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Exercises: Transcribe the following phrases and sentences allophonically. 1. Put pen to paper. 2. A top ten player. 3.

Stop now. 4. Japanese spoken. 5. About a boy, by Nick Hornby. 6. Bob Thomas is at the pub. 7. Hes a lab technician. 8. Tony and Tim. 9. Meet Jane at Daves. 10. We were at the theatre at three. 11. Try again. 12. I bought the curtains in Britain. 13. I left the bottle next to the kettle. 14. Lets study together. 15. What a dirty city. (GA) 16. Lady Diana died tragically. 17. Don tried to help me. 18. Its bed time. 19. The children stood there. 20. A bad dream. 21. Gordons in the back garden. 22. Light a candle, please. 23. The king came into his castle. 24. Acting is actually attractive. 25. Darkness. / Thickness. Top model. 32. John invited the judge in June. 33. Janis Jones. 34. Franks flying back at four. 35. My sister Vivian lives in Venice. 36. Of course Ill visit Victor. 37. Smith thought it over thoroughly. 38. The other day they went to the movies. 39. This is not theirs. 40. My sister Susan and her cats. 41. We visited the zoo on Wednesday. 42. Those two chairs. 43. Im sure Shirley washed her hands. 44. Leisure and pleasure. 45. In the garage. 46. Hello, honey. 47. Mom and Betsy. 48. I cant see Nathan. 49. On Thursday. 50. In Venice on Friday. 51. In Greece and Canada. 52. Singing along. 53. Low value. 54. Play with Clair. 55. He always helped people. 56. Good health. 57. Drive to this address. 58. Bring red roses. 59. Try praying on the cruise. 60. You look younger. 61. Pure and cute. 62. Wet weather.

26. I took a book from school. 27. Shes a gorgeous, very good-looking girl. 28. Thank God. 29. A log cabin. 30. Big mouth. 31. Hes taking a picture of the church.

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