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Michael Bolerjack The Peter Principal Chapter 7 In the prologue perverse of these my Petrine Successions, There was an Eris,

the thing I thought was she, loved and hated, feared and desired, written over and through, That led to my destruction and night in hell, Not to be described, Out from which the Lord Jesus Christ, by a timely word of intercession pulled me, And I live in horror of those hours, doing penance that I may never know them again, So,

It was with great fear that I saw her name inscribed in the prophecy of the popes, knowing that by intellectual conscience I had to deal with it again, Though so very dangerous to me, And, I think, to everyone, But finding the horror turn up again in that place where Peter the Roman is indicated, I have some hope that the prologue perverse was not an infernal dictation, but that Even there, in a way, God was still in control of me and what I was saying, Though how, I do not know, my mission being now not to question the providences, ever, but to believe in Him and be just an instrument of His Will, Amen.

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