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Supplier Power 1.

Relationships with customers In relationships with customers and suppliers trading company seeks Antibiotics gaining and maintaining a reputation of integrity business partner, reliable and competent, their tender offer therapeutic areas required by the market at a price / quality excellent and favorable commercial conditions. 2. Product/service level quality
ANTIBIOTICE S.A. is the first Romanian pharmaceuticals company that was awarded the GMP (Good Manufacture Practice) certification in 1999.In March-April 2004, The Pharmaceuticals Inspection Directorate of the National Drugs Agency(NDA) carried out a new inspection, for a GMP recertification, of the manufacture flows of the biosynthesis substances (Nystatin and Vitamin B) and of the technological flows of the Parenteral Products, Capsules, Ointments and Suppositories Divisions. Thus, ANTIBIOTICE currently has Good Manufacture Practice certificates for all its manufacture flows, which enables it to produce drugs meeting the international quality standards.

3 .Brand reputation Antibiotics is a brand that adheres to simple ideas, clear field of activity. Antibiotics current brand is the result of a complex process of rebranding to mark 50 years since the birth of the actual company. Antibiotics, leading Romanian pharmaceutical company already crossed 34 years of operation in economy and other socialist market economy 16 years-keeping the same visual identity

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