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from the book (Ch. 5 covers Thursday Dec. 16 through Tuesday Dec. 21, 1954) Late Sept. Festinger sees newspaper story about the Seekers Early Oct. First meeting between two of the authors & Mrs. Keech Then all three authors + paid observers infiltrate the group Dec. 4 Group first practices removing all metal from their persons Dec. 17 Morning: outside call leads to preparations for a pickup via spaceship 4pm+: Pickup does not materialize 9pm: Disappointed, the group agrees the afternoon event was just a drill Dec. 18 Midnight: Mrs. Keech learns of another imminent pickup; Preparations commence (e.g., removing metals) 1-3am: Pickup again does not occur; later interpreted as another drill Midday: All believers summoned to the house 7:30pm: Evening meeting Later in the evening: Successful vote of confidence Dec. 19 The group shrinks as a few more members quietly leave Dec. 20 10am: Mrs. Keech receives another message confirming imminent arrival 9:30pm on: preparations (rehearsing passwords, removing all metal, etc.) Dec. 21 Midnight: no appearance, then a reassurance that there was just a delay Early morning: Increasing realization that no spaceship would arrive About 4:45am: Christmas message received About 5-8am: Newspapers all alerted; preparing for media blitz ahead

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