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Kalium Durule




5 6

Vitamin B Complex Combivent

Patients Initials: A.M. Age: 48 years old Diagnosis: CHF III 2o Thyrotoxic Heart Disease MR NTG Acute gastritis AF RUR

Drug Features



Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Kalium Durule



Most Common

Adverse Effects PRE: Do

Prevention Brand Name: Potassium Chloride correction potassium

and of

Contraindicated with allergy to tartrazine, aspirin (tartrazine is found in some preparations marketed as

Nausea Vomiting, Diarrhea Abdomina l discomfort

Rash GI obstructio n

handwashing to cross contamination Check for the doctors order Check the for the age of the prevent

deficiency; when associated with use

Classification: Electrolytic and

alkalosis, potassium

GI bleeding

water chloride; associated acidosis,

when with use

Kaon-Cl, KlorCon) Severe renal impairment with oliguria, anuria,

balance agent

GI ulceration or perforatio n

patient Check for the gender of the patient Provide the

Prescribed Dosage: 2 tablets

potassium acetate, (20 bicarbonate, citrate, or

mEq) x TID



10R for giving


Untreated Addisons

mia increased serum K+ ECG changes (peaking of T waves, loss of P waves, depressio n of ST segment, prolongati on of QTc

medication Identify patients name Assess patients condition Ask for any

Route: Oral

Mechanism of Action

disease; hyperkalemia; adynamia

Form: Tablet

Principal intracellular cation body of most

episodica hereditaria; acute dehydration; heat cramps GI disorders that delay passage in the GI tract. Special Concern: of

drug allergy


participates in a number physiologic processes maintaining intracellular tonicity, transmission nerve of

INTRA: Take drug

after meals or with food and a full glass of water decrease upset. Arrange serial for serum to GI

Use cautiously with cardiac disorders, especially if treated with digitalis, pregnancy,


impulses, of


cardiac, skeletal, and muscle, smooth

potassium levels and before during

maintenance normal function;

of renal also


therapy. Caution patient not to chew or crush tablets; have

plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism and

patient swallow tablet whole. Arrange for

various enzymatic reactions.

further dilution or dose

reduction if GI effects severe are


CLIENT/FAMILY TEACHING Take the drug as prescribed; do not take

more Do salt


prescribed. not use

substitutes. It may find wax matrix capsules in

the stool. The wax matrix is not absorbed in the GI tract. Have periodic blood and Report experiencing these effects: Nausea, vomiting, side tests medical

evaluation. if

diarrhea (taking drugs the with

meals, diluting them further

may help). Report tingling of the hands or unusual tiredness weakness, feeling heaviness the severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, black or tarry stools, of in or feet,


Patients Initials: A.M. Age: 48 years old Diagnosis: CHF III 2o Thyrotoxic Heart Disease MR NTG Acute gastritis AF RUR

Drug Features



Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Ceftriaxone



Most Common

Adverse Effects PRE: Inspect

Lower respiratory Brand Name: Rocephin infections caused by Streptococcus pneumonia, Classification: Antibiotic Staphylococcus aureus, Klbsiella, Haemophilus Prescribed Dosage: 2g influenza, Escherichia coli,

Contraindicated with allergy to cephalosporins or penicillins

Nausea Vomiting, Diarrhea Abdomina l Pain Pain at injection site.

Headache Dizziness Hepatotox icity Decrease d WBC , HCT, Platelet count

and the


intravenous insertion for signs site of

infections. Take vital signs baseline. Determine for allergies to for

Special Concern:

Use cautiously with renal failure.

Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter

Route: IV

aerogenes, Serratia marscens,

Use cautiously with cardiac disorders,

medications after doing

skin testing

Form: Liquid

Hemophilus parainfluenzae, Streptococcus.

especially if treated with digitalis, pregnancy,

Check compatibility of the

medications and IV fluid. Assemble equipments and supplies. Check the label on the medication and with medical orders. Wash hands and compare the

Mechanism of Action


Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall, causing cell death

observe other appropriate infection control procedures.

Prepare the medication.

INTRA: Identify the injection port

closest to the client. Clean the port with an antiseptic swab. Stop IV flow the by the or the above injection

closing clamp pinching tubing the port.

Slowly inject medication and release it. the


CLIENT/FAMILY TEACHING Tell patient to promptly

report adverse reactions and sign symptoms infection. Tell patient to notify if and of


loose stools or diarrhea occur.

Instruct patient to

report pain on the IV site.

Patients Initials: A.M. Age: 48 years old Diagnosis: CHF III 2o Thyrotoxic Heart Disease MR NTG Acute gastritis AF RUR

Drug Features



Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Spironolactone Brand Name: Aldactone



Most Common

Adverse Effects PRE: Do

Diagnosis maintenance primary

and of

Anuria Hyperkalemia Acute or progressive renal insufficiency

Weakness Paresthes ia

Fluid or electrolyte imbalance

handwashing to cross contamination Check for the doctors order prevent

Classification: Potassiumsparing diuretic, Aldosterone antagonist

hyperaldosteronis m Adjunctive

Diarrhea Abdomina l discomfort

Gynecom astia

therapy in edema associated CHF, with


Addisons disease.

tachycardi Check the for a the age of the patient hypotensi on Check for the gender of the patient Provide hyperkale the

syndrome, hepatic when cirrhosis other are or

Drowsine ss,

Prescribed Dosage: 1

therapies inadequate

headache ,


tablet inappropriate

10R for giving

(100mg) x BID Treatment Route: Oral hypokalemia prevention hypokalemia Form: Tablet patients of or of in who

hyponatre mia

mia confusion hirsutism mental disturbanc es menstrual irregulariti es

medication Identify patients name Assess patients condition Ask for any

would be at high risk hypokalemia occurred: if

drug allergy


Digitalized patients, patients with cardiac arrhythmia


loss of libido and impotence .

doses early so that increased urination does not interfere

with sleep. Measure and record regular weight monitor mobilization of to

Essential hypertensi on, usually in combinatio

n other drugs


edema fluid. Avoid food giving rich in

potassium. Mechanism Action of Arrange regular evaluation Spironolactone acts on the distal renal tubules as a competitive antagonist aldosterone. increases excretion sodium of It the of chloride CLIENT/FAMILY TEACHING Be aware that the maximal POST: serum electrolytes and BUN. of for

and water while conserving potassium hydrogen and ions

diuretic effect may not occur until third day of therapy and that diuresis

may continue for 23 d after drug withdrawn. Report of hyponatremia or hyperkalemia, most likely to occur patients severe cirrhosis. Avoid replacing fluid losses with in with signs is

large amounts of free water (can result in dilutional hyponatremia)

Weight times

2 3 each

week. Report gains/loss of 5 lbs. Do not drive or engage in potentially hazardous activities until response the Avoid excessive intake of highpotassium foods and salt substitutes. drug to is


Patients Initials: A.M. Age: 48 years old Diagnosis: CHF III 2o Thyrotoxic Heart Disease MR NTG Acute gastritis AF RUR

Drug Features



Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Cefixime



Most Common

Adverse Effects PRE: Check for the doctors order Check for the age patient Check for the gender of the patient Provide the of the

Uncomplicated Brand Name: Suprax UTI, otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, Classification: Beta-Lactam antibiotic; thirdgeneration cephalosporin Cefixime thirdPrescribed Dosage: 200 gram x BID is a . Mechanism Action of bronchitis. and



Diarrhea, loose or frequent stools

Skin rashes Hives Fever Itching Facial swelling Elevated liver enzymes level jaundice liver inflammati

known allergy to the cephalosporin group antibiotics, severe reaction of

abdominal pain nausea stomach upset flatulence

to penicillin.

10R for giving medication Identify patients name Assess patients


cephalosporin. As a beta-lactam

antibiotic like the

penicillins, Route: Oral mainly bactericidal.


is It


condition for any

Headache Ask Dizzines Seizures Genital itching vaginal inflammati on/fungal infection and skin disorders. INTRA: Take

drug allergy Have a skin test before

inhibits the third Form: Tablet and final stage of bacterial cell wall synthesis preferentially binding to specific penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) by

administration Check for IV insertion before administration site

located inside the bacterial cell wall.


after meals or with food and a full glass of water decrease upset. to GI


Report loose stools diarrhea during therapy for weeks Older patients especially susceptible to pseudo membranous colitis. drug and or

several after. adult are

Patients Initials: A.M. Age: 48 years old Diagnosis: CHF III 2o Thyrotoxic Heart Disease MR NTG Acute gastritis AF RUR

Drug Features



Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Vitamin B Complex



Most Common

Adverse Effects PRE: Determine

Vitamin complex

B is in

Vitamin complex

B should

Rash itching or swelling (especiall y of the face/tong ue/throat

peripheral vascular thrombosi s

reticulocyte count, hct, Vit. B12, folate before iron, levels

Brand Name: Surbex

indicated following diseases,

not be used in hypersensitivity to any of the

Classification: Vitamins and Minerals Prescribed Dosage: 1 tab x TID

manifesting with a vitamine deficiency: neuritis; alcohol toxic, post infectious . and B

vitamins, containing in the preparation, as

heart failure

beginning therapy. Obtain a

severe diz ziness trouble breathing

transient diarrhea

well as in patients with 2-nd or 3-rd degree arterial

sensitivity test history before

pulmonar y edema

administration. Avoid I.V.


Route: Oral


administration because faster

polyneuriti Form: Tablet s paresthesi a atheroscler osis Wernickes encephalo pathy vegetative neurosis glositis colitis hepatitis chronic alcohol abuse

transitory exanthem a

systemic elimination will reduce effectiveness


of vitamin.

INTRA: Dont give

large doses of vitamin B12

routinely; drug is lost through excretion. Dont parenteral preparation in same syringe with drugs. other mix


asthenia anemia intoxication s.

TEACHING Protect B12 light. Vit. from Dont

refrigerate or freeze. Monitor

Mechanism Action




hypokalemia for first 48 as

A coenzyme that stimulate metabolic function needed and for is cell

hours, anemia

correct itself. Give potassium supplements, as needed.

replication, hematopoiesis, and nucleoprotein and synthesis myelin

Patients Initials: A.M. Age: 48 years old Diagnosis: CHF III 2o Thyrotoxic Heart Disease MR NTG Acute gastritis AF RUR

Drug Features



Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Combivent To Brand Name: Albuterol



Most Common

Adverse Effects PRE: Do


Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to albuterol;

Restlessn ess,

Apprehensi on

handwashing to cross prevent

bronchospasm associated with

acute or chronic Classification: Bronchodilator (respiratory asthma, bronchitis, other or

Drowsine ss

anxiety fear, CNS stimulatio n

contamination Check for the doctors order Check the for the age of the patient Check for the gender of the

tachyarrhythmias, tachycardia caused digitalis intoxication; generalanesthesi a halogenated hydrocarbons or with . by reversible

Irritability Weaknes Sweatin

smooth muscle obstructive airway relaxant) diseases. Also

used to prevent Prescribed Dosage: 1.25mg/3mL Mechanism of exercise-induced bronchospasm.

Tremor Hyperkine sia

patient Provide the


10R for giving

Route: Oral




Pallor flushing

medication Identify patients name

insufficiency, Synthetic CAD; Special Concern:

Form: Tablet

sympathomimetic amine moderately selective adrenergic agonist comparatively long action. Acts more prominently on beta2 receptors (particularly smooth muscles with beta2and

Heartburn Assess patients unusual or taste mouth bad in condition Ask for any

History of CVA; COPD w/ DHD. patients

drug allergy Assess lung



Increased incidence of leiomyo mas of

sounds, pulse, & BP before administration & during peak of medication. Note amount,

with DM (large IV doses aggravate diabetes ketoacidosis); hyperthyroidism History of seizure disorders. & can

uterus when given higher than human doses in

color, character sputum produced.

& of

of bronchi, uterus, and vascular

supply to skeletal muscles) than on beta1 (heart) receptors.

in Monitor pulmonary function tests





studies. Respirator y difficulties Pulmonar y edema Cough Bronchos pasm Paradoxic al airway resistance with repeated Excessive use of

before initiating therapy periodically throughout course determine effectiveness of medication. to &

effect on alphaadrenergic receptors. Inhibits histamine release by mast cells.

INTRA: Observe paradoxical bronchospasm( wheezing). condition occurs, hold medication and physician other notify or health with If for

inhalation preparatio

ns Vertigo Headache Nervousne ss Convulsio n Hallucinati on Insomnia

care professional immediately. Instruct mother to take missed dose as soon as

remembered spacing remaining doses at regular Do

intervals. not doses increase frequency doses.

double or the of





mother not to smoke near

the child & to avoid respiratory irritants. Advise mother rinse the to the

childs mouth with after inhalation dose minimize mouth. to dry water each

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