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Michael Bolerjack The Peter Principal Chapter 8 And my friend Jude, the legendary and altogether devoted saint

of the impossible, When turned to, replied Peter, it was not a matter of psychology, no matter what they say, But of your role apocalyptique, for which they wanted you to pay, But not in a just keeping of accounts, rather in the manner of vengeance and spite, and also to stop you from proceeding, For, You yet have many things in store,

As does a world unsuspecting, In that, They adore a man, of whom they say, in wonder, See the act of humility, When he was only doing what is done in every parish, washing and kissing feet, No, He did not go to murderers row, but touched the feet of a few young detainees, barely prisoners, not even criminals, When his namesake, Kissed lepers on the mouth, and this not as an act, not for show of cameras, but in love, and him, the saint, they thought was mad, while the papal imposture is almost thought divine.

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