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Activity 2

When the torch is moved nearer to the battery, the shadow of the battery gets BIGGER. Therefore, the shadow of the battery gets smaller when the torch is moved further away from it. Compare our shadows at 12pm in the mid-noon and that at 6pm in the evening. Our shadows are the shortest at 12pm because the sun is furthest away from us then, as it is high up in the sky. The sun is nearer to us when it starts setting at around 6pm in the evening. Thus, our shadows will be longer at that time.

Activity 2
Instead of moving the torch nearer to the object, we now move the object nearer to the torch. You will still get a BIG shadow nevertheless. When the screen is moved further away from the object with the torch remains at a fixed position, the shadow of the object gets smaller. This is because the screen is now further away from the light source.

Activity 2


The nearer the source of light is to the object, the Bigger and Wider its shadow is.

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