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Get Noticed in a Noisy World

The Innovate Conference
Franklin, Tennessee
Michael Hyatt
Friday, March 29, 2013

You are on __________________.

All the world is a


But that stage is very crowded:

Fact: There are more than ______________________________ blogs.


Fact: There were more than _____________________ books published last

year. Amazon has more than ______________________________ books in its
Fact: There are thousands of radio and television shows.
Fact: There was more user-generated video uploaded to YouTube in the last
______ days than the three major networks produced in the first _______
years of their existence.
A platform is: ! ________________________________________________________

More video uploaded to YouTube

in the last 60 days
than the 3 major
networks produced in TVs first
60 years.


Get the slides and related resources at

Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

I got interested in platform-building because of three experiences:

1. Experience #1: ! _____________________________________________________
2. Experience #2: ! _____________________________________________________
3. Experience #3: ! _____________________________________________________
Heres how my blog traffic grew:

Average Monthly Unique Visitors











Four observations about this graph:

1. Observation #1: I blogged for _____ years before I broke 1,000 readers a

Michael Hyatt

2. Observation #2: I hit a big _______________________ _________________ in

Because I was blogging more ________________________.
Because a few __________ ____________________ picked me up.

Most people quit

right before they
are about to succeed!


Because I began using ____________________ _______________.

3. Observation #3: I built a platform before I ____________________ ______.
4. Observation #4: It could have done it faster today if I had known
____________ ____________ ___ ______________ _________.
A platform provides you with four benefits:
1. Benefit #1: ___________________________________.
2. Benefit #2: ___________________________________.
3. Benefit #3: ___________________________________.
4. Benefit #4: ___________________________________.

The Platform Framework

It used to be that someone else owned the platform. You couldnt get access to it,
unless you could get past the _________________________________. Social media
changed all that. Now, for the first time in history, non-celebritiespeople like
you and mecan get noticed in an increasingly noisy world.
Thesis: You can build a powerful, personal platform by taking just five steps:

For the first time

in history, noncelebrities can get
noticed in a noisy


Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Great marketing
only makes a bad
product fail faster.


1. Step #1: Start with ____________.

a. Understand the power of ______________ of _____________.
Never forget:
1) Everyone has a ____________________________.
2) Everyone is connected to ____________________ _____________.
b. Exceed your customers ______________________.
When people encounter your product, they have one of three experiences:
1) ____________________________________
2) ____________________________________
3) ___________________

Perfectionism is
the mother of procrastination.

c. _________________ it!
Remember: ____________________________________ is the mother of procrastination.


2. Step #2: Prepare to ______________________.

a. Accept ___________________ ________________________ for the outcome.
b. Write down specific ___________________.
c. Assemble your ___________ _________________.

3. Step #3: Build your ________________ ________________.

Michael Hyatt

a. Understand the social media __________________________.

This consists of three parts:

People lose their

way when they
lose their why.


1) __________________ ___________________
2) ______________________________
3) ______________________________
b. Focus on your ___________________ __________________.
Option #1: ____________________________ (ex:
Option #2: ____________________________ (ex:
Option #3: ____________________________ (ex:
c. Remember: ________________________ is the new marketing.

4. Step #4: Expand your _____________________.

Content is the
new marketing.


a. Kiss _____________________________ goodbye.

At least the kind that is:

1) ____________________________
2) ____________________________
3) ____________________________________

What if marketing
was just about

b. Share your ______________________.

c. Be __________________________!


Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World

Practice The 20-to-1 Rule.

Generosity is a
brilliant marketing
strategy in the
new economy.

d. Establish your _______________________.

e. Get them to _________________________.


Three Tactics:
1) Tactic #1: Make your sign-up form highly _________________.
2) Tactic #2: Offer an ________________________ for subscribing.
3) Tactic #3: Design a branded _________________ ____________________.

5. Step #5: Engage your __________________.

a. Understand the _______________________.
You have a tribe when you have a group of people who share three characteristics:
1) Characteristic #1: They share your ______________________.
2) Characteristic #2: They are willing to follow your ____________________.
3) Characteristic #2: They have a way of _______________________________
with one another.
Examples include:
____________ __________________ fans
__________________ customers
_____________________ ____________________ enthusiasts

Michael Hyatt

b. Start a _____________________.
You cannot build a tribe by delivering a ____________________________.
No, you build a tribe by leading a ____________________________.
c. __________________________ your platform.

The key to building a platform is to ____________ your ______________ and
The key to building a platform is to
face your fear and

What would a platform make possible?


Youre here today for a ________________________.
This is your _________________.
___________________ your platform.
_________________ ________ on stage.
Were _______________________ on you.

The Next Step

If you are serious about building your platform, check out This is a
members-only website designed to make learning faster and easier. At only $25.00 a month, it provides exclusive information, strategies, and tools you wont find anywhere else.

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