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Chapter 22 (fair warning: this is a long chapter!!

): The Joads are at the Weedpatch camp, a government-sponsored camp for migrant workers. Annotate physical descriptions of the camp. Annotate information about how the Weedpatch camp is runwho makes the rules? Who cleans the camp? What is Mr. Thomas doing to his workers? Why? Annotate the information Mr. Thomas gives the characters about the squatters camp, and about what will happen on Saturday night. Next, annotate WHY these things are happeningwhat is Mr. Thomass explanation? Annotate Ma Joads reactions to the Ladies Committee coming to visit. What does she do? Why do you think so? Note your ideas in the margins. Annotate Rose of Sharons excitement in this chapter. Ma responds with a paragraph starting Were Joads Annotate the most important ideas in this paragraphwhy does Ma like being in the Weedpatch camp? Write your ideas in the margins. Annotate the brown womans story, told to Rose of Sharon. Annotate the little white-clad managers responsewhat is the actual reason the women lost their babies? Annotate the reason sanitary unit 4 has been running out of toilet paper so quickly. Annotate how the Ladies Committee responds when they know the real reason. Pay close attention to anything you learn about charity and dignity in the committees responsewhy are the women helpful? Note your idea in the margins.

Chapter 24: - Annotate the tone and the responses to the upcoming dance. o How do the workers feel about the dance? o What is supposed to happen at the dance? o What do Tom and the twenty young men do to save the dance? - Annotate the important ideas discussed about wages between Pa and Uncle John. o What is the moral conundrum each migrant worker has to face when offered a certain wage? - At the end of the chapter, Black Hat mentions the Akron factory workers and their condition. o What do the Akron workers do? o How is their situation different than the migrant workers? o Annotate the mens reaction to his story. Chapter 26: o Why does the family decide to leave the Weedpatch campt when they all like it so much? o What does Ma do to try to cheer up Rose of Sharon? Any symbolism here? o On the road, Al talked about his dream. What is it? o When they get to Hooper Ranch, what makes Tom curious? How do the police respond? o Why is Toms first box of peaches rejected by the checker? o What does Ma find at the company store? How does the clerk help her? How does she respond to his kindness? o When Tom meets Casy, what does he find out about the situation causing the disturbance outside the camp? o What happens to Casy and why? How does Tom react? What happens to him? o What is Mas greatest concern when Tom talks about leaving? o Which of Casys projections comes true? o Why does Ma decide the family needs to leave the ranch? How do they accomplish sneaking out Tom? o When Tom sees the signs for cotton pickers, what plan does the family make?

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