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Dated: 10-02-2013

BPS Assignment-1

General Information Submission Mode: Group Members/Group: Two (Strictly as per list provided) Basis: Unit-2 Maximum marks: 10 Last date of Submission: 04-03-2013 (Monday)

Format for Submission Title Page

BPS Assignment-1

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Name ,Roll No of Student 1 Name, Roll No of Student 2

Ms Shivani Raheja

Question Solution Name of the Chosen Industry Names of the Chosen Companies for Making Comparisons Section-wise Analysis and Inclusion of Comparison Tables

Assignment Question 1 (a) Using the criteria discussed in the class for crafting the Vision and the Mission statement for any company, critique the adequacy and the merit of the Vision and Mission statements of any 5 competing companies in any one industry of your choice, listing their effective elements and shortcomings. Name of the Vision Company Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Mission Company Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Effective Elements A,b,c,d etc Shortcomings X,y,z etc

Effective Elements A,b,c,d etc

Shortcomings X,y,z etc

1(b) Rank the Vision statements and the Mission statements separately, from 1 to 5 indicating best to worst respectively, once you complete your evaluation. (Where the rank 1 indicates: best worded statement and rank 5 indicates: worst worded or mere ornamental statement). Name of the Vision Company Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Name of the Mission Company Statement 1 2 3 4 5 Rank


1(c) After critically analysing the relative impact of the Vision and the Mission statements separately, you are required to collectively assess and rank the strength of the strategic intent, as reflected by the way of the Vision and the Mission statements, jointly for each company. You can base the evaluation on the criteria such as, compliance with the dos and donts of crafting the statements or how truly the mission statement emanates from the vision statement of the company.

Name of Company 1 2 3 4 5

the Vision and Mission Aggregate Rank Statement

1 (d) For the company occupying rank 1 in section-c above, what would be a good slogan that captures the essence of your strategic vision and that could be used to help communicate the vision to the companys personnel, shareholders and other stakeholders.

End of Assignment-1.

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