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Hypertext, Hypermedia and Multimedia.

Almost the 100% of computers users use this part of technology but what are they? Hypertext is a series of links designed to connect extra information in immediately access that is given in text, particular identified by blue and underline fonts, just clicking on it user can access to more info. This hypertext can be from any nature depending of the author or the sense of the main text. In simple words is an easy way to share information in a flexible connection on Internet.

Hypermedia is considered a great technology advance or a logical extension of hypertext because it involves several resources from various natures but no text info. It can involve an image with a sound or a word with its pronunciation in any foreign language. This resources or media resources like sound, images, animation or video are used in pedagogical and methodological aspects, also these media can improve the presentation for being more attractive, colourful and less stressful. It is a nonlinear mean of communication




Multimedia basically it involves two types of media very similar than hypermedia this feature is simple structured for an easy understanding, the multimedia can be a tool for every single person or for big educational or non-education institutions, on educational field the use of multimedia allows to develop distance educational programs, one important aspect of multimedia is the selections of link or material which ones are selected and based on the perception of the program design and not mirror on learners needs.



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