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Jose Solideo 1. The Visiting Forces Agreement is a bilateral agreement consisting an offer and a counter-offer.

One is VFA-1 and the other is VFA 2. The VFA-1 generally talks about U.S government maintaining jurisdiction among U.S. military personnel in the Philippines. In here, the U.S. government has control over jurisdictions on military personnel committing crimes in the Philippines, unless regarding particular and specific areas. VFA-2 talks about the other, to notify Philippine authorities about apprehensions and detentions of Philippine military personnel visiting the U.S. It also talks about requiring consent of Philippine authorities in waiving claims of jurisdiction over the Philippine personnel. 2. Since the shift from the Arroyo administration to the Aquino Administration, the main focus of Pres. Benigno S, Aquino III has been about putting an end to graph and corruption in the Philippines. One of his big efforts in this platform, he established the Truth Commission, a commission to investigate certain issues about corruption allegations against the former administration. Also, several other policies and changes have been made in his current reign such as the No Wang-Wang Policy and the K-12 education. 3. The Five-Year Economic Program of Diosdado Macapagal aimed that the Philippines gain immediate restoration of economic stability, lessen poverty of the citizens and establish a base for future economic growth. It provided social overheads like roads and supported businessmen who need larger capital in putting up a business which is commonly related to integrated steel, fertilizer, canning and tourism.


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