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Masque Mask

(Illusion/Phantasm) Level: 1st Range: 0 Components: V, S Area of Effect: The caster's face Casting Time: 1 Duration: 2 or 3 rounds Saving Throw: None This spell is used by drow wizards who wish to conceal their identities for a short encounter or momentary sighting. It works only on living flesh, and only on a caster with a face (although all faces, if the caster has more than one, are affected). The masque mask transforms the surface appearance of the caster's facial features into a shifting blur, studded with eyes. The caster's own eyes -however many currently have sight - will appear in their customary locations and with their usual appearance (that is, a mage blind in one eye will only display the "good" eye; and one with more than two eyes will show them all, even if trying to conceal the fact with eyepatches or shutting eyes during this spell). This effect cannot foil true seeing or any magic that penetrates illusions, and in any case lasts only for 2 or 3 rounds (even roll = 2 rounds, odd = 3 rounds; the caster has no control over duration). The spell does not conceal hair hue or cut, general skin coloration, ear shapes, and so on, and is therefore seldom able to conceal the race of the caster. The spell's name comes from its use at revels, to conceal the caster's identity when unmasked -but it is more often used when fleeing a crime scene, or while perpetrating a crime.

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