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Revolution of the Heart

In this era of service robots and super-scientific gadgetry, we, human beings have almost completely controlled our environment. We have become little gods: We have achieved the impossible - we have processed test tube babies, altered weather conditions, assembled space stations, explored other planets. Ironically, we have not learned to control our whole being, our inner selves. While proclaiming to the whole world our/my desire for peace, we scramble for power and supremacy and harbor greed, deceit, and distrust in our hearts. Will this ever come to an end? Yes, but only if we redefine our goals and rethink our values and attitudes. Yes, if we shift our emphasis on material things to those of the spirit. Yes, if there is moral regeneration - a revolution of the heart. Only when there is a revolution from within - in consonance with God's grand design - can there be hope for the future. Only when we act according to His Will can our lives have true meaning. We or even I aim to open our hearts to this inner revolution. True, conquering other people and other worlds is proof of power, but conquering ourselves is a far greater achievement. For what will it profit us if we gain the whole world yet we lose our own souls.

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