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Bayesian statistics is a subset of the field of statistics in which the evidence about the true state of the world

is expressed in terms of degrees of belief or , more specifically, Bayesian probabilities. Such an interpretation is only one of a number of interpretations of probability and there are many other statistic al techniques that are not based on "degrees of belief". Outline The general set of statistical techniques can be divided into a number of activi ties, many of which have special "Bayesian" versions. Statistical inference Main article: Bayesian inference Bayesian inference is an approach to statistical inference, that is distinct fro m frequentist inference. It is specifically based on the use of Bayesian probabi lities to summarise evidence. Statistical modelling The formulation of statistical models for use in Bayesian statistics has the add itional feature, not present with other types of statistical techniques, of requ iring the formulation of a set of prior distributions for any unknown parameters . Such prior distributions are as much part of the statistical model as the part that expresses the probability distribution of observations given the model par ameters. The specification of a set of prior distributions for a problem may inv olve hyperparameters and hyperprior distributions.

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