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Your Compulsory Treatment Plan is being reviewed

When you move in to the Disability Forensic Assessment and Treatment Service (called DFATS) a treatment plan is made for you. The treatment plan sets out the help and supports you get while living at DFATS. The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (called VCAT) will review your treatment plan. A review is when something is looked at again to see if it needs any changes.

You have the right to ask VCAT to review your treatment plan at any time.

What is a treatment plan? The treatment plan is to help you to get ready for your future living in the community again. The treatment plan is to help you so when you move back to the community you will be safe and other people will be safe. The treatment plan is to help you be a new person who does not hurt other people in the future.

A treatment plan says: what help you will get how this help will be good for you what restrictions and rules are placed on you when and how you get to visit the community how you move from DFATS to living in the community again.

What happens next? VCAT will hold a hearing (a meeting) to help it decide if your treatment plan is a good plan to help you be a safer person. VCAT can also make changes to your treatment plan. You can ask a lawyer to help you tell VCAT what things you want in your plan. A lawyer may be able to help you for free. Speak to a lawyer Call: Victoria Legal Aid on 9269 0120 Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service on 1800 014 111 Your support workers can help you speak to a lawyer.

Need more information? Your support workers can help you call: Office of the Senior Practitioner on 9096 8427 Office of the Public Advocate on 1300 309 337

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