend. STRINGENT severe, firm, rigid. STRIVE try, attempt, endeavour, aim, venture. STUN daze, stupefy, astound, amaze, astonish. SUBSIDE quieten down, calm, recede, soften, abate. SUBTLETY delicacy, subtleness. SUFFICE be enough, be sufficient. SUIT adjust, adapt, modify, fit. SUMMON call for, request the presence of; ask, invite.


SUPPRESS subdue, repress, defeat, conquer, control, contain, censor, hide. SURFEIT excess, abundance. SURMISE guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, conclude, speculate. SURMOUNT overcome, conquer, prevail. SURPASS excel, exceed, transcend, outshine, overshadow. SURPLUS excess, profusion, plethora, additional. SWAY shake, oscillate, govern; oscillation. SWINDLE defraud, cheat, trick, deceive; fraud, deception, artifice.

TACIT implicit. TACKLE get to work on, confront. TAKEOVER buy out, purchase, acquisition. TANTAMOUNT equivalent to, equal to, as good to, much the same as, comparable to. TARNISH discolour, dishonour, harm, damage, ruin, disgrace. THEREFORE consequently, so, as a result, hence, thus, accordingly. THEREFROM from hereon, from this point. THEREIN in that respect. THEREOF from this, so, thus. THOUGH in spite of the fact that, although. 28

THREAD filament, fibre, strand, stripe, line, strip, direction, train of thought; pass, work, ease, push, weave ones way, make ones way. THRIVE prosper, flourish, advance, succeed. THROUGHOUT all over, in every part of. THRUST push, force, stick, drive, propel. THUMBNAIL concise, short, succinct, to the point, compact. TO NO AVAIL in vain, without success, fruitlessly, for nothing. TORN ripped, irresolute, uncertain, unsure, undecided, in two minds. TOUGH durable, strong, solid, robust, hard, arduous, difficult. TOWARDS in the direction of, shortly before, around, with regard to. TRAIT characteristic, attribute, feature. TREASURE riches, valuables, valuable object; cherish, prize, adore, be devoted to. TREK journey, trip; walk, travel. TREND tendency, inclination; move, incline, tend. TRIGGER lead to, generate, begin, start.

UBIQUITOUS omnipresent, ever-present, everywhere. UBIQUITY omnipresence. ULTIMATE eventual, final, concluding, consequent, fundamental, basic, elementary.


ULTIMATELY eventually, in the end, finally, fundamentally, basically, essentially. UNCOVER expose, reveal, unveil. UNDERESTIMATE undervalue. UNDERGO go through, experience, undertake, face, endure. UNDERNEATH under, beneath, below. UNERRING infallible, perfect. UNEVEN irregular, unequal, asymmetrical, inconsistent, variable, unfair, unjust. UNFLATTERING unfavourable, unattractive. UNITE unify, join, combine, merge, mix, blend. UNKNOWINGLY without knowledge or awareness. UNLIKELY improbable, unrealistic. doubtful, implausible, questionable, unconvincing, far-fetched,

UNSETTLE discompose, upset, disturb, destabilize. UNSETTLED aimless, purposeless, troubled, variable, uncertain, undecided. UNSURPASSED unmatched, incomparable. UNTIDY messy, disordered. UNVEIL reveal. UPHEAVAL disruption, disturbance, trouble, confusion. UPHOLD confirm, endorse, sustain, approve, support, maintain, preserve, protect, keep. UPRIGHT vertical, perpendicular, straight.


UPWARD rising, on the rise, ascending, climbing, mounting. UPWARDS up, upward, uphill, to the top. URGE encourage, exhort, enjoin, entreat, implore, appeal to, beg, advise, counsel, recommend; desire, wish, need, compulsion. USHER lead, conduct, guide. UTMOST greatest, highest, maximum, most, uttermost, supreme, paramount, furthest, furthermost. UTTER complete, total, absolute, perfect. UTTERLY completely, totally, absolutely, entirely, altogether.

VOW oath, pledge, promise, assurance; swear, pledge, promise.

WAGER bet. WANDER walk, stray, depart, diverge, deviate, digress, get lost, lose ones way, wind, twist. WARD OFF repeal, repulse. WARD room, department, division WEALTH prosperity, means, fortune; abundance, profusion. WEAR AND TEAR wastage, depreciation. WHATSOEVER whatever.


WHENCE from which. WHEREAS since, inasmuch as, while. WHEREIN within, in the place which; where. WHEREVER in any place that. WHET sharpen, stimulate, trigger, inspire. WHITTLE shape, model, reduce, diminish, weaken, compromise, impair. WHOLEHEARTED committed, positive, emphatic, devoted, dedicated, enthusiastic. WHOLESALE extensively, on a large scale, indiscriminately; extensive. WHOLLY completely, totally, absolutely, entirely, exclusively, solely. WIDESPREAD general, universal, worldwide. WIGGLE jiggle, wag, shake, twist. WISHAP accident, problem, difficulty, failure. WITHSTAND resist, survive, endure, face, confront. WITLESS foolish, stupid, unintelligent. WITNESS observer, spectator, proof, testimony. WORRISOME worrying. WORTHWHILE valuable, useful. WOUND injury, insult.


XEROX photocopy, copy, duplicate, reproduction.

YEARN long, pine, desire, want, wish. YELL cry out, call out, scream; cry, shout. YET so far, thus far, until now, right now, already, nevertheless, nonetheless, however, still, even, further, besides.

ZOOM speed, rate.


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