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School Focuses: Literacy, Numeracy, Student Engagement and Attainment, Staff Leadership and Management

Skills Focus: Comprehension: Re-examines sections of texts for evidence to support interpretations and opinions Reading Texts: 1. Reads for sustained periods (20 mins) and sustains understanding in longer texts and shorter novels over several days. 2. Uses text navigation skills such as skimming and scanning to efficiently locate specific information in literary, factual and electronic texts. Vocabulary: Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of new words for new concepts Learning Intention: To read with appropriate rate, accuracy and expression. To learn new vocabulary. Success Criteria: vocabulary identified and defined, expressive reading of text with partner and in front of class, modulates voice whilst reading (up and down, fast and slow, stressed and unstressed), makes inferences from text, responds to text
Pace- Read at the right speed. Phrasing- Chunk the words together into meaningful phrases not Expression- Read with feeling in your voice to suit a character or purpose. Punctuation-Emphasise italics



For whom the bell trolls Touchdown May 1999

Teaching Idea/ Comprehension routine Readers theatre

Teaching and Learning





Hot seating p.41 Hoyt

Videoing 8 volunteers to read play sight unseen. Vocab pre-test Give vocab matching cards between pairs during modelled reading by teacher During modelled reading, pause for prediction modelling and then prompting. Formative assessment with vocabteacher calls word and students simultaneously display meaning card Narrative Pyramid Students demonstrate understanding of the text and develop summarising skills by completing a narrative pyramid. Pair Repeated Reading Students read through the play in pairs with one person at a time reading for 1 minute whilst the other monitors for any

twittering nonchalantly realm sinister bleating fumigate havoc purification obliterate indispensable

Group Partner Whole class



Emma Cambey

School Focuses: Literacy, Numeracy, Student Engagement and Attainment, Staff Leadership and Management

Hoyt p.38

errors and provides feedback. The two swap. This process continues with them reading the same passage again for a minute. Hot seating- students are given role to become an expert on. Warm up with a role walk in which students walk around the room in character and converse with other students/characters near them remaining in character. Each group of character experts are called up one at a time to answer questions from the rest of their class about their characters actions/motives/emotions. The group has time to discuss their characters answer first before one student answers. (See Hoyt p.41 for more detail.)


Making inferences about characters Modelled and then independent completion of the teaching idea which requires students to infer about the characters to determine appropriate adjectives to describe them giving reasons from the text. Modelled and independent completion of The Word and Me demonstrating understanding of new vocabulary Vocabulary post teaching test Fluency post teaching test- Videoing original 8 volunteers to read play. In class reading by all students in groups.

Modelled and independent

Emma Cambey

School Focuses: Literacy, Numeracy, Student Engagement and Attainment, Staff Leadership and Management

twittering nonchalantly realm sinister bleating fumigate havoc purification obliterate indispensable
to utter a succession of small, chirping sounds Unconcerned, indifferent A royal kingdom Evil, threatening The cry of a sheep, goat or calf To treat something with fumes or smoke Great destruction or confusion To make clean To remove all traces of Essential, absolutely necessary

Emma Cambey

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