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Classroom Management Plan Maintaining a positive and distraction free learning environment will be the first and most

important implementation to my classroom when I get one of my own. While I do not consider myself a tough disciplinarian, I do demand that they listen to me when I am talking, and respect me, my class and my rules. Once I have implemented those rules, I feel like I will be able to keep a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Until my classroom management is in place, I feel I will have to be tough, fair and consistent so that they know what I expect from each and every student. This is especially important with high school age students that I will be teaching. First action will be a visual or proximity warning to the student(s) involved. Depending on the student(s), most will get the point when I enter their space and let them know that I am aware of their behavior. This is a effort to stop unwanted behavior without calling a student out in front of the class. Second action will be a verbal warning. Calling a student out by name if they continue to act out will make them aware, without fail that they need to address their behavior. Third action will be a removal from class. I will ask the student to steep out into the hall to remove the distraction. I will discuss the student behavior with them and make them aware that this is the last chance to turn around their actions. Encouragement and understanding may help them change their attitude with a polite conversation. A call home to parents may follow if this is a repeat offense, or if I feel that the conversation was not successful with the student. The fourth and last action will be a referral to the dean. This is a last resort, when I have exhausted all other forms of corrective action for the student. I prefer to take care of behavioral issues in class, but if necessary I will use this to remove a problem student from the situation.

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