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Running head: BSN PROGRAM OUTCOMES Theoretical Base for Practice Integrate theories and knowledge from the

arts, humanities, sciences and nursing to develop a foundation for nursing practice. (Ferris State University, 2011) In my perspective theoretical base for practice is adopting and incorporating a nursing theory into my everyday practice. At this time I will need to think about what I do daily and research the nursing theories to see which one I closely follow. I will then fully encompass the theory and shift my daily workflow to implement the process. I will provide documentation of my workflow processes that demonstrate my use of the nursing theory or theories. I will also provide any research papers that may be completed throughout the BSN program that utilize or reference any nursing theory. The documentation shall clearly show my understanding of the nursing theory and how it affects my professional practice.

BSN PROGRAM OUTCOMES Reference Ferris State University. (January, 2011). BSN Program Outcomes. Retrieved from

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