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Michael Bolerjack The Peter Principal Chapter 9 I went to see my mother I went to see my mother in the afternoon In the

afternoon we talked and prayed And then I went for a walk As a child I walked I walked as a child does I loved the sun I loved the sky I loved everyone the afternoon I walked The afternoon I talked with my mother I went to the store to buy some meat But the meat I found was not so good

It was not as good as what I found As I was leaving the store As I was leaving it was not what I found It was what found me as I left the store A girl of simplicity and beauty and smiles Was handing out flowers to all around I too smiled obliquely and went on my way But she skipped up beside me and said Youre sweet and gave me a white flower An angel with a flower angels long to see I walked home still talking with mother With the flower of heaven held before me Before me went the flower that angels see Angels see such heaven-sent flowers as I see My mother and I talked for hours The day a girl gave me a flower

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