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05:49:37 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *throws down the Security Bulletin and swears* God

Dammit . . . they're finally gonna do it, aren't they. . . *suits up and steps out of the Guardhouse, slinging a bandolier of shells over a shoulder and grabbing a pump-action shotgun out of the rack as he goes* 05:50:08 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: Well on one hand- *and he holds up one.* He never seems to want to talk to me! On the other, *And the other goes up* when we do interact he seems to only want to hurt me. It's not really fun. 05:50:22 PM<Blood-and-Spice>The bases PA system makes a ominous click as a familiar voice sounds through the speakers. "Attention all recruits." Captain Belikov said in his usual all business tone. "There will be an immediate move for all recruits. This is an order. Collect anything you own of personal value to you. Clothes, trinkets. Or so forth. You will not be able to bring anything you can not carry. This should be done without dawdling. When you are ready, everyone is to meet at the front gate and on to the back of one of the trucks. That is all. " And with that the PA system clicked off. 05:50:49 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *- What...?* 05:50:57 PM<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he closed his eyes- Shit. -he stood up and started towards his room05:51:14 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *... WHAT?! His eyes seem to light up and he grins widely, looking at Chryl.* Hey, what did I tell you! 05:51:29 PM<Mez-works>Ruben: *looks from the tanoy to Kai and then Leon, confused* What? 05:51:40 PM** Muirlyn-MacTireRihas joined 05:51:43 PM<wrath-kakerou>Kai: Wow, you look, well not embarassed, more like kind of shy about it. Never thought I'd see you looking shy. Oh... Crap, not sure I want to know what's going on. But seems like we gotta pack. We better hurry up. Let's just hope it's nothing bad 05:51:51 PM<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *looks up, sighing and swinging his legs off the infirmary bed, dressing quietly* . . . . this bodes ill . . . 05:52:25 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: 8D you were RIGHT! *grabs at him* you ARE psychic! 05:52:34 PM<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * In the training room, he would hear the PA system. Shit. Jogging up the stairs he headed back towards his room, already packed because of the warning Flint gave him a while back. * 05:52:43 PM<ToastBusters>Liet He idled in his room when the sound came. It bothers him, and it bothers him a lot, but he moves as quietly as he can to collect some things. Spare glasses and clothes and the like. He needs a hug :c 05:52:47 PM<ToastBusters>(dlfhasd noo-]] 05:52:53 PM<ToastBusters>((ignore that then]] 05:52:53 PM<SpikeballX>Leon: High-alerted he jumped up, looking left and right, glancing at the others. "Personal Value...!? I... Stan's picture...." He wanted to stay and see what's going on - but there were things he needed - one of them being his partner He gave Ruben an heavy pat on the shoulder before running off. "See ya at the gate, I'll be right back!" 05:52:55 PM<Jazzikinns>Addy: *he stops dead in his tracks to listen to the message. Is there anything of importance to him? Hmm, nope. Just the half of the medal he has, which he just so happens to be wearing. Oh, and the Tanuki, he should go and get Din--Wesley. And Winter* 05:53:09 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *Certainly NOT what he had in mind, but this is exciting! He throws a glance over to Leon in this, seeing him scamper off.* 05:53:14 PM<Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: -in his room, grabs his art portfolio and thats all. He didn't need anything else05:53:16 PM<Mondefou>Adele: Suddenly glancing up at the intercom, she breathes deeply--startled. Her nerves begin to tingle, and she stands up. She has nothing to gather, because she has gotten rid of her belongings a long time ago. With Blake nowhere to be found, she stands and moves to the front of the base. 05:53:22 PM<Awa303>Tsuyu: *was somewhere else on the base, but obviously hear the PA system* .......What. *second to process the information and then heads towards her room to pack things; thank God she still had the backpacks from when she joined* 05:53:23 PM<NaaNana>Ann: *hurrying up from her room with her things - books mostly, that is - wondering where Harlan was* 05:53:26 PM** yellowflowerevyhas joined 05:53:29 PM<Nyyrikki>Chrykck: His head shot up at the announcement, and even though he had already been on his way back to his room, he hurried his pace. There was

not much that he would have to collect, mostly the bound stack of paper that contained his tiny, cramped handwriting. With that stored saftely away in a bag, he made his way over to the front gate. 05:53:44 PM<huina>Kagaho:The.... *leaves the books there, and takes Chryl away from Locke, making a "I have my eyes turned on you" sign, dragging Chryl with him all along their rooms* 05:53:46 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *already waiting at the gate with her own guns and ammunition, a pack over her shoulder* 05:53:47 PM** Fluffy-Kitsunehas joined 05:54:01 PM<Mez-works>Ruben: U-uh...I guess? *he said to them both and started to walk in the direction of his room, looking over his shoulder as he went towards the infirmary. And that's when he stopped* 05:54:07 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *But, well, he had nothing of value here at all, except his own tail feathers. He goes to pull his arm from Chryle as Kagaho comes to leer at him, grinning widely.* Take care~ 05:54:15 PM<PockiiChuu>Rheine: -Frowning, he leapt up and head straight for his room where his partner was sleeping. Scooping her up, he grabbed a few blankets and headed out towards the gate, patting his pockets quickly to make sure his things were in there.05:54:26 PM<SensDornam>Calx: In his room, he was resting when the announcement came. "What th- I knew something wasn't right." He jumped off the bed, picked up his jacket and stormed out, grabbing a small trinket and shoving it in his pocket. 05:54:37 PM<SensDornam>AW F- Sorry guys )) 05:54:44 PM<ToastBusters>Liet "Ambrose, I'm scared." He whines and wanders over to hug him, a small backpack slung over his shoulder and those huge puppy eyes turned on 05:54:45 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: <: U ehheheyyyyyyyyyyyy 05:54:59 PM<wrath-kakerou>Kai: *runs off to his room, hoping Ali will be there, he opens the door and packs his things in hurry, also putting a coat on. Good thing he doesn't own much.* 05:55:06 PM<SpikeballX>Leon: Whoosh, into his room, grabbing his picture and Stan's letter, then looking around. "Tsu? Tsu!?" 05:55:17 PM<Mez-works>Ruben: *Ok.Ok. What is in his room that he needs? He quickly patted his back pocket. Thank god he'd repaired his Pilot. It was there. Was there anything else? He turned on his heel and made a dash for the infirmary* 05:55:33 PM<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he opened the door quickly and check his neck. Medal. Check. Donni's gift. Check. He pulled out his guitar case and threw in some casual clothes on top of the guitar as well as some packets of popcorn for Lars. He grabbed the strap and put it around his shoulders. This was it. He looked up to the ceiling for a second and sighed before making his way to the trucks05:55:44 PM** The-Almighty-Jhas joined 05:55:47 PM<Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: mmm. Don't worry, we'll be fine if we stick together. -gives him a quick hug and takes his hand- Lets go 05:55:59 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *Hmm, this might be his best chance to check things out while people were in a dizzy. Then again, he didn't want to get stuck inside when he had a chance to get out. Options, options... He finally draws away from the action and actually heads downstairs.* 05:56:00 PM<Awa303>Tsuyu: Stop acting like I'm invisible, Leon... U_ *finishing packing and wearing a big backpack on her back, a picture frame on her hands* 05:56:06 PM<Double-AA-202>Lewis: * He packed a few things, nothign really of importance to him there besides a few small things. Packing them in with some clothes, he closed the bag and inhaled deeply. Here we go. Placing a hand on his chest, he felt the pendant on it's chain and opened his door, walking out silently.* 05:56:16 PM<Mez-works>Ruben: *He came sprinting down the corridor to the infirmary and burst through the doors* Jace? JACE? 05:56:25 PM<ToastBusters>Liet He nods and follows, gripping Ambrose's hand tightly and leading him outside. 05:56:35 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *trots up to the gate with his duffel and extra guns and ammo, talking into the radio as he goes* . . . no, we do a sweep an' clear, then a headcount, then another sweep an' clear. They c'n fucking teleport, people. *salutes Shamira* Reporting in, Captain. What do you need me to do?

05:57:02 PM<Blood-and-Spice>JAce: *packing his own stuff, mostly medical supplies

into a big bag. He looks over at Ruben, worry on his face* Yeah rube? 05:57:06 PM<SpikeballX>Leon: "AH!" He pointed at her, shoving picture and letterinto her package without asking - after all it wasn't much, he'd leave his closet beind anyway. "What's happening?" 05:57:08 PM<Muirlyn-MacTireRi>Cianan: Having listened to the Message Cianan was suddenly turned off autopilot, he blink, like waking from a dream and looked around the room, looking at the fellow recruit. He got up and looked around a bit bewildered. 05:57:15 PM<Jazzikinns>Addy: *he hurries towards his room. He is pretty sure he saw Winter in the crowd heading towards the gate, so he'll just... trust that she's there with whatever she needs. He enters his room, looking around the place. He finds Wesley sleeping in the bear skin so he just grabs the pelt with the tanuki still in it and hurries towards the gate. He's there in a few minutes, standing at the edge of the crowd* 05:57:34 PM<Mez-works>Ruben: *He dashed over to him* What's going on? *He saw him packing the bag* You're coming too? 05:57:35 PM<Mondefou>Adele: She sees a familiar face, Calx. She approaches him quietly, sulking next to him. She's nervous and fidgety after the small talk she just had being cut short. Adele says nothing, only glancing at him as she continues on. 05:57:51 PM<Awa303>Tsuyu: I have no clue... but we better head for the front gate. 05:57:51 PM<Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: -blank face, whatever is was . . . he just didn't care at this moment. He followed his partner outside, glancing around to see if Tsu and Leon were there as well05:58:14 PM<huina>Kagaho: *is happy not all his things were unpacked since he got here, stuffs his laptops and electronics quickly in a bag, leaves his science things there and gives a huge bag to Chryl with some of his clothes but it doesn't matter if he needed to share them there was enough of them* Chryl... stay with me, okay? I don't want you to disapear somewhere 05:58:21 PM** Himikuhas left [timed out] 05:58:27 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Nehnna: She winced at the sudden announcement from the intercom, and headed out of her room quickly without bothering to look at anything. There was nothing she really trea--no. Wait. She ran to her wall and tore off a drawing Beppe had made for her. She folded it and put it in her pocket as she headed out, focusing on finding Addi and Marco. Stepping outside, she noticed Adele and Calx. Leaving her humans to take care of themselves, she approached the other demons, scowling. "Now what is the /captain/ having us do?" 05:58:30 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Of course I'm coming. They can't make me stay even if they wanted to. *trying to squeeze a plastic box in that said 'rations'* 05:58:30 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: *once in his room, he got under his bed and tried to dig out as much of the rotting fruit he'd hoarded as he could* <: U 05:58:32 PM<wrath-kakerou>Kai: *looks around, Ali doesn't seem to be in the room. Better pack her a bag. He stuffs her clothes and her jewels in a second bag and take a quick glance to make sure he's not forgetting anything.* Dammit Ali, where are you? 05:58:35 PM<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *gets back into his shredded uniform, gingerly prodding the bandages on his chest, and starts off for the Main Gate* . . . wait, damn! *turns and heads for the barracks* 05:58:42 PM** Himikuhas joined 05:58:47 PM<ToastBusters>Liet "Ambrose, Otis and Shamira are up there... Do you see Kagaho, Nehnna...?" His head swivels around, trying to do his own head count here. 05:58:52 PM<SpikeballX>Awa303: Leon: He jumped up, out of the barracks and towards the front-gates. "Tsu - Hurry - I wonna know what's going on!" 05:58:53 PM<NaaNana>Ann: *wonders if Harlan's heard the message and she's sick of worry as she approaches the entrance.. she looks around, dying to go look for her* 05:59:05 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *Once at the bottom landing, he looks around from side to side before veering off to the left. There was a big ass door he wouldn't be able to get into where the demons were held. He doubt what he was looking for was in there anyways. He continues around the circle hall to try the door of the supply closet. Hmm~* 05:59:25 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX: Tsuyu: *is running right behind him* You're not the only one... U_ 05:59:51 PM<Hazel-Tea>Ambrose: mmmm, no I don't see them. I can't even find my little sisters . . . (Bell and Enrica)

06:00:22 PM<The-Almighty-J>Argent: He looked up in confusion in his room, putting

down the book he'd been reading before starting to grab some clothing. He had no idea what was going on, but he could ask later. For now, it'd be best to follow orders, right? 06:00:29 PM** topic changed by Blood-and-Spice * 06:00:30 PM<Himiku>Alizea: *runns into their room, and begins to pack everything she owns and what she was given over years from her friends. looks over to see kai doing the same* so love. . . .what is going on?! 06:00:33 PM<SpikeballX>Naanana: Awa303: Leon: Arriving at the entrance, spotting Ann and walking over to her, tapping her shoulder. "Are you alright, darling?" 06:01:16 PM<huina>snagerdra: Kagaho: no place for your fruits, sorry...We should get going... *looks at his anime things left on the walls and all* 06:01:26 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, NaaNana: Tsuyu: *glad Leon found his sweetheart, alright, but now she needs to find hers* 06:01:35 PM<ToastBusters>Liet "I see Leon and Tsuyu." He starts walking a lot closer to Ambrose and invading his personal space. "I thought we'd never actually leave..." Hazel-Tea 06:01:36 PM<Muirlyn-MacTireRi>The-Almighty-J: Cianan: When his brain kicked in, Cianan made fast for his room, Argent is smart, he'll get the the room. Cianan went straight there to get this things. 06:01:39 PM<SensDornam>Calx: Calx noticed the two demons approach him, and for a moment, he just stared at the crowd, eyes narrowing. The sight was ominous. "I can't find Mable", he said in a distant, yet concerned voice. "Her- her photo album... I have to go get it." The demon turned to the two, eyes widening 06:01:53 PM<wrath-kakerou>Kai: I have no idea. I started packing some of your stuff since... well thought it would be faster that way... *laughs nervously and gives her her things back* Let's jsut hurry out, I have a bad feeling. 06:02:36 PM<Mez-works>Blood-and-Spice: Ruben: *he nodded and smiled at him.* Ok. *That was all he needed to hear. He quickly kissed his cheek.* Right. Pass me a bag. 06:02:56 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: Ambrose: Don't worry Liethell, it'll be okay. Come with me and stay close, okay? //he pulls him towards their friends// 06:03:00 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX: Awa303: Ann: *she spins around when Leon taps her shoulder and smiles, slightly relieved before saying softly* I don't know where Harlan is.... 06:03:00 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He fools with the door to see if he can get it open.. Nope, locked. He takes a step back and balances himself before trying to give a kick where the doors meet to see if he could get it open- But to little success. This is frustrating, without his powers. He could have just BLOWN them off the hinges.* 06:03:08 PM<Jazzikinns>Sunflower-Baffu: Addy: *he's peering through the crowds and he is still pretty sure he sees his partner, but there are too many people in between to reach her right now. Cillian's near him, though, so he just decides to stick around by him* Hi... What do you suppose is-is going on? 06:03:30 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Nehnna: She looked at Calx, eyes widening. She chewed her lip, looking between Calx and the crowd. "That is a lot of people to barge through...if you tell me where it is, I can get it faster." 06:03:33 PM<ToastBusters>Awa303: Hazel-Tea SpikeballX Liet "I will." He nods and bites his lip. "I can't find Kagaho though, I don't wanna leave him..." 06:03:49 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Mez-works: Jace: *he zipped up the bag and went to grab another* Will you help me carry then? We should bring as much medicine as we can. 06:03:52 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *starts herding recruits onto two different transports (aka this room and the other)* 06:04:30 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *From the sound of it, there isn't as many people scurrying around upstairs. Whatever this is, he doesn't want ot get stuck here. He sighs and goes to head back up to the main level.* 06:04:45 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: *takes her things, throwing them into her back* you dont have to tell me twice. im following you, love. *fixing her hair with a hair clip* 06:04:54 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: "I know Harly, she knows to be alright - she got a good hearing too, no worries~" He patted her head before glancing over to Ambrose, waving with the free hand. 06:05:21 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: She glances at Calx and shakes her head. "No, is not a good idea. She will bring it, if it is important to her."

She is trying to appeal to Calx's better judgement, but she knows he's attached to his partner. 06:05:28 PM<snagerdra>huina Chryl: >:U *drags kagaho out of the room with him and gallops through the halls* 06:05:31 PM** Bell-Cathas joined 06:05:34 PM<mortkem>Roderick: -When he heard the announcement, he frowned; that was certainly foreboding. No matter, he shall listen. Heading to his room as quickly as he could, he wrapped his cloak around himself, not finding Edith there.- "Blast it, where are you?" -He began to leave, then stopped in the doorway, the sudden thought that she might not have time to retrieve any belongings of hers. Sighing, he turned and located the notebook she kept hidden, knowing she at least cared about that, tucking it inside his pocket. A tight fit, but it'll do. Then he left officially for the main gate, not looking back.06:05:52 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea: Tsuyu: *turns around when finally spotted Amb and Liet and waves calling them*
06:06:50 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : Right, out we go. * takes her by the hand

and starts running towards the front gate* I hope We'll meet London, Clearly and Ruben on our way there. 06:07:08 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: She looked at Calx, eyes widening. She chewed her lip, looking between Calx and the crowd. "That is a lot of people to barge through...if you tell me where it is, I can get it faster." 06:07:17 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX: Ann: *she nods slowly, biting her lower lip and hugging the books in her arms. She's got a small backpack with clothes and other stuff, too.* .... I am.... a bit scared, 's all. 06:07:24 PM<Mez-works>Blood-and-Spice: Ruben: *he looked up at Jace and smiled as best he could. It was hard to hide the bad-feeling he felt in his gut right now* Of course. I have everything I need already. Here. *he pointed to his own head* Here. *he tapped his back pocket where his Palm Pilot was*...and here. *he squeezed Jaces arm and then took the bag from him, beginning to yank open the cupboard doors and scoop things into it* 06:07:31 PM<Bell-Cat>Anelace: At the click of the announcement, She walked into her room to grab a locket given to her and step out leaving the rest of her things behind. She looked around for anyone she may know that she could follow to the front gate. 06:07:47 PM<ToastBusters>Hazel-Tea: SpikeballX Awa303 NaaNana Liet He waves at Tsuyu, but stays close to Ambrose "G-guys, we're getting onto transports...I wanna go with Otis, he's nice-ish....but I need to find Kagaho!" 06:08:06 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He exits through the doors and outside once again. It wasn't hard to spot where the masses were gathering and he walks along at a casual pace. Whatever frustrations he had with unable to inspect what he wanted seemed to vanish at the mayhem and unease of the others around him. His grin widens. This is fun!* 06:08:09 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *will be handling this room, also at the front gate, making sure people get in quickly and efficiently, face blank, shotgun at the ready* 06:08:10 PM<snagerdra>huina Chryl: *takes a short cut and gets them outside before anyone else* 8U where is everyone.... *looks around for the front gate* 06:08:29 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bellcat: Ambrose: Hey guys . . . you haven't seen Kag have you? Liethells worried and we're not sure whats going on. -he takes Tsuyu by her hand, he's not letting go06:08:42 PM<huina>snagerdra: Kagaho: how have you done that even?! o.o *looks around*
06:09:20 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou: TheDrawingFrog: Calx "No, I... " the demon

looked around, unsure of what to do. He already saw the vehicles being loaded in. "... I'll catch up, you go!" With that, he stormed back, not the fastest person around, but determined to get the album even if it made him collapse on the stairs on the way up. 06:09:21 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: He hugged her gently and shortly, before taking hold of her shoulders, getting eye contact. "I'm here, alright?" A large smile appeared when he turned to the transporters. "No clue what's going on but I trust those guys~" 06:09:25 PM<snagerdra>huina Chryl: :,V we're on the wrong side of the building.. lol. 06:09:45 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: *hold onto kai's hand tightly, looking around, just trying to stay calm* you think they are already out there. . . .i do hope so.

06:09:49 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea: Tsuyu: *holds Amb's hand

tight; it's not very noticeable, but she's trembling a little* Doesn't look like the last outside mission... I have a bad feeling... 06:10:23 PM<huina>snagerdra: Kagaho: *facepalms* okay... Let's go.. this time I lead *runs the other way dragging Chryl along with the bags* 06:10:29 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He could feel it.. Something more was going to happen. He couldn't put his finger on it but humans don't get this excited unless there was a reason. It takes all his control not to laugh a bit to himself. This is by far the most fun he's had since getting himself in this dreadful place.* 06:10:59 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: She looks a little lost, panicked even, as Calx storms off. She grabs Nehnna's sleeve and glances at her a bit frantically. "He will be shot." 06:11:23 PM<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *trots from the barracks to the main gate, face covered in fresh scratches, with a rather lumpy (and squirming) athletic bag over his shoulder* Be still, damn you . . . 06:11:38 PM<ToastBusters>snagerdra: huina Liet "Kagaho! Over here!" He gestures towards Leon, Tsuyu, Ann, and Ambrose, and then at the vehicle they were being loaded onto soon. SpikeballX Awa303 Hazel-Tea 06:11:41 PM<snagerdra>huina Chryl: *eventually finds himself and Kagaho reaching the group out front* *looks worried* what's happening, Kamagamo? 06:12:17 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: She was already yelling at Calx to get his ass back here, enhancing her voice. She stared at Adele and growled, pulling her along as she surged forward. "Right. Then we make sure the stupid FUSSY MALE does not get himself a heart full of lead!" And off she was, skimming along the ground and hurrying to catch up to him. 06:12:25 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : Let's hope that they are. * looking around to see if he notices the others.* ugh, I would have liked being told what the hell is going on instead of panicking thinking the worst. *almost to the front gate* 06:12:32 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: HazelTea: Anelace She spotted a familiar head of blue hair and began to push her way towards Ambrose and the others. Her tail tucked closely beside her to avoid being stepped on. "Hey!" She called to get their attention. "Do you know what's going on?" 06:12:36 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He lingers near the rear, in no hurry to get on the transports and more than willing to be one of the lasts on. It was a nice sight anyways. Being able to watch everyone mutter and shuffle around in confusion and fear.* 06:12:36 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He lingers near the rear, in no hurry to get on the transports and more than willing to be one of the lasts on. It was a nice sight anyways. Being able to watch everyone mutter and shuffle around in confusion and fear.* 06:12:51 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Awa303, Hazel-Tea: Ann: *she smiled a little at Leon and decided to stay calm. Wouldn't help anyone if she started causing trouble by freaking out* Does anyone know what is going on? 06:14:00 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bellcat: Ambrose: Dammit . . . there are too many people to keep track of. -he squeezes Tsu's hand and gives her a quick smile- Things will be okay. I have no clue, not at all. -he spots one of his little sisters and waves his arm Liet was clinging too- Anelace! We're not sure, come here and stay with me 06:14:23 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters, Awa303, Hazel-Tea, SpikeballX: Kagaho:not a effing idea in my ass.... *sees Liet and drags his partner till them* What's happening? *panting a bit hoping his smartphone nd laptops took nothing while running* 06:14:33 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou: TheDrawingFrog: Calx: It wasn't long before he heard footsteps catching up with him. It was Nehnna with Adele. God, were they stupid. "I told you to go! This do- hah- this doesn't look good!" The demon reached the hallway where his room was, somewhat out of breath due to a panicking feeling in his gut. 06:14:43 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: "Apart from Captains and security? Don't think so..." He pulled her towards the transporter, always making sure his other friends and partner are behind them. 06:15:29 PM<snagerdra>snagerdra, ToastBusters, Awa303, Hazel-Tea, SpikeballX huina Chryl: >BU *draged-and-dropped into a truck* I hate cars.. 06:15:31 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: oh i know, i mean all this stressing isn't good for me. "rubbing her forehead with her free hand." its like they want me to start getting grey hairs!

06:15:59 PM<ToastBusters>huina: snagerdra Bell-Cat Hazel-Tea SpikeballX NaaNana

Awa303 Liet "We're going out. Just do what the Seniors do, behave, and don't speak or get angry at all" He bites his lip and starts tugging Ambrose to the transporter as well, following Leon. 06:16:18 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He hasn't spotted Logan in this mess.. not that he was worried about the human. He'd probably be glad for the vacation away from him. He steps along with a grin that just can't seem to disappear at all.* 06:16:32 PM** Bloody-Coontailhas joined 06:16:45 PM<Black-Ratchet>cocowoushi: Otis: *nods at Locke* Climb aboard, rookie. No backtalk. Let's keep things organized. We can at least pretend this is still the military . . . 06:17:26 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: "You're the one who is already out of breath," she snapped, glaring at Calx. Stupid, stupid male. "Tell me where it is, I will bring it. You two just start heading back," she said with a wave of her hand. 06:17:35 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea: Tsuyu: *climbs up on the truck, still holding Amb's hand and making sure Leon is in her sight range ALL THE TIME* 06:17:49 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : *finally at the front gate, a bunch of people are already out.* Let's try to spot one of the staff members or something... And let's try to look for our friends 06:17:53 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters, Awa303, Hazel-Tea, SpikeballX: Kagaho:easier to say than to do *gets in the truck following them all but hates trucks and hates being with too much people* :T *holds tight on his laptops* 06:17:55 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, Awa303: Ann: *she kept glancing over her shoulder even as they got to the transporter, hoping to see a glimpse of Harlan somewhere in the crowd* 06:17:59 PM<cocowoushi>Black-Ratchet: Locke: *He snickers in amusement.* Sure thing~! *He's not the most elegent getting in but he manages, stretching for a second in his seat.* 06:18:07 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: She huffs angrily, suddenly feeling angry. "It didn't look good the second you ran, stupid demon!" She growled, angry but also worried. Her head snapped around, looking for anyone that would cause them trouble. 06:18:44 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: HazelTea: Anelace: She stepped closer so as not to get seperated. "Have you seen Makenna?" She bounced a little to look around, not spying her partner she sighed. "I'm worried." 06:18:48 PM<Mondefou>"I won't leave you," she responded quickly to Nehnna, shaking her head, "We all go, or no one goes." 06:18:57 PM<Mondefou>sorry, hit enter too soon)) 06:19:04 PM** 3712has joined 06:19:14 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He totally tries to get a seat near the the back of the truck though, so that he can get a good view of what they leave behind.* 06:19:42 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: He put his hand on Ann's. "We have two transporters, Harly might be in the other - have some trust in her - I rarely see demons being THAT protective of their partner~" He laughed gently, traing to cheer Ann up. 06:20:22 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou: TheDrawingFrog: Calx: "Fine, I'm sorry, okay!" Calx growled, unusually roused by the commotion. His guts still gnawed at him. This was bad, really bad. Ignoring Nehnna, he paced quickly to his room and as soon as he barged in, he packed one small bag with some of Mable's things he knew she loved. He had nothing in there. In a matter of seconds he was done and out of the room. 06:20:33 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: snagerdra: Ambrose: -uses his other hand to grab ahold of Ane and follows Tsuyu- No, I haven't. But I'm sure she's here somewhere, try not to worry. We can look for her later. looks back at Leon- Leon! Come on, we're all getting inside 06:21:25 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: oh~ good idea. but my friends consist of a crab and his partner. the crab tends to get under my skin. *looking around at all the people that have gather in front of the gate* 06:21:46 PM<snagerdra>Cocowoushi Chryl: *spots Locke* 8U PSYCHICK! *clambers over to him* 06:21:52 PM** Aibyouhas joined 06:22:14 PM<ToastBusters>huina: snagerdra Bell-Cat Hazel-Tea SpikeballX NaaNana Awa303 Liet "He's already inside Ambrose." He half laughs, but it's more out of nerves. "Ambrose, you gotta promise to stick with me the whole time, okay? I don't wanna lose you, ever...and Kagaho, make your partner stop that 8,I he's making me get jumpy!"

06:22:31 PM<cocowoushi>Black-Ratchet: snagerdra: Locke: *He keeps his eyes on

Otis though while he's rounding people up. He leans a little ways in his seat, closer to the official.* Not that this is talking back~ But- *Oops, nevermind his question as Chryl clambers across him.* Eh-! 06:22:47 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, Awa303: Ann: *she climbed up along with Tsuyu, giving a gentle smile at Leon* I trust her. Now come up here, quick, wind demon! 06:22:57 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : *laughs* Oh god, is the crab supposed to be London? Really? He won't like it having you call him that way you know. It's kind of mean. Why a crab anyways? *looking around and heads towards the trucks* 06:23:31 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *closing her eyes and tries to remain calm... wait, no closing eyes, she can't see what Leon is doing that way. keep them op en. VERY open* 06:23:34 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: She growled back at Adele, about to snap at her, too, but Calx's movement stopped her. She stood by his door, looking around and straining her ears. "Hurry. I don't hear anyone, but none of this is right." She rubbed her arms. "I want to leave." 06:23:53 PM<snagerdra>Cocowoushi Chryl: *sits on Locke as it's getting really crowded* *gets comfy* *sigh* ... so.. :U how are yooooou? 06:24:17 PM<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *walks up to the Gate and salutes otis before clambering in, stuffing his bag under his seat opposite from Locke, staring out at the mobilization* 06:24:44 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters Kagaho: Chryl, come here and calm down, please *is not calm himself but who cares, then sees that he's settling around that new guy so says nothing, just keeping his eyes over him, going to listen everything he could* 06:24:51 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: In the truck with Ann and the others, waiting for things to happen. "Wondering where the captains are - can't see them anywhere..." 06:25:02 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bellcat: Ambrose: -sighs, his train of thought was all over the place. He looks over to Liet, I won't leave you I promise. -he turns to both Tsu and Ane- Don't you guys let go of my hands06:25:16 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: She snorted at Calx, relieved when he was done. She was the first to begin making her way back to the front of the building. "I cannot wait to be rid of this place," she muttered darkly, glancing over her shoulder to make sure the two were following. 06:25:23 PM<Hazel-Tea>*liet- I wont leave you, I promise. 06:25:27 PM* cocowoushiis away: :iconcherenplz::iconsaysplz: :iconheadbangplz: HEDDO BANGUUUUU!!!! (BRB SOON) 06:26:47 PM** lepus-americanushas joined 06:27:02 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou: TheDrawingFrog: Calx: He no longer ran, just paced quickly, catching up with the two females. Calx was silent, concerned about Mable's well-being. 06:27:02 PM<snagerdra>Black-Ratchet huina Chryl: *crosses legs neatly* so.. how are. YOoouuu? *turns to Jenner* 06:27:24 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea: Tsuyu: *couldn't let go even if she wanted to, she's so tense that her hands are rigid, one's grip over the pack's handle and the other's over Ambrose's hand* 06:27:27 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: *she give kai a wicked smirk* its because he acts like a crab and i call him that all the time to his face. he just give that same grumpy face. He might even like better than londy. *sees the trucks* . . .so where are we going? 06:27:27 PM<ToastBusters>Hazel-Tea black-ratchet Liet He suddenly sees a Jenner, and he gapes and tugs Ambrose in with his strength. "Jenner! You look like someone threw you in a blender!" He doesn't ask permission, he's antsy and he's already got his hands all over him and trying to heal. 06:29:07 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, Snagerdra: Jenner: *starts to answer Chryl as Liet paws him* I am . . . fine . . . . please stop touching me, Liethell. 06:29:13 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : I have no idea. We should probably get in one of those through. I'd rather not be left behind... uuuuh which one should we get in?... 06:29:15 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: "Come!" She waved them both along, leading the way. She kept an open eye and ear out for anyone...unsavory,

already feeling the wind whisp between her fingers. Everything was making her hair stand on end, and the sooner they were out of the eerily empty base, the better. She kept waving the other two forward, not willing to breathe until they were at the front door. 06:29:35 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, Awa303: Ann: *grabs the demon's arm lightly and leans to it a little* It'll be ok. 06:29:45 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: HazelTea: Anelace: She nodded at Ambrose and her grip on his hand tightened. She offered up a faint uneasy smile before looking around nervously. 06:29:51 PM** Blue-Violin1230has joined 06:29:53 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: - spots Jenner- Jenner, are you okay? -doesn't budge an inch, stays where he is with his girls06:30:21 PM<snagerdra>Black-Ratchet huina ToastBusters Chryl: :V are they taking us back home? *thinks Jenner seems the sort to know everything that's going on around here and he is obviously WAY OLD* 06:30:45 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: "Yeah, those two - I have full trust in them." He grinned at the females. 06:30:48 PM<SpikeballX>*female 06:31:08 PM<ToastBusters>Black-Ratchet Hazel-Tea Liet "Shut up Jenner." He grumbles and heals, his hands glowing like usual and he's biting his lip. "Your opinion is invalid because shut up." 06:31:20 PM<huina>Kagaho: *stays in his dark corner being all over his laptops bags not going to bother people and going to keep his laptops and game saves* 06:31:39 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, Hazel-Tea, Snagerdra: Jenner: *shrugs* I will be fine, Ambrose. *looks at Chryl, face grim* I highly doubt that. *starts to backhand Liet, but winces from pain and sags* Very well, Liet. 06:33:06 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: Grumbling, she circles around Calx and pushes him faster. By now, she knows his main concern. "She will be fine. Your human is a good one--she will find her way," she mumbles. 06:33:15 PM<snagerdra>Black-Ratchet Chryl: .. * disappointed* *looks over at the other truck* *looks at the base* *sits back down* .___. ... are they gonna kill us all ??? 06:33:33 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: *shrugs* i have nooooooo idea. just pick on at random. *raise on hand in the air and tilt her head, a fake smile is planted on her face* that way its destiny. *then she drops her hand down, looks at kai seriously* i just had a thought, what if they blow up the place? good reason not to get let behind and making us take our stuff. 06:34:13 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *eyes Chryl like she's going to personally murder him/her if he/she repeats that question again* 06:34:18 PM<Black-Ratchet>Snagerdra: Otis: *cuts off Jenner's reply* Settle down in there. KEEP IT MOVING, PEOPLE. 06:35:03 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : ...Let's not say things like that, they might happen for real. right, right. * gets in one of the trucks, hoping there might be people he knows in it.* 06:35:04 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: Liethell, be careful with him please. -talking about Jenner, he knows Liethell can be rough sometimes. He glances over at Leon and Ann- You guys okay ? . . . see's the now obvious realtionshipoooo06:35:36 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog: Calx: As if he was snapped out of a hazy state, the demon shook his head, feeling as if the staircase was longer than he remembered it. He took Adele by the wrist and brought her back to his side. "I'm fine, now let's hurry outside." 06:36:11 PM<ToastBusters>Black-Ratchet: Hazel-Tea snagerdra huina Liet He hardly notices that Jenner nearly backhanded him. He's busy right now, and if he concentrates, Jenner will be healed in just a few more seconds. "I'm being gentle Ambrose..." and he finishes, removing his hands from Jenner and wringing them instead. He then migrates over to where Kagaho is sitting and holds him, quietly stroking his hair. 06:36:13 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Zasha: *voice comes through on the PA again* Five minute warning. Only five minutes before the trucks leave. Five. Minutes.*click off* 06:36:47 PM<snagerdra>Black-Ratchet Awa303 Black-Ratchet Chryl: }:U i bet they're gonna - *cut off by the PA* in a big pit and set us on fire. *pouts*

06:37:04 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: She snapped her fingers at

the two of them, enhancing the sound to that of a whip crack. "/Hurry/" she hissed, glaring at that damn PA. 06:37:04 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: "DOING ALRIGHT!" He waved at Ambrose energetically until he heard the message from Captain Zasha. "Good we a re in the truck - we are safety-safe, yes? Yes? Good." 06:38:18 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters: Kagaho: Chryl! Stop saying that please! 06:38:24 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: HazelTea: Anelace: "Five minutes? But... Makenna, I haven't seen her come out yet." The light in her tail flickered with her growing worry. 06:38:45 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: *follows kai into one of the truck* but it makes sense. blow up the place. *covers her mouth* Oh my god what if london still in there. I will never forgive him if lets himself get killed! 06:38:46 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, Awa303: Ann: *looks at Ambrose with a quick sheepish smile - before the next PA again, where she loses that smile* Yeah... We're safe. *hugs Leon's arm tighter. She's horrified for Harlan's sake but not really showing it.* 06:38:54 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *grabs his radio and starts shouting into it* Dammit, you start your sweeps now, hear me? No, live rounds. This ain't a fucking exercise this time. *jams his radio back onto his belt* 06:39:45 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: 8U.... <:Uc they're gonna shoot people who don't get out in time!? *uncrosses legs* 06:40:05 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, Snagerdra, Hazel-Tea: Jenner: *just leans back, closing his eyes* Well then. 06:40:20 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, SensDornam: Adele: She's quiet when he takes her wrist, but she moves along. They finally reach the outside of the base and when she sees everyone being herded in, she shudders. "...they're herding us. Like animals. This is bad." 06:40:49 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : He won't He's probably already in one of the trucks okay? or maybe clearly will drag him out or something. I'd actually see them poping ot of the shadows and appearing in the truc. It would be the kind of thing Clearly would do 06:41:06 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: He held onto Ann with his other arm and waited for things to happen, silently for once. 06:41:11 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *Why is Amb looking at Ann like that... ok they're in a truck going only God knows where, it's not time to be jeallous, no time to be jeallous at all... but she's jeallous anyway. Squeezes his hand a little painfully* U,? 06:42:29 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou: TheDrawingFrog: Calx: "Stop it." The demon looks down at the redhead, green eyes grim. Now he lead the way to the trucks, using Otis as a beacon for direction amidst the moving mass. "We'll be fine..." he grabbed a hold of Adele's wrist again, tugging her gently forward. "... right Nehnna?" 06:43:18 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: -he squeeze Ane's hand- She's probably in the other truck . . . it'll be fine -he gives her a smile before whincing at Tsuyu's strenght. He looks at her confused- . . . tsu? 06:43:41 PM** RemixedMagichas joined 06:44:01 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: Alizea: now that i think about it, yea it would be something he would do. well i guess we'll see them sooner or later. *messing with her hair again* i hope. 06:44:33 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: She pulled up along Calx's other side, and nodded sharply. "They herd us like animals, yes. But they are finally getting us ut of here. We will be freer after this, you will see," she said, her words ringing empty even in her own ears. Her mind kept flicking back to panic about her humans, but they could handle themselves. She trusted them enough. "Let us get on these trucks before they decide to do something stupid," she said, jerking her chin at the guards. 06:44:42 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *at least got rid of the semi-panicking feeling by getting jeallous* UnU 06:45:17 PM<RemixedMagic>[Clearly pushed London out of the shadows from the trees, jumping out after.] "Alrighty, here we a-go-go!" [he beamed at his partner, despite the seemingly grave situation the announcement hinted at.] 06:45:35 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: HazelTea: Anelace: There was nothing she could do, so she'd have to believe Ambrose. She looked over at Liet. "How are you holding up Liet?"

06:46:54 PM<ToastBusters>huina: Bell-Cat Hazel-Tea Liet "I'm....okay, I think. I'm

nervous." He sighs and watches over Ambrose. "Sunshine, come sit here with us." He gestures at Anelace and Kagaho 06:47:06 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: The lioness huffs, nodding and taking a deep breath. Sending a reassuring glance at Calx, she nods at Nehnna and moves towards the truck. Hesitantly, she gets in and immediately feels claustrophobic. She sits, and says nothing. 06:47:13 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters: Kagaho: Liet... Tell me we won't have to swim.... *still hasn't learned how to swim* 06:47:54 PM<ToastBusters>huina: Liet "knowing dammed, you will. Either stick with someone who can swim or find a water demon, I think..." 06:48:13 PM** Aibyouhas left [timed out] 06:48:17 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: -he looks at Liet- Okay. -turns to Tsu- My love, Liethell wants us to go over to them. 06:48:31 PM** Aibyouhas joined 06:48:45 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters: Kagaho: *looks terrified now* I don't like water 06:48:49 PM<snagerdra>Huina Chryl: :,U don't worry, Kagat. I'll turn the whole lake into slime. (that won't help a damn thing) 06:48:59 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku : Kai : Let's hope sooner rather than latter. *notices white rabbit like ears.* ... wait... Ali, look! *points at The ears he sees in a distance* 06:49:29 PM<ToastBusters>huina: Liet "I don't like shadows." He mumbles and looks around at the people. 06:49:38 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: HazelTea: Anelace: "I think most of us are." She offered him a smile. She stood up still holding Ambrose's hand, looking at him and Tsu to see if they were coming before moving over by Liet. 06:49:59 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou: TheDrawingFrog: Calx: All three boarded on the truck, Calx getting on last. He hesitated for a moment as he brushed by Otis whether or not to ask him what was going on. But he knew he would not be granted with an answer. So he just sat down next to the dwo demonesses, leaning on his knees with a heavy sigh. 06:50:08 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: Alright, as long as I don't lose sight of Leon... U_ 06:51:00 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: No one could loose sight of Leon -trufax06:52:04 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: He was just sitting (or
standing I dunno how comfortable those trucks are but... well it's otis truck - even if it has seats, they are probably very slippery)

there and waiting, giving Ann a little squeeze.

06:52:05 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *grabs his radio again* Gimme a status report,

people. Basement first. No mistakes. *listens quietly to the garbled squawks from the radio* 06:52:38 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: She settled herself, shifting over to give Calx some more room. She looked around at the others in the truck, chewing her lip and looking worried. But, truth be told, she was excited to finally be getting off that damned base. Still, she couldn't help but think about the siren incident, and she found herself reaching out to grasp Adele's hand. 06:52:42 PM<ToastBusters>huina: Bell-Cat Hazel-Tea Awa303 Liet He nods in agreement with Ambrose and scoots over to allow his brobuddy and his lady some room to sit. "Let's try not to get hurt, okay?" He jumps when he hears the basement mentioned. He still hasn't quite gotten over the creeps that horrid place gives him 06:53:43 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters, Black-Ratchet: Kagaho: I appreciate the though lovely but slime doesn't help either *looks other at Otis, thinking he didn't to say thank you nor apologize to him since the punch* 06:53:54 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: -he sits down and kind of stares off into nothing. He's worried about his other little sister, hopefully she was on the other truck as well.- . . . 06:54:01 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou: RemixedMagic Alizea: oh? *turns at spots a pair of white rabbit-like ears* its clearly! * gets up a bit and whistle softly, letting the wind carry to clearly's ears* 06:54:17 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: She senses Nehnna's apprehension, and grabs her hand readily, bringing it to her forehead as she too leans

forward and rests on her knees with her eyes screwed shut. Confined spaces. Bad bad bad bad. Her words to Nehnna earlier echo in her mind. 06:54:28 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, Awa303: Ann: *leans her head against Leon's shoulder, humming a little gentle tune to calm herself* 06:54:49 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *mentally wondering what there is to report* 06:55:25 PM** Blue-Violin1230has left 06:57:02 PM** KazeWarriorhas joined 06:57:08 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Himiku, Aibyou: [Clearly looked up hearing a particular whistle. He had to actually stretch up on his toes to peer over the large crowd, wondering where it had come from. He smiled when he saw Alizea and Kai in one of the trucks, and he urged London along as he made his way toward them.] 06:57:14 PM** The-Almighty-Jhas left 06:57:25 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: He enjoyed Ann's tune calmed him down a little, just like Cillian's piano-play before. 06:57:44 PM<Jazzikinns>Kazeeeeeeeeeegetinthere? Inthepraragraphroommaybe?]] 06:57:58 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *wishes she could have taken the lounge's piano with her* 06:58:12 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : Good going Ali, well now at least we won't worry about them not making out in time. *smiles* 06:58:25 PM** KazeWarriorhas joined 06:58:27 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: -getting a little antsy. Fuck. What the hell was going on? he wanted to know.06:58:28 PM** KazeWarriorhas left [connection closed] 06:59:56 PM<ToastBusters>huina: Hazel-TeaLiet for some reason, it just seemed like a good idea to let go of Kagaho and place a hand on Ambrose's shoulder. He just felt it right for the moment. "Ambrose, we're gonna be together, okay?" He asks, more to reaffirm for himself, but also a little for him too 06:59:58 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, Snagerdra, Hazel-Tea, SpikeballX, Awa303, Bell-Cat, Sensdornam, TheDrawingFrog: Jenner: *folds his hands in his lap, doing deep breathing exercises, while his bag rustles and slowly unzips itself* 07:00:31 PM<Himiku>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: *smiles too* thank you~ yea, just glad he saw us. *her tail swaying a bit* now they better hurry up! 07:01:14 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: -he glances over at Jenner for a second before doing a double take- . . . . Jenner. Your bag. It's alive? 07:01:38 PM* cocowoushiis back 07:01:55 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Aibyou, Himiku: [Clearly grabbed the edge of the truck and leapt over to join the others.] "Hello, hello! Nice t' be seein' y' two again!" 07:02:33 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra, BlackRatchet: Tsuyu: It really is opening itself. _ 07:02:43 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : Likewise. Good to see the wo of you, we were starting to worry. Thinking that you might not make it in time. I'm glad you did. 07:03:18 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira:*steps into the trucks driver side* *she yell's over towards the other truck* We're heading out in a few moments, get your truck ready! 07:04:20 PM<snagerdra>Black-ratchet Chryl: 8V .. *nudges Jenners bag-monster with his toes* 07:04:28 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Aibyou, Himiku: [Clearly nodded and grinned when he heard the red-haired captain's call.] "Just in the nick o' time, eh?" 07:04:42 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *salutes and closes the tailgate* ALL RIGHT, LET'S SADDLE UP, PEOPLE! *heads to the driver's side* 07:05:20 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: hey~ glad to see you guys too. i dont have to worry anymore. i wasnt going to forgive you guys if i never saw you again. *looking around* oh dear. . .wonder whats going to happen. . . 07:05:43 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: *he payed no attention to Jenner's bag, just waited for things to get clear.* 07:05:55 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Calx: The demon's attention was only briefly turned to the unzipping of the bag and the commotion

it caused, until he heard the yell from Otis. He cracked his knuckles, hands wringing in one another. 07:06:05 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Hazel-Tea: BlackRatchet: Anelace: Spies Jenner's moving back and tenses automaticly not even paying attention to the tailget getting shut on the truck. 07:06:18 PM<ToastBusters>huina: Awa303 Hazel-Tea Bell-Cat Liet He's not watching Jenner's bag give birth to a chest burster, he's watching Otis right now, trying to read him for any signs of panic. If Otis is panicking, then it's definitely time to panick. 07:06:34 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou, Black-Ratchet: Nehnna: She looked at Jenner's bag blankly, finally remembering Jenner's pet. She sighed and leaned against Adele, closing her eyes as the gaurds shouted. She was feeling sick to her stomach. 07:07:26 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, Snagerdra, Hazel-Tea, SpikeballX, Awa303, Bell-Cat, Sensdornam, TheDrawingFrog: Jenner's bag: *unzips and Iago's head pops out, glaring at the assembled recruits* >.> 07:07:44 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Aibyou, Himiku: Clearly. (makes himself comfortable) "I dunno. But I've a good, not-so feelin'"--[He looked back at the place.]-"that somethin' big is about to happen t' this place." 07:07:54 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, Hazel-Tea, huina, snagerdra, BlackRatchet: Tsuyu: *raises an eyebrow* 07:08:26 PM<Hazel-Tea>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Bell-cat: blackratchet: Ambrose: e_e -what the hell is that thing 07:08:26 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, SensDornam, Black-Ratchet: Adele: Her attention has also been taken, even as her stomach twists uncomfortably. Her nerves are on end, and she jumps a little when the creature emerges. She glares back harshly, hissing at it. 07:08:31 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : Yeah, well I guess that would be qualified as extremely good timing.I guess we'll have to wait and see... *sighs* Uh... this is really bad for my nerves. Well that seems to be everyone's guess. 07:08:32 PM<Hazel-Tea>*-? 07:08:35 PM<Blood-and-Spice>The recruits began scurrying about in confusion to collect what they thought was important, gathering on trucks like cattle ready to be shipped off to the slaughter. The head guards each took their truck and started them up with a vicious roar as they started to head out, inching out of the gates, before picking up in speed. Their direction towards the nearest town. 07:08:54 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: *Apparently he has been terrible distracted with everything going on to pay much attention to what is being said to him. The whole chatter of everything going on was exciting! He couldn't wipe the grin off his face.* 07:09:32 PM<ToastBusters>Black-Ratchet huina: Awa303 Hazel-Tea Bell-Cat Liet He hears Ambrose and stares at Iago. "...What a sweetie!" He smiles for once, suddenly not as frightened even as the trucks lurched onward. "Jenner, who's in your bag? I've never seen him around before.." 07:10:15 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: my idea still stands. *she folds her arms, just looking at the place as well* 07:10:42 PM<Bell-Cat>Awa303: ToastBusters: SpikeballX: NaaNana: Hazel-Tea: BlackRatchet: Anelace: She relaxes seeing Iago only to jump at the sound of the truck engines, tightening her grip on Ambrose's hand. 07:11:22 PM** Aibyouhas left [connection closed] 07:11:38 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters; Iago: *mewls at Liet, nervous, and soothes himself by gnawing on Jenner's leg* Ar. 07:11:59 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : * also looking at the base, feeling somewhat nostalgic. they did live there for what? Almost two years?* 07:12:17 PM<huina>snagerdra, ToastBusters Kagaho: *knows that they are ridding, is just now wondering where they are going, all together* .___. *holds tight on his laptop still* 07:12:28 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Calx: The demon's face remained stony, unable to focus on the distraction. "Jenner, do you have any idea what is going on?" He glanced over the few heads that separated the two demons. 07:12:35 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, Awa303: Ann: *she glanced up at Leon as the trucks took off, her lips curving only a little as she pressed her face against the man's shoulder and then reached to give a small kiss to his cheek. She stayed silent, and just leaned against him from then on*

07:12:37 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He finally folds his hands, grinning to those

clustered around him.* So, this is exciting. *He says evenly to the group in general, looking very amused.* 07:12:47 PM** Hazel-Teahas left [connection closed]
07:12:58 PM<ToastBusters>Black-Ratchet Huina Liet He gently slips out of his seat and

onto the floor, for balance, and offers a hand to Iago. "What a little darling. Kagaho, come see this!" 07:14:14 PM** Pinaydollhas joined 07:14:14 PM<Black-Ratchet>Sensdornam Jenner: *cringes as Iago legnoms him* it . . . it seems that we are being relocated, Calx. I do not know for what purpose. Most likely, not a benevolent one. Perhaps we are finally being deployed to war. 07:14:25 PM** xxWisteriaWitchxxhas joined 07:14:30 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *Locke, please, you can't take responsibilty for this chaos, whatever it is. Even if you are a Tengu. But that's not he sees it in his head. He was sure - it was only a matter of time.* 07:15:02 PM<cocowoushi>Black-Ratchet: Locke: *He fails to stiffle completely a laugh at the word "war".* Do you really think so? 07:15:05 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters; Iago: *flinches from Liet's hand, head diasappearing back into the bag like a prarie dog* AR! 07:15:15 PM<huina>Black-Ratchet: snagerdra, ToastBusters Kagaho: *takes a look from where he's sitting* 07:15:17 PM<SpikeballX>Hazel-Tea: Naanana: Awa303: Leon: He smiled at her kiss, petting her - why the hell was he so calm - he would die to ask everyone for answers but right now he just... didn't feel like. 07:15:35 PM** SoveriegnofSilencehas joined 07:15:56 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, huina, snagerdra, BlackRatchet: Tsuyu: War against who, I wonder... 07:16:13 PM** Bell-Cathas left [timed out] 07:16:17 PM** 3712has left [connection closed] 07:16:19 PM** facebreakhas joined 07:16:23 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi Chryl: anyway. as i was saying. Ucu how are you, ... uh.. 07:16:31 PM<cocowoushi>Awa303: Black-Ratchet: Locke: Heheh, do you really need to ask? 07:16:54 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: *He looks to Chryl.* Me? Oh, I'm wonderful! 07:17:09 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: 8V goood, good. 07:17:28 PM<ToastBusters>Huina Black-Ratchet: Liet He flinches visibly when Jenner mentions war. No, he pushes that thought out of his mind, and taps the bag where he thinks Iago is, just playing with him. 07:18:08 PM<NaaNana>SpikeballX, Hazel-Tea, Awa303: Ann: *falls asleep there -u-;* 07:18:22 PM<Black-Ratchet>Awa303, toastbusters, cocowoushi: Jenner: *shrugs* Presumably, against our fellow demons. . . be careful, Liet- he enjoys biting. 07:18:23 PM** NaaNanahas left [connection closed] 07:19:06 PM<SensDornam>Black-Ratchet: Calx: "With all due respect, that is ridiculous.... no one here is prepared for that. But the relocation... it's not the "where" we are going that worries me, but "why" were we not informed sooner. 07:19:22 PM<huina>Black-Ratchet: snagerdra, ToastBusters Kagaho: *gets his smartphone out and plays with his actually activating its GPS, making things to look like he was playing a game like tetris* 07:19:23 PM<SensDornam>talking about war, btw )) 07:19:24 PM** faithomhas joined 07:19:40 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Black-Ratchet: Nehnna: She looked blankly at Calx. "Perhaps they found some humans who need rescuing. Or they are finally fed up with us." 07:19:41 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: "...war...?" she questions quietly, not really even focusing on much else except the voices around her in order to avoid her car-sickness. She leans towards Nehnna. "What do we do?" 07:20:34 PM** Bell-Cathas joined 07:21:06 PM** KazeWarriorhas left

07:21:16 PM<Black-Ratchet>Awa303, toastbusters, Sensdornam, cocowoushi: Jenner:

*sighs* We are not priveleged enough to know the "why", Calx. We are mere soldiers. No, we are but experiments. Perhaps the experiment is over. 07:21:31 PM<cocowoushi>Awa303: Black-Ratchet: ToastBusters: snagerdra: Locke: *Oh this was hilarious. Were they really not expecting this? He can't help but chuckle again and not really quietly.* 07:21:52 PM<ToastBusters>Black-Ratchet: Liet "I'm fine with that." He answers, sort of dully and tries to block out what's going on around him. War means people are hurt and people will die. He can't let anyone die, but how can he reverse the inevitable...? That's what he's musing on as he teases Iago. 07:22:02 PM<ToastBusters>((ladsfha, I meant he's fine with being bitten)) 07:22:07 PM<ToastBusters>((my bad))
07:22:31 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Mondefou: Nehnna: She looked at Adele and

swallowed, putting her arm around the other's shoulders. "We do what we have always done. We fight, and we survive." 07:22:42 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters; Iago: *as if understanding permission was granted, pops his head back out and noms Liet's hand* >.> 07:23:21 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, huina, snagerdra, BlackRatchet: Tsuyu: *is thinking it might be because she passed too much time near Leon, but if they're simply 'disposing of the experiment' she's not going to jump on death's arms easily even if it's an order* 07:24:07 PM<snagerdra>Black-Ratchet cocowoushi huina Chryl: >:U i TOLD you so, Kaga! 07:24:10 PM<SpikeballX>Black-Ratchet: Awa303: Leon: "Experiments..." He sighed, petting the sleeping Ann in his arms. "heard that before - don't like the idea honestly, pal..." He looked up at Jenner. 07:24:13 PM<ToastBusters>Black-Ratchet Liet He smiles a little and pets Iago as his teeth sinks into his skin. the pain is the least of his worries right now. 07:24:16 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: *He finally focuses back on Chryl.* So, what do you say? Enjoying being back outside? 07:24:50 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog: Adele: After hearing Jenner's comment about 'experiments, she finally sits up and looks at Nehnna squarely in the eye, weary. "...we are both knowing I cannot do just that." 07:24:54 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Calx: The demon exchanges a glance with Jenner at the mention of the experiment being over. His glance quickly shifts to the two females he came with. Adele looked on the edge of her nerves. "Hey... we'll be fine." His voice vibrates low and uncharacteristically reassuring. 07:25:01 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi Chryl: <: ( ....*scoots away from Locke* 07:26:01 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: No? Ahaha! Well, I can bet you that where we're going isn't going to be nearly as preened as that base. Maybe you'll get your mold after all. 07:26:28 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, The DrawingFrog: Adele: She acknowledges Calx's comment with grimness, and shakes her head. Even in her false strength, she is shaking a bit--but the words help. 07:27:13 PM<Bell-Cat>Black-Ratchet: Anelace: She took a deep breath at Jenner's comment. Experiment over. Well she certainly wasn't going to let them just kill her. "Why take new recruits only to end the program? No that cannot be the reason." 07:27:30 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: She took a minute to savor the feel of Calx's voice, before she nodded and began stroking Adele's hair. "You will be fine. We all will." She began humming lightly, tring to calm Adele down. 07:27:52 PM<huina>Kagaho: *still following the road on his GPS*... *gets his professional laptop out and turns it on, connects the smartphone on it and starts entering lines of code, considering nothing around anymore, taking the time to send his last researches report to his labs in Japan. Maybe there was a solution in it though he highly doubt it* 07:28:14 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, huina, snagerdra, BlackRatchet: Tsuyu: *heard Leon and turns to look at him* I don't like the idea either. *surpassed the panic phase already and now her voice is steady and calm... eerily calm* 07:28:15 PM<cocowoushi>Bell-Cat: Locke: *He leans over some, to address the lady.* Oh, but human's minds change on a whim! 07:29:15 PM<cocowoushi>Bell-Cat: Locke: Besides.. I doubt this is anything "new" for the people who known about it. Perhaps trying to starve off the inevitable~

07:30:23 PM<Bell-Cat>cocowoushi: Anelace: "Then you need only change them again."

She responded. "Maybe not, it seems illogical for military humans to do that." 07:30:41 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi Chryl: *frowns more* <: ( .......... 07:31:39 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: She sighs, shaking her head again before leaning forward once more. This time, she leans towards Calx, muttering something about "...too many people...". 07:32:20 PM** ten-chanhas joined 07:32:28 PM** Corvuslotorhas joined 07:32:48 PM<cocowoushi>Bell-Cat: Locke: Oh~! Well, I look forward to seeing you changing some minds. In times like this, I believe they say "actions are stronger than words." 07:33:14 PM<SpikeballX>Black-Ratchet: Awa303: Leon: "At least Stan is alright..." He sighed loudly, looking at Jenner and then upwards. 07:33:39 PM<cocowoushi>Bell-Cat: Locke: *He grins devilishly.* It's only right, after all. Isn't it? It'd be pathetic of us to not go down without a fight if that's what they are planning.. 07:33:50 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi Chryl: *clings to Locke* <8U i don't wanna die.
07:34:33 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*was sitting silently in curled up in her seat, her

smallness lending her a kind of invisibility amongst all the bodies. She was holding Hamhe and the bracelet Dalton had given her, and her favorite book from the library were the only things she'd brough with her, packed in a small bag. She was worried.* 07:34:33 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: *LOL CLUNG TO. He smirks to Chryl.* Then you're going to have to make sure that doesn't happen~ 07:35:05 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: I'm sure you can do a trick or two with your earth powers, eh? 07:35:27 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog: Calx: He persisted in staring at his feet, knuckles popping every once in a while with the force of that gnawing feeling eating him up. "I know... try to relax", he glanced sideways at the lioness, then at Nehnna, who somehow managed to come off calm. 07:35:56 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, NaaNana, huina, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *is deadly silently now and will probably stay that way until further instructions or someone speak directly to her* 07:36:00 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi: Chryl: *tilts head up a him* mmm... <:Uc i could make this whole convoy sink into the ground? 07:36:57 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: HA! *He laughs aloud.* Good! Though maybe not us. Though if it looks like someone else is going to want to kill you, it'd be smart to sink THEM instead, wouldn't it? 07:36:57 PM<huina>Kagaho: *is typing so fast he wasn't even thinking anymore but programming that quick little searching program connected to his GPS hoping it would work, but then 3G disapeared* NUUUUUUUUUU DAMNATION!!! Baka desu! 07:37:11 PM<Bell-Cat>cocowoushi: Anelace: Her free hand tightened on the seat, nails clicking. "I'm sure I'd survive." Confidence, that's what she needed right now. 07:37:52 PM<cocowoushi>Bell-Cat: Locke: *His eyes shift to Anelace.* Then keep reminding yourself of that. 07:38:10 PM<SpikeballX>Awa303: Leon: He looked at his partner and smiled, wondering if he's gonna see that training room again. 07:38:40 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi Chryl: <:V maaaaaaaaan *whines* I never got to loose this body's virginity. BAKA DESU *face palm* 07:40:08 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: The humming trailed off, and she cleared her through quietly. She gritted her teeth every time Calx popped a knuckle, the sound grating on her raw nerves. Excitement of getting away from the base was quickly evaporating and being replaced with a morbid curiosity and sheer nerves. She looked at Calx's hands, trying to ask him to stop, but she couldn't get the words out of her throat. But maybe that was a good thing, considering she wanted to snap at him. Instead, she fluffed her hair and looked around, her brows knitting as she counted heads. It looked as though all their humans were in the other truck..."Maybe the will take us out of this damn Russian cold," she said suddenly, looking at Adele with a small, forced smile. Really, she looked more like she was baring her fangs. 07:40:28 PM** Bell-Cathas left [connection closed] 07:40:34 PM** PockiiChuuhas left 07:40:45 PM** PockiiChuuhas joined

07:41:32 PM<ToastBusters>TheDrawingFrog: Liet He waves over at Nehnna, gives her

a half hearted smile, and returns to Iago. hopefully little tough guy will help take his mind off things 07:41:50 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: *He lifts a brow at Chryl.* Oh you know... "Japanese?" *Or whatever botchery him and his partner were using of it.* 07:42:49 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi Chryl: :Pc oh.. * whispers* my partner don't speak ANY language so good. _ 07:43:11 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: "I am trying," she whined back at Calx, tensing a little when Nehnna spoke. A snort escaped Adele, and she leaned back and slumped. "Somewhere warm?" She asked, also bearing her teeth. She knew it would never happen, but she played along nonetheless, "Ah, to a desert. Somewhere warm. With much earth, and no metal." 07:44:06 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: *He snickers.* I see. *Considering he was from Japan himself, but what does that matter when you're a demon?* 07:45:22 PM<huina>Kagaho: *puts all his stuff back in his bag, hearing Chryl* Try being in 3 languages at the same and talk correctly before saying anything D:< *is talking French Japanese English* 07:46:20 PM<snagerdra>huina Corvuslotor Chryl: has can look me, I be Kagaho, I not speak try any good well english at japanese all anything 07:47:44 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, ToastBusters, Mondefou: Nehnna: She noticed a movement out of the corner of her eye, and gave a half-hearted wave at Liet. One of her humans was safe, but that didn't calm her much. She gave Adele a sideways look, and smiled a little more genuinely, patting the other's thigh. "Yes, somewhere with warm winds that play among the landscape," she said with a sigh, closing her eyes to indulge in the momentary illusion. It soothed her nerves enough to let her act civilly. Or as much as she would, in this case. 07:48:43 PM<ToastBusters>TheDrawingFrog: Black-Ratchet Liet "Nehnna, I saw Samie get in the other truck, I think she's safe." He smiles and gives Iago a kiss on the head. "What a sweetie~" 07:49:37 PM<cocowoushi>huina: snagerdra: Locke: Hahah! Sounds like you're right! *From what Chryl said.* 07:49:47 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, TheDrawingFrog: Jenner: *gives Nehnna a deadly serious look* You should use caution when making wishes. They have a way of turning on you. Trust me. 07:50:23 PM<snagerdra>cocowoushi Chryl: *beams* u 07:50:47 PM<huina>Kagaho: go fu.... forget.... *looks at Liet taking more of other people and taking care of him at all* :x *hugs tight his laptop and smartphone* 07:51:39 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog: Calx: He listened to both females. The images they created played right into his soft spots. He just wanted to be set free. But that is not how this deal worked. Mable's things rustled in the bag when they it a bump and Calx clenched it tighter. "Jenner's got a point, though." 07:52:32 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Black-Ratchet, Mondefou, SensDornam, ToastBusters: Nehnna: She opened an eye and looked at Liet, giving him a small smile. "Good. I just hope the others are there, too," she said, knowing Addi, if anything, was not in physical danger. She opened both eyes and turned a blank look on Jenner, though. "I know. I am paying the price for my last one now." 07:53:12 PM** Pinaydollhas left [connection closed] 07:54:14 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, TheDrawingFrog, Snagerdra: Iago: *pops out to bite Liet again, but pauses, ignoring Liet and climbing out of the bag to sniff around Chryl's feet and bag* Ar? 07:55:18 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Adele: She bristled a little at Jenner's comment, but then heard Calx speak and sighed. She frowned, eyeing Nehnna. "Of anyone I know, you should have to pay no price for anything," she mumbled, looking down at the bag Calx held. 07:55:32 PM<Blood-and-Spice>The trucks traveled down the long road, going straight through the town until they reached the Pier. A large military ship waited at one of it's docks, obviously for them. Guards had already found their place there, watching the trucks as they pulled up with cautious eyes, their guns close at hand. The guard captain stepped out of the truck when it came to a stop. "Everyone straight to the ship. Any of you stray and you'll have plenty of people to shoot you down. " 07:56:07 PM<cocowoushi>Black-Ratchet: Locke: *He eyes Iago, sizing the creature up for a snack when whoa hey, they were stopping!*

07:56:30 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *jumped out of the truck and walked around to

the back, dropping the tailgate* You heard the Captain. Fall out, people. 07:56:45 PM** Nyyrikkihas left [timed out] 07:57:02 PM<huina>Kagaho: *waits that everyone is out to get out, didn't want to get hit by elbows and all* 07:57:04 PM<snagerdra>Cocowoushi Chryl: *suddenly too scared to move* oh... <:U help me, i .. I'm turning to stone... 07:57:17 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, TheDrawingFrog, Snagerdra, cocowoushi: Iago: *HOSHIT- dives back into the bag* 07:57:30 PM** Nyyrikkihas joined 07:57:42 PM<ToastBusters>Snagerdra: Black-Ratchet: TheDrawingFrog Liet He lets Iago go, watching him, and then he gazes up at the ship. He's never been on a ship before... He stands up as the car stops and looks over at Chryl, sighs, and attempts to pick xim up. 07:58:15 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*her mind going a mile minute, but her mouth stays shut. She tucks Ham back in her bag, wishing she could hold Jenner's hand, but he's on the other side of the truck. She tries to walk out quietly, but she's so small, she keeps getting jostled* Oh07:58:36 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : : I really don't like the sound of that... *jumps off and waits for all of them to get out before heading towards the ship, still holding Ali'z hand* 07:59:06 PM<cocowoushi>snagerdra: Locke: *He smirks as the creature disappears and leans back a bit as people start to file out. He doesn't seem too concerned about Chryl or aiding him, rather getting to his feet.* Come on, Chryl~! They might eat you if you don't hurry, haha! 07:59:38 PM** facebreakhas left 07:59:46 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, Tsuyu: *oh greath, a ship. water to be seen from all sides. like a giant mirror. She glanced at her partner, worried about him* 07:59:56 PM<Black-Ratchet>Toastbusters, TheDrawingFrog, soveriegnofsilence: Jenner: *grabs his bag, jumping down and staring at the ship*Oh, this is
MUCH worse.

08:00:09 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog: Calx: The earth demon waited

calmly for everyone seated before him to leave. Then he jumped down himself, helping Adele and Nehnna climb down, if they needed it. Calx looked around, and as soon as he rounded the trucks, he caught sight of the huge ship. "This just keeps getting better and better..." 08:01:06 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: *hops out after kai* greaaat. boats. . . no wait. ships. . . what is the difference between boats and ships. they both float on water. >:/ 08:01:09 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He finally steps out of the truck, though not really making a rush to get on the boat. He slowly makes his way with the flow, skirting the edges of the mass of people and taking in his surroundings.* 08:01:55 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: *bustled out of the truck where he falls flat on the ground. helped up and instantly swept away into the big group* <8U 08:02:26 PM<huina>Kagaho: *gets all the bags for him and Chryl and stands up, he was feeling like the game has become reality and that hurts your face when it happens* ... *waits to get out of there as the last one* 08:02:57 PM<ToastBusters>huina: snagerdra Liet He looks over at Kaga and carries Chyrl out and onto the ship. "Come on you two, it'll be okay." 08:03:06 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : ... I'm pretty sure that the difference is in size. ships are usually huge... Not sure through. 08:03:19 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence: Jenner: *sees Bell getting jostled, reaching back in and taking her hand* I am here. Come with me, Bell. 08:04:02 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, SensDornam: Adele: She steps out with Calx's help, but blanches immediately and tries to back up into the truck again. Water. Lots of water. And ships. Oh god. No. No no no. Her hair begins to smoke a little at the idea of being on that boat. 08:04:18 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Aibyou, Himiku: [Clearly looked at the ship. His stomach stirred, but remained externally calm as he hopped out of the truck and followed Ali and Kai. His ears wavered back and he kept his tail near his person, silent and heart beating. He had never been on a water-based transportation before . . .]

08:04:27 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: /getting out of the truck, slinging

his bag over his back, he looks around, finding Locke and taking him by the collar of his neck/ 08:04:34 PM<cocowoushi>Black-Ratchet: Locke: *He lets the others pass him, his attention shifting to Otis now. Mostly watching his actions and his expressions. Trying to guage what they were really in for. Trucks were exciting! Ships, not so much.* 08:04:42 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX: Tsuyu: *gets down the truck and heads towards the ship, still keeping her eyes on Leon* 08:04:53 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: Ah-! *Suddenly snagged by the collar.* H-Hey! 08:05:26 PM** tooayahas joined 08:05:34 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : Come on, let's hurry getting on before they start shooting for reasons I ignore. *sighs* I just want to know what's going on already. 08:05:37 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet:Bell:*looks up at Jenner's voice, grasping his hand tightly as he pulled her out of the middle of the throng* Jenner- what is happening? *looking terrified at the ocean- she'd never seen anything bigger than a lake* What is that? 08:06:20 PM<huina>ToastBusters, snagerdra, Black-Ratchet: Kagaho: *makes a sign to go first that he'll come soon*.... *passes next to Otis slowly* I'm sorry for the punch and thanks a lot for what went after even if you did that...thing *gets his normal pace to go back with his partner and Liet* 08:06:20 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: Can you swim? /he ignores Locke's apparent excitement, catching on to the incurring looming thought chaos which Logan himself couldn't shake off/ 08:06:26 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: She blanched as soon as she heard the wateer, and shot a quick glance at Adele. She took Calx's hand and jumped down from the truck, biting her lip hard as she looked at the boat in front of them. There was no way they would get Adele on it, of that she was sure. And, yep, there was the expected flipping out. She quickly reached out to squeeze Adele's shoulder. She looked at Calx, worried, and crooked a finger at him. "Maybe you should throw her over your shoulder," she said with a straight face. It was either that, or she would be humming the whole time. It's all she could see that might hep Adele. 08:06:36 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Aibyou, Himiku: [Clearly hurried along with the others without a word, doing his best to make sure he and London don't get separated from Ali and Kai.] 08:06:38 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: oh so it just size. . . . lame. oh right, hurry hurry. *tightens her grip on kai's hand, looking back at clearly* you okay deary? *her tail reaching out to him* 08:06:49 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He looks over towards his partner.* Oh, it seems to made it on for the ride! *His grin soon spreads over his face.* Exciting, isn't it? Well - no, not for you. Nothing is exciting for you. *It's obvious that he doesn't have any personal effects with him except the disheveled uniform he has on.* 08:07:00 PM** sarahbearahas joined 08:07:25 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He then shrugs.* I haven't tried with this form. Though I figure if I can wade water in my original one, this one can't be too difficult. If not HEAVY. 08:07:31 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence: Jenner: *groans, settling her gently on the pier and beginning to walk towards the ship* Judging from the cold terror in my veins, I can only assume this is the "ocean" I have heard so much about. A vast desert of endless water, Bell. Come; we must not cause any disruptions. 08:07:40 PM<ToastBusters>huina: snagerdra Liet He didn't hear, but he guessed what Kagaho did. He starts beaming at him, so proud that his little rookie is doing the right thing. 08:07:55 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : *looks behind from time to time to make sure that Clearly and London are still close* Right, sorry I'll try not walking too fast, we wouldn't want to be seperated, not at a time like this. 08:08:36 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: Don't tell me you didn't even bother with packing anything. /he sighs/ Wading in water... god. I'd ask for you to stay safe, but I might as well not waste the breath. I'll just say that I won't bother trying to rescue you if you fall overboard. 08:08:36 PM<RemixedMagic>Himiku: Clearly. "Eehhhh, I'm fine." (manages a smile) "I've never been on a water vehicle before. Y' can say, for me, it's excitin'." [Lies. His bent-back ears and coiled tail said so.]

08:09:16 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He snickers.* What would I

pack? Honestly! 08:10:24 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet:Bell: *her eyes were transfixed on that endless mass of water-- it was like some kind of terrible magic. She kept hold of Jenner's hand, her other hand keeping the bag with Ham in it close to her side* JennerI'm frightened. 08:10:28 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog: Calx: OhmygodAdele. The demon was just about to suggest something when nehnna's bossy tone overcame his. What- carry Adele?! "That has to be the dumbest-", however, one glance at the terrified feline that was the redhead now made it apparent how futile any further discussion was. "Hold this..." he gave the bag to Nehnna and grabbed Adele around the waist, using all his might to detach her from the vehicle. "Come on, matchbox." 08:11:13 PM** sarahbearahas left 08:11:19 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX: Tsuyu: *fixes the luggage in her back and hand, gives a big sigh and climbs onto the ship, ignoring the guards' glares. So uncomfortable...* 08:11:36 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: oh yea, you look soooo excited. *give him a dont you lie to me face* just stay close to us. kai seem to know where he going. 08:11:40 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: At least bother with a change of clothes and something to eat. /He looks at the ship grimacing/ Did you hear from the others what might be happening? Theories at least? 08:12:22 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence: Jenner: *nods* As am I. Whatever they have planned for us, it is more elaborate than simply executing us- and that seems most worrying of all. Please, do try and keep Iago calm for me. *starts heading for the ship* 08:12:38 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He gives Logan a cocky grin as he brushes his hand off and starts to stroll to the ship casually.* Oh, I might have~ Are you worried? 08:12:54 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence: Iago: *whimpers from the bag* 08:13:54 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: /he pauses, looking at the other soldiers before following Locke on board/ You're not? 08:14:01 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou: Nehnna: She nodded, holding onto the bag with both hands and watching the other two. Muscle finally had its appeal, yeup. "Watch out for her claws," she said drily. 08:15:08 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet: Bell: *looks back- hadn't even realized Iago was in there. She put a hand on the bag, hoping the touch of another shadow child would calm him* It- it is alright Iago. We will keep you safe. 08:15:29 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He laughs aloud, turning to face Logan as he walks backward a few paces.* Are you kidding?! This is a laugh. Clearly someone doesn't want us around any more. And now they are stuffing a bunch of nervous and scared-for-their-lives humans and demons on a ship to nowhere! 08:15:43 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, SensDornam: Adele: When Calx grabbed her, she hissed, doing exactly as Nehnna predicted. She struggled endlessly, not making it easy, and swiping at him--her eyes never leaving the endless wall of ocean before them. "...don't! DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS!" she hissed loudly, along with other things that didn't make much sense. 08:15:49 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: I think it's going to be a very interesting time, indeed. 08:16:57 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: And you're fine with being shipped to nowhere? You're more nearsighted than I thought you were. 08:17:11 PM<Black-Ratchet>Huina: Otis: *nods to Kaga* No problem, kid. Good luck. Yer gonna need it. 08:17:37 PM** Nosebleed-chanhas joined 08:17:41 PM<Nosebleed-chan>join dammedpraragraphrp 08:17:52 PM<huina>Black-Ratchet: Kagaho: *turns back and salutes* 08:18:01 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He turns the right way, striding onto the deck and simply following the flow of people.* There's a saying. It's not the destination but how you get there that's important~ Besides, it's either this or stay back at the base to get killed with the rest of the demons. *And he snickers at that. Logan your partner is crazy, man.* 08:18:44 PM<ToastBusters>snagerdra: huina Liet He's already on board, still holding Chyrl and looking around. He's trying to find someplace he can set Chyrl down.

08:19:19 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog: Calx: The lioness put up a

good fight and if this was a sparring match, Calx would have appreciated the enthusiasm, but here it was just unnecessary and would only cause trouble. "ADELE!" He growled, trying to keep up with the crowd with a hysterical sack on his shoulders: "Stop it, you'll get us all shot! I will not hesitate to break of an arm or two!" 08:19:50 PM** ShadowTrinity102has joined 08:20:16 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence: Iago: *makes a contented growl from inside the bag* 08:21:18 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : ... Well, they told us to go to the ships... so that's what I'm doing... Especially since they threatened to shoot us if we yeah... 08:21:24 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: You do realize the means of your journey is on a floating piece of metal, surrounded by manned guns, surrounded by water which you might be able to "wade" through. Alright then. /he shrugs/ 08:21:28 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, Sensdornam, mondefou: Jenner: *from behind them, to Adele* Be strong. We will not be cowed by water. 08:21:39 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Mondefou, SensDornam: Nehnna: "Oh, for goodness'," she muttered under her breath, wincing at Adele's shrieking and clawing. Seeing that Calx literally had his hands full, and not wanting to risk a broken limb in case it should be needed later, she quickly strode over to Stand under Adele head. She looked the lioness squarely in the eyes and said strictly, "Adele, /stop/ this, before they shoot you." She snapped her fingers, the sound enhanced and meant to shock Adele back to her senses. 08:21:51 PM** huinahas left 08:21:53 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet: Bell:*pats Iago through his bag* That's my boy. *oh lord she'd almost forgotten-* Dante-Jenner, do you know where Dante is? 08:22:10 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He cuts off to the side, letting the others pass him as he hugs the side, looking back towards the shore and the armed personal and DAMMED staff not following. He drums his fingers on the railing with a grin.* Oh I'm well aware of the situation we're in. 08:22:36 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou: [Clearly spoke low, a subtle hiss hidden under his voice.] "I'm not likin' where this's goin' . . . ." 08:23:01 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence: Jenner: I am certain that he is here. If nothing, he is obedient to human orders. We will find him after this chaos settles down. 08:23:18 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He glances aside to Logan.* And you? Do YOU realize what is going to happen? 08:23:56 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: /he looks at Locke, eyes brighter than they usually were/ More than you, surely. 08:24:31 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: Oh? *He smirks and gives Logan his full attention.* And just what is that? 08:26:09 PM<Mondefou>SensDornam, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Adele: She snarled loudly, struggling all the same. She knew very well Calx would snap her in half if he had to--but it would be worth it to stay on dry land. She calms a little, startled out of her trance by Nehnna--and clings to Calx like a frightened animal. Finally, she looks to Jenner. "This is only the beginning," she hissed at him, staring sadly out at the ocean now. 08:26:18 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: yea yea. i heard. *just looking at the water now* who like whats going here anyways? 08:26:46 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: Sure as hell, it ain't just your twobit sense of war. But it isn't a predictable skirmish either. /he looks over at Zasha, not going into the ship and touches his pockets out of habit/ 08:26:48 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*nods, but the worried expression doesn't leave her face. She walked closer to Jenner as they made their way nearer to that awful ship* 08:27:42 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He chuckles and smirks, closing his eyes.* I think you underestimate me, partner. 08:27:53 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, TheDrawingFrog, Sensdornam, mondefou: Jenner: *nods* It is true, we have only begun, Adele. Let us begin with our heads high and our backs straight, at the least. I will not be seen to cower for these fool's amusement. Do not shame me, or the rest of our kind. 08:27:55 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : Me neither Clearly. Me neither. But I'd rather not get shot. I'm pretty sure no one's liking this 08:29:02 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX: Tsuyu: *just for a moment, her glare traveled from her partner to Zasha and Donni as she noticed those two were not going to come* Sir...

08:30:02 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Aibyou, Himiku: Clearly.

a move on with this crowd."

[The slow pace of nearing the ship was slowly unnerving him.] 08:30:13 PM<Nosebleed-chan>Sibbi: *Follows along with everyone else, carrying along his suitcase. When the announcement had come, he had quickly gotten his clothes and a few personal items together, but for most of the trip had been quiet and out of the way. Now he decides to go forward a bit, catching up with Bell to walk beside her* 08:30:47 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Calx: He felt the lioness ease up to some extent, yet she still clung to his shoulders. At least now she was not making his job difficult. And as soon as Jenner was done speaking, he turned his head slightly, aware that nothing he said coult reach Adele properly: "Remember what we talked about the other day? You are stronger than this. Don't give them the pleasure of making you look like an idiot. You are better than that." 08:30:56 PM<SensDornam>AWF- SOrry, again D: )) 08:31:36 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: You should know a war is a collection of small battles. *He looks back to Logan.* And I think the first is will be starting shortly. 08:32:22 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: hmmm wonder if i should be odd man out and be all smiles and rainbows. *trying to keep calm* cuz i be much more happier if we told why we are here, getting on ships and what not. 08:32:24 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan: Bell: *looks up as Sibbi trots over, surprised that she finds herself relieved that he's safe* Sibbi, there you are. 08:33:28 PM<snagerdra>Nosebleed-chan: Chryl: *spots a flash of Sebbi's read hair and makes his way over as fast as he can through the crowd* 8,U Sebbl! 08:33:57 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: /he watches as everyone passes, looking back at Locke/ War isn't defined as a collection of small battles. Those are skirmishes and operations. We won't see that, just yet. 08:34:19 PM<snagerdra>*red 08:34:22 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam, Mondefou, Black-Ratchet: Nehnna: She pursed her lips at both males' words, and she had to agree with them. If only because kicking and scratching now would lead to nothing good. "Adele, all these humans respond to is violence." 08:35:20 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : I'm pretty sure that the mojority of us are wondering what the hell is going on too. And those that knows don't seem too keen on sharing. Not for now at least. 08:35:46 PM<cocowoushi>lepus-americanus: Locke: *He snickers and waves a dismissive hand.* If that's what you want to believe. *He steps away from the side and starts to follow the group now. If this is leading up to what he thinks it is, he doesn't want to miss any of the action. Nor his chance to play a role in it.* 08:36:44 PM<Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet, snagerdra: Sibbi: Yes, I'm here...! *Quickly smiles at Bell, and nods to Jenner in greeting. But before he can say anythig to them, he hears a sound 'close' to the sound of his name, so he turns his head to look at Chryl coming towards him* Oh-- it is you...! Hello, Chryl. 08:37:50 PM<snagerdra>Nosebleed-chan: Chryl: :,D *reaches out and snags his sleeve so he can't get away* I am having the worst day, chrrr. *looks half-heartedly at his companions* 08:38:56 PM<lepus-americanus>cocowoushi Logan: /Can't even define war right. Logan stays at the side of the door, letting the rest of the people pass. He couldn't relax./ 08:40:14 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: well the faster we get to where we need to be, the sooner we will find out , no? lets hurry~ 8D 08:40:31 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, SensDornam, Black-Ratchet: Adele: "I enter a demon, proud and ready--I leave a slave. Be strong and be shot--or worse. If you think we demons are not already a joke, you are already theirs. You said it yourself. We are justexperiments," she hissed at the two of them, resisting again as they got closer to the docking area. 08:43:01 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, TheDrawingFrog, Sensdornam, mondefou: Jenner: *sidles up behind Adele, hissing through his teeth* Let me put it another way.
If you cannot keep yourself under control, you will not have to fear death at the hands of the human cretins- I will kill you myself. Ask your companions if you believe me bluffing.

" 'd be nice if we c'n get

08:45:09 PM<Nosebleed-chan>snagerdra: Sibbi: *Lets Chryl grab his sleeve, even

pulling her closer to put an arm around her shoulders* What is the matter? Well... besides our current situation. Which I'm sure is not going to be so bad...!

08:45:48 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *At first he wasn't liking the thought of the ship. It's

certainly cramped and annoying, but this could lead to something very interesting. He sighs and starts to head towards the middle of the crowd, allowing himself to mix and get mingled among them. He smirks as he goes, not looking too worried in the least.* 08:45:55 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-Chan:Bell: *worried about Iago in that bag- she puts a hand on it again, speaking softly through the fabric* Iago, of you can make yourself look like Ham, my cat, I'll carry you. 08:46:22 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Black-Ratchet, Mondefou, SensDornam: Nehnna: She stiffened as Jenner approached, and hissed at his tone. "Yes, do that. Show them we are no better than they are. Perhaps /that/ is why they are putting us n this ship. They will watch and laugh as we tear each other up due to our own egos." 08:46:45 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira joined them on the ship once they all piled in and the platform to get on was raised. She makes a motion to all of the recruits and yells to get their attention. "Alright maggots! Follow me! I'll show you where you'll be staying on your little 'cruise'." She stepped away leading them all into the ship's interior and going down steep steps. It was a ways in, through cramped tunnels of metal before she stopped in front of two doors, each on it's own side of the hallways. she points to the left" Girls will be rooming over here. "points tot he right" Boys will be rooming over here. " She opened each door to show the rows of bunks in each, which hardly looked even near comfortable. "Enjoy your new lodgings for your stay~" 08:46:53 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Calx: There was a disturbance caused by Adele's anxiety and no one actually did anything to make the situation better. What was worse for Calx, it was all going on over his shoulder and it started to irk him: "Enough. All of you. Let's just stay calm and get this over with", he started to board the ship, intent on lowering Adele as soon as they were on firmer ground. 08:47:22 PM** Hazel-Teahas joined 08:47:47 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: :iconnothingtodohereplz* 08:48:17 PM<Black-Ratchet>Otis: *brings up the rear , helping seperate the recruits out* 08:48:25 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai : *hurries on, his face falls as he hears what Shamira said* But... but then I'll be seperated from you...*gets closer to Ali* I-I don't want that! 08:48:57 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Blood-and-Spice, Black-Ratchet: Nehnna: "And what about partners with different genders?" 08:49:17 PM<snagerdra>Blood-and-Spice Chryl: *raises hand* EXCUSE ME. 8,U 08:49:40 PM<ToastBusters>Liet He follows Shamira, staying closer to Otis because he trusts him a little bit more. He'd despair at the beds, but that's the least of his concern right now. He just nervously fidgets and wrings his hands and watches everyone else be noisy and wishes he had the nerve to be confident right now 08:49:51 PM<Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet, snagerdra: Sibbi: *Hearing that they're being sorted out between genders actually makes him HIGHLY UNCOMFORTABLE. He looks at Bell, doesn't want to get seperated from heeeer, in truth he's pretty scaaaared-- turns his attention to look at Chryl raising her hand, though* 08:50:25 PM<Black-Ratchet>Snagerdra: Otis: *glares at Chryl* Yer a girl today. get over there and stop being . . . whatever it is you are. 08:50:44 PM<Awa303>SpikeballX, Blood-and-Spice: Tsuyu: *stand still by the edge of the ship as long as she can, watching the ones who will stay behind, her hand rising up for a last salute before heading for the inside of the ship; looking closely, her eyes looked rather teary* 08:50:47 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou Blood-and-Spice, BlackRatchet : Kai : *nods vigorously at Nehnna's question* Shouldn't all partners stay together?! 08:50:54 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*panicking inside, biting her lip- she was going to be seperated from her mate, and her partner, and her son* Oh, old one preserves us08:50:59 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: she frown, her face turn pale. she just wraps her tail around kai*. . . . . . . .but but but. ;n; i dont want to leave my boys. 08:51:06 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He continues along as people look confused and concerned by the new announcement. He chuckles and doesn't really resist, just trying to watch how people are handling the news. Not well. Which was wonderful.*

08:51:40 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, SensDornam, Black-Ratchet: Adele: Never

wavering, her temper lowered a little as she glared right back. "To be killed by you, one of my own kind? An honor, compared to what we will face down this road," and with that, she shoves herself from Calx's shoulder roughly and makes the trek on her own--intent on not making herself appear weaker today than she already had. She trekked along on shaky legs. 08:52:19 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: *shirks away from Otis and joins the people with the longest hair, which is Sebbi* D,: girls have long hair, boys have short hair *repeats * 08:52:20 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Aibyou, Himiku: [Clearly stumbled on the rickety motion of the ship, feeling both unstable and a little sick from the constant moving of the floor. It was like being in an elevator, EXCEPT WORSE. Apparently, everyone was going to be on the ship for a while. It was evident. He hated ships too. The rule about gender separation was only half absorbed.] 08:53:26 PM<Blood-and-Spice>wrath-kakerou: Shamira: Only if your partner is the same gender as...whatever you are. Go. 08:53:57 PM<cocowoushi>Mondefou: Locke: *His tail feathers fan out and close a couple of times as he leans against the wall, watching the female pass. His smile grows slightly. Oh, this one was very interesting. He doesn't try to stop he walk though, but watches he closely as she goes by.* 08:54:04 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: ..... *so confused* @____@ *some of the boys have long hair* *can't remember which one his partner is* 08:54:14 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, Nosebleed-chan: Jenner: *groans and squeezes her hand* It will be all right, Bell. Be strong. 08:54:34 PM** SpikeballXhas left [connection closed] 08:55:08 PM<Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet, snagerdra: Sibbi: Chryl, I am not a girl-;; *Pats the girl's shoulder, trying to

make her feel better* Go on with the other girls, it will be fine! *Then looks at Bell and repeats the same thing* It will be fine. I'm sure they'll let us out to mingle later. 08:55:22 PM<Black-Ratchet>Snagerdra: Otis: *MOAR GLARES* Listen. Go to the leftTHAT WAY. Don't make me shoot you because you don't know how gender works. 08:55:23 PM<SensDornam>Mondefou, TheDrawingFrog, Black-Ratchet: Calx: The demon walked into the room they were instructed, not all to happy to be sharing it with so many people. He gave his companions-so-far one last glance before diappearing behind the door. 08:55:55 PM<cocowoushi>her* 08:56:18 PM** DemonDragonAC666has left [connection closed] 08:56:33 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: @_@;;;; *has never been so confused in her-no today is monday- i mean HIS- life* *goes to the left* deh faaaq... 08:56:34 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou Blood-and-Spice : Kai: Will wel be allowed to get out to see our partners at least? 08:56:42 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Mondefou, SensDornam: Nehnna: She bites her lip, already hating this place. For one, there was no air. And then this whole separation based on genders...she whimpered lightly under her breath, then cleared her throat and steeled herself. She had Addi, and Adele, and Samie. She would be fine. She stayed by Adele's side, holding her elbow to help steady the lioness. 08:57:08 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Black-Ratchet, Nosebleed-chan: Bell:*trying not to let her dismay show through, she gives Jenner's hand one last squeeze* I love you, My Daybreak. *moving the way she was told, glancing back at Jenner and Sibbi, holding her bag closer* 08:57:16 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet Well, he knew who Calx was, and he's a dude, so he follows after him instead. "Calx!" 08:57:32 PM<lepus-americanus>Logan: /while everyone is talking among themselves, Logan reserves the room closest to the door to the deck, putting up his bag and resting on the flat, hard mattress 08:58:17 PM<Blood-and-Spice>wrath-kakerou: Shamira: As long as it's not lights out. 08:58:36 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: "Just clinging to kai at this point.* nope nope. dont want to leave. *reaching one her hands to clearly and london*08:58:44 PM<Black-Ratchet>soveriegnofsilence, Nosebleedchan: Jenner: *reluctantly lets go of Bell's hand* I love you as well, My Night. Go; it will be fine. I will protect the others. *turns and heads for the appropriate room*

08:59:35 PM<Awa303>Hazel-Tea: Tsuyu: *gave Leon his stuff that were in his luggage

and turned to give Amb a hug before entering the female dorm. She needed to hug her 'pillow' now.* 08:59:50 PM<Mondefou>cocowoushi, TheDrawingFrog: Adele: She does notice the rookie demon watching, sending him a strange glance that more or less voiced the very thing she had just said to Jenner. Then, she follows after Nehnna, sending Calx a lost glance before disappearing into their own quarters. 08:59:53 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Shamira: *caught sight of Jenner and Bell hearing them say their precious goodbye's and raises an eyebrow* Did they walk right out of shakespear? 09:00:38 PM<Nosebleed-chan>SoveriegnofSilence, Black-Ratchet, snagerdra: Sibbi: *Smiles at Chryl and Bell as they go, trying to give them some reassurance! And then he turns, following after Jenner. Sticks close to the man just because he feels more comfortable having SOMEONE to talk to-- but he frowns at what Shamira says.* 09:01:12 PM<RemixedMagic>Himiku: [Clearly looked toward Alizea with an almost sad look. He started to feel bad for Kai and Alizea to be separated. In response to her, he sort of reached out back. He did begin to hope that he would see certain female friends at some point.] 09:01:13 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou : Kai: *hugs her back*...aat least we won't be completelly cut off to each other... Doesn't mean that I like it through. Because I don't at all. How am I supposed to sleep when I'm used to having you in the same room ever since we bonded? *his eyes starts to well up* 09:01:25 PM<cocowoushi>Mondefou: Locke: *Shame she will be in a seperate room. He grins in reply to her glance and chuckles to himself. Well, maybe she'll do his work all the same.. She sounded pretty wound up. Once she's out of sight he casually goes to step into the male quarters.* 09:01:31 PM<TheDrawingFrog>SensDornam: Nehnna: She notices Calx turning into his room and she calls out to him, waving the bag. She hurried over, pressing the bag into his hands. "Keep them, they will remind you of Mable. Unless you want me to give them to her?" 09:02:52 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: The earth demon got the bag shoved at him at the last moment and he accepted it with a nod: "I got it. Thank you, Nehnna." He had just found a somewhat remote corner, where he planned on staying for the rest of this "trip", when a familia voice calls out his name. "Liethell...?" 09:03:26 PM<SensDornam>*familiar )) 09:04:09 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet "Hi Calx." He looks up at him for only a second before burying himself on Calx with a hug. Well, more like a tight cling. 09:05:15 PM<cocowoushi>Locke: *He wasn't even concerned with getting a bunk. He just walks through the tight quarters, observing everyone he passes. Their expressions and their temperments. Trying to see how long it would take for the gasket to blow.* 09:06:48 PM<snagerdra>Chryl: *after checking out the other dudes, Chryl picked out a bunk on the top and climb up onto it human-style* :U I AM A MONKEY! 09:07:09 PM<snagerdra>(dudes=ladies) 09:07:10 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: you'll be alright. . . . we'll be alright. *hugging him tightly. she gave clearly a small smile for his reach. showed her that he cared.* we just have to work something out. . .something. *she was trying to not tear up herself.* 09:07:39 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: He was about to utter a 'hello' when the cling came. Okay, this was too much emotions right now. All he wanted was a quiet corner for himself. "Aw, come on now, what are you doing." 09:08:05 PM** poachedEggshas joined 09:08:12 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Mondefou: Nehnna: She nodded at Calx, rubbing his forearm quickly in ways of goodbye. "I will tell Mable you are safe," she said quickly, before going after Adele into the women's room. She shuddered and hugged herself as soon as she stepped inside, her hackles rising at the atmosphere of the room. It was so.../unnatural/. 09:09:30 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Chryl: *wags a hand at Nehnna when she steps in* 8U HEY! are you a boy or a girl!? 09:10:17 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet "I-I just need a h-hug..." His voice whibbles, those waterworks are coming.

09:10:34 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *pulling Ham out of her bag to hold, scanning

the room. She recognized people, but no one very close. She clung tightly to the cat, backing up against a wall.* 09:10:37 PM<Jazzikinns>poachedEggs: Hey hey! You can head over to #hrrrrn for ooc chatter and other stuff, since it's just rp in here right now]] 09:11:03 PM** wonderwarthas joined 09:11:37 PM<RemixedMagic>Himiku, wrath-kakerou: [Clearly looked down for a moment, then he mustered up the energy to straighten himself and walk toward Ali. He placed a hand on her head and gave her a reassuring smile.] "You'll be fine, Ali." 09:11:44 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra: Adele: She leans into Nehnna, offering her what little heat she could muster for comfort. When Chryl suddenly speaks up, she startles and clings to Nehnna. This place wasn't any better--just as cluttered. 09:12:02 PM<TheDrawingFrog>snagerdra: Nehnna: She blinked and hissed at Chryl, caught off-guard. No, today was not her day. "I am a female demon and I will rip your throat out if you yell again!" She shuddered and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. This is not, I don't want to be here," she said, preferring to look at Chryl rather than the calustrophobic room. And she clinged right on back to Adele. 09:12:22 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou Blood-and-Spice : Kai: *He reaches for his ear and takes out his dark blue earing. He wipes it on his shirt , takes Ali's hand and puts it on her hand before closing her hand on it* I want you to keep it until this is all over okay? 09:12:35 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: With his hands awkwardly in the air, he looked down at the tiny human: "What kind of a soldier are you. Man up. I can't believe half of you people." 09:13:40 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet He makes a few more funny noises and continues to cling. "I don't want to fight demons Calx. I just wanna heal..." 09:14:16 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: 0-0 .. *peed a little when he was shouted at* .... I have to go to the bathroom.. 09:16:01 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra: Adele: She blinked, then scowled when she smelled the foul scent. "You...I..." she shook her head. NOPE. Not getting into that one. 09:16:53 PM<TheDrawingFrog>snagerdra, Mondefou: Nehnna: She stared at Chryl. Stared and could not believe what she was hearing or seeing. As if she needed this. As if things could not be any--"Ask one of the guards. If they tell you to take a piss in the wind, don't. You will fall off the ship." It was all she could manage, since her brain was just...yeah. 09:17:59 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: The demon gave out a heavy sigh, not really ready to deal with emotional wrecks. the Adele situation proved that theory to be right. "Liethell... you are going to be fine. Stop whining. You don't even know what is going on" 09:18:00 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: *she looked up at clearly, her big blue eyes started tearing up* y-yea. *she looked back down at kai and the earring he gave her.* . . .are you sure? *fighting the tears that seem to start sliding down her cheeks.* 09:18:09 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: :,U oh... thankyou for that... :Tc special tip... *climbs down off his bunk, having sufficiently rubbed his scent on it and messed up the sheets* :,V i shall return. *Scampers off* 09:19:26 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet He takes a deep breath and tries to compose himself with it, but it takes more breaths than that to get over it. He lets him go and wipes his face off, with a half smile. "You're really bad at giving consolation Calx. Mind if I bunk near you...?" 09:21:06 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: *Man, this was going to be a tough decision! Though he finally settled on a spare bunk, watching Kai in particular in the distance while he seems to be having his moment.* 09:21:33 PM** Silicone-Heartshas left [timed out] 09:21:50 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou Blood-and-Spice : Kai: As sure as I can get Ali. Oh no, don't cry... *tears starts falling down his cheeks too* We're going to be okay. We have to. It's not like we can't see each other at all, Shamira said we could see each otehr as long as it's not lights out. We'll eventually reach destination and we'll probably be able to share a room again. A-and I'll send you a lot of messages and and I'll see you when it's not lights out. Every day. *hugs her tightly.* I...I should go put my stuff in the room. *sniffs* 09:22:01 PM<wrath-kakerou>oops sorry blood D: ))

09:22:07 PM<TheDrawingFrog>snagerdra, Mondefou: Nehnna: She watched Chryl

scuttle away, and she just had to choke out a sob and slump against Adele. "They don't even have to lift a finger. We will kill each other at this rate." 09:22:31 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Himiku: [Clearly didn't have tissues on him. Better make do with his spidery fingers of lengthiness. He carefully wiped Alizea's eye with a knuckle and laughed.] "Aw, c'mon~~ Smile, Ali! You too, Kai." 09:23:17 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog: Adele: It's Adele's time to be the supporting one. She shakes her head, and wraps her arm around Nehnna's shoulder--leading her to two bunks nearby. She sits, nudging Nehnna down with her. "Someone has to do something..." she hissed, nodding and agreeing. Not very supportive, mission failed. 09:23:25 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: "Well, you know.... for consolation... the women's room is right over there." Eyebrows raised and the demon cocked his head in the appropriate direction. "Bunk only if you cut down the whining to a minimum." With that said, he sat down, plopping the bag with Mable's things behind him. 09:25:09 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet "...that was just plain offensive." He huffs and throws his bag on the bunk across from Calx's, thereby claiming it. "But you're Calx, so I'll let it slide." He's smiling again, a full smile too. 09:25:12 PM** Asteruhas joined 09:29:07 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Mondefou: Nehnna: She plops down on the bunk and flops over onto her side, groaning. "I can only hope...they either kill us soon, or let us out just as quickly." 09:30:06 PM** Beybladegalhas joined 09:30:11 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: alright. . .if you say so. i'll get to see you everyday then it wont be so bad. i'll just have to be strong at night.*slowly putting the earring in her ear, sniffing a bit. she looked at clearly when he wiped her tears away* Its hard to smile now. . .but i will soon. 09:30:14 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: *comes back* better now *tosses old underwhere onto his bunk* :U hi, I'm CHRyl. Chry. CHr. 09:30:32 PM<Awa303>TheDrawingFrog: Tsuyu: *flops on the nearest vacant bed (aka the one at Nehnna's left side), leaves her lugagge next to it and lays down, fully dressed AND with her boots on* 09:30:41 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: He glanced around, listening to Liethell. "Mmmm, sure", then he popped a few bones by craning hi neck, oddly sore. 09:31:38 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet "Need a bit of healing?" He asks as he fiddles in his backpack, making sure he's got a few emergency things still packed in there. "I have energy to spare." 09:31:55 PM<Nosebleed-chan>Black-Ratchet: Sibbi: *While continuing to stick close to Jenner, he claims himself a bunk bed. He sits on the mattress and makes himself comfortable, watching everyone else in the room* 09:31:58 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Mondefou, Awa303, snagerdra: Nehnna: She flicked a glance at Tsu, not bothering to get up or say anything. But she does groan when Chryl comes over. "Yes, we have met before." 09:32:46 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: 8Vc oh.. Sorry, I ... *looks around* have really poor eye sight! *this isn't true, he's just not USED to haveing GOOD eye sight* 09:32:54 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: "No... I'm good so far. Nothing that won't heal itself", he cast the human a sideways glance, "Feeling less sobby?" 09:32:58 PM<RemixedMagic>wrath-kakerou, Himiku: [Clearly hopped a few steps back with a little wave to Alizea.] "Well. We better get goin'." 09:33:25 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Awa303: Bell: *sits down on the bed next to Tsuyu's, keeping Ham in her lap, opening up her book of fairy tales, trying to forget about everything around her* 09:33:30 PM** Hazel-Teahas left [connection closed] 09:33:30 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet "Yeah, I don't know why I cried. again, maybe too much energy." He fidgets with the backpack. then the hem of his uniform. Then his boots. Then the bed. 09:33:40 PM** Bloody-Coontailhas left [connection closed] 09:34:12 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: *pauses* ........ are they gonna sink the ship with us on it? 09:35:56 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra: Adele: She pauses also. ".....maybe," she then grins wickedly, teasing the rookie, although not entirely sure hersel.

09:36:18 PM<TheDrawingFrog>snagerdra, Mondefou: Nehnna: She opened an eye to

glare at Chryl. "Some of us can fly, some of us can control water. They can try to sink us, but they will fail." 09:36:58 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: "It's all overwhelming, and we all react differently." Calx ran his fingers through his hair, then rubbed his face. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, the awareness of his own age struck him. "Maybe... maybe you were just in shock" 09:37:17 PM** yellowflowerevyhas left [timed out] 09:37:42 PM<wrath-kakerou>Himiku RemixedMagic Aibyou cocowoushi :Kai: *takes her earing and put it in the now vacant hole in his left ear.* I-I'll see you soon okay? You can send me messages anytime you want you can wake me up at night with them if you want to okay? *squeezes her hand and lets go. he walks towards the door, turns around to look at her one last time and forces a smile on and waves* We gotta hang in there. * goes in the room and heads to a bunk bed that has two other empty bed beside it so he won't be far from London and Clearly, whichso happens to be beside Locke's bed.He puts his things on the floor and sits on the bed . He tries to take a deep breath to calm himself but ends up crying a bit more. He just needs to let it all out right now.* 09:37:58 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: ohhh. if it helps, I will turn the water into Slime. u_u salty water works better. ocean water. *stands of straight* 09:38:00 PM** poachedEggshas left [connection closed] 09:38:16 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet "Shock, yeah, maybe. I probably shouldn't be." He holds his legs for a minute, then lets them go and thumbs at his nose. "I don't like this and I don't like the feeling this gives me" 09:39:28 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra: Adele: "...what is slime?" she inquired, staring blankly 8I;;. WELP, at least she was still herself to some degree. 09:39:37 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: *His attention perks as Kai heads over. He smirks a bit, looking pretty collected despite the happenings - probably even a bit excited.* Was that your partner? *He asks the human.* 09:40:51 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: Um... you know.. like.. *thinks * this! 8D .. *balls up some saliva in his mouth then hangs his head forwards and lets a string of it hang down as fall as it will reach* 09:41:29 PM<wrath-kakerou>cocowoushi RemixedMagic Aibyou :Kai: *looks up at Locke and tries to wippe the tears away. He simply nods at the person besides him, trying to remember if he ever had any interaction with him before.* 09:41:57 PM<TheDrawingFrog>snagerdra, Mondefou: Nehnna: She propped herself up on an elbow, about to ask Chryl a question. Her mouth was open and everything And then she hears that hawking and just OMGSHEWANTSOUT. She choked on another sob and hid her face back in the sheets. Where was her goddamn Italian when she needed him? 09:42:42 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: Heheh - I can see you care a lot about her! 09:43:01 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: She'll be with the other females, not alone. 09:43:11 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: "Nobody does, Liethell. But there is nothing we can do about it. Yet. We can just wait." he sighed, dropping on his back a little. 09:43:19 PM<Himiku>wrath-kakerou RemixedMagic Aibyou : Alizea: okay, you too then. if you need anything, you know how to reach me. *she manages a wave and whispers see you to them* alrighty then~ *turns around and heads to the girls room. trying to form her confident smirk on her face. just plops her bag on a vacant bed and sits there. just taking it all in.* 09:43:21 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra: Adele: She stares, completely confused as she watches Chryl. "Are---are you a slime demon? Is that a thing? I don't--" then she hears Nehnna, and places a hand on her back, leaning towards her. 8C 09:43:51 PM** iSconehas joined 09:44:00 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Soon enough the ship began moving, the recruits more or less entirely oblivious to where it was going. The two people on the dock watching it go, as silence began surrounding them. Zasha knew it would be the last time he saw that ship. And Donni was left wishing it wasn't. 09:44:32 PM<snagerdra>TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: *slurps his presentation back up, enjoying the cool, crisp, air-treated sensation* yes, I am. :U that is a thing*feels the ship move* 09:45:22 PM<wrath-kakerou>Kai: *snifs and smiles a bit* Y-yeah I do. I-I know, I'm just not used to not sharing a room with her and all. I I feel safer when my partner's with

me. She's kind of like an older sister you know... *snifs* Were you seperated from your partner too? *tenses as the ship start moving* 09:45:31 PM<Asteru>snagerdra:, TheDrawingFrog:Nona: *nona lies underneath her bunk, next to her spare uniform- the only other thing she brought with her save for some books that she neglected to return to the library. There are many books there, and she does not think anyone will miss the ones she borrowed. She thought, after trundling onto the ship after everyone else, that she would give some time for everything to cool down before coming out. She discovered very quickly upon that she did not favor crowded spaces.She thinks she might have slept for a bit, because she suddenly notices that there are different voices in the room from before. She rolls out from under her bed and hops to her feet, surveying the room to see all who are there. She takes note of Chyrl, and more pleasantly, Nehnna. She grins, raising her hand to greet them* Oh, hello the both of you-- *she wobbles a little at the sensation of the boat moving, and flops into a seated position on her bed. Her sensors twitch. That was odd. She stands again.* Hello. 09:47:25 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: *He shifts as the boat starts to move but it doesn't seem to bother his mood.* Oh, no. He's around here somewhere. *He gestures somewhere he might have seen Logan. His real attention was on Kai. His grins grows slightly.* Heheh, well, safety isn't something we can afford to luxuary anymore. 09:47:44 PM<cocowoushi>grin* not more than one :I 09:47:49 PM<ToastBusters>SensDornam: Liet He watches Calx slunch, and he waits until the ship's great lurch calms before he stumbles over to Calx's bed and pats him. 09:48:02 PM<snagerdra>Asteru TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: *notices the other slime-demon* ~<3 09:48:14 PM<Beybladegal>Emm: giggled in an almost sadistic way as she clutched her precious Humphrey to her chest. There was so much chaos, so much fear spilling all over the place, she just couldnt help but indulge in the madness of It all. She stood against one of the walls watching and listening to the sobs and frantic voices of her fellow recruits, not to mention feeling the fear in her own being. Just where were they going? What was going on? The craziness of this all was verging on to much to stand. 09:48:15 PM<TheDrawingFrog>snagerdra, Mondefou, Asteru: Oh god that sound of slurping all that stuff up it was just too much for her. She shuddered and tensed, and bit back another sob as the boat started moving. So this was it, then. She was stuck in a claustrophobic room with a slime demon. Her mate would be proud of how low she had sunk. She twitchedwhen she heard Nona's voice, and turnes her head out of the sheets to look at the wraith pathetically. She tried to greet her, but all she managed was a whimper. Chryl WAS NOT HELPING KTHNX. 09:49:06 PM<Mondefou>TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra, Asteru: Adele: As soon as the boat began to move, Adele doubled over, her stomach turning. She wanted to great Nona, but she felt sick. So sick. "...ohgodohgodohgod..." 09:49:43 PM<wrath-kakerou>Kai: ... *looking at him with a look that clearly says: Are you trying to cheer me up or make me panick more?!* ... Surely we are at least still a little bit safe... for the moment...I really would like to know where the hell we're being taken. 09:49:58 PM** Mez-workshas left [connection closed] 09:50:00 PM** Mez-workshas joined 09:50:58 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: *Yeah that's a good question. Perhaps the only comfort was his on demenor wasn't worried in the least.* For the moment, yes. Moments pass though. Have you been with your partner long? 09:51:16 PM<cocowoushi>own* 09:51:27 PM<snagerdra>Asteru TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: : > *twiddles fingers at Nona: target acquired* *eyebrows* 09:52:43 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: The ship moved and the earth demon propped on his elbows with it. Naturally, to him this was not a pleasant feeling. Not at all. And Liet's pats did not help. "What are you doing." 09:52:49 PM** tooayahas left [connection closed] 09:53:30 PM<ToastBusters>Liet "It's supposed to be comfort. Maybe stability, I don't think you're going to have your sea legs any time soon.." He's not one to speak, he's never been on a boat before either. 09:53:50 PM<wrath-kakerou>cocowoushi RemixedMagic Aibyou :Kai: Ever since I got here, which is about two years. *rubbs his face* Sorry for getting all emotional. *wippes his hands on his pands and extands one hand towards Locke* I'm sorry but I'm not sure if we did meet before. I know I saw you earlier in the lounge but... Any how, I'm Kai.

09:56:14 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: *He takes the hand to shake,

snickering.* Best call me Locke. And two years~! I'm sure you're more than capable then to handle what might.. come up. 09:56:19 PM<Asteru>TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra,Mondefou: Nona: *Nona approaches them, tentatively, not used to the motion of the ship. She looks down to Adele, sensors perked, then to Nehnna. They don't seem to be at pique condition. Chyrl, however, seems fine, she notes. She tilts her head, looking at the other two. She looks to Chyrl. then back at them again.* Are the both of you alright? 09:56:45 PM<Himiku>Beybladegal: Alizea: *she spies a certain friend that use to glomp her and london when she spotted them. Her eyes brighten up and her tail curled in delight. she pushes off the bed and runs to glomp emma* I havent seen you in long time! >:V where have you been dear? 09:57:21 PM<SensDornam>ToastBusters: Calx: "THIS. IS. BAD." The wobbly room made a whole lot more difference now. 09:57:58 PM** SensDornamhas left [connection closed] 09:58:55 PM<wrath-kakerou>cocowoushi RemixedMagic Aibyou :Kai: Even if I can ,that doesn't meant that I like it. I guess it's just that it got to me you know. *smiles*But I'll live. And I can still see her as long as it's not lights out. How about you Locke? How long have you been here? 10:00:03 PM<TheDrawingFrog>Asteru, Mondefou, snagerdra: Nehnna: She sat up with a gasp, and looked at Nona. "Fine, perfectly. I am on a ship going out to who knows where, I have no idea where my partner or husband is, and, to top things off, Chryl is doing tricks with her snot. Everything is peachy," she blurted out, then clapped both hands over her mouth. Wonderful. Word vomit. Just what she needed. She took a slow, deep breath, and lowered her hands. "I;m sorry. This is, this room makes my hair stand on end. And we have no idea what is going on. But, yes, physically, I am fine. Adele is terified of water, but she will be fine, too," she added, patting Adele's hand. 10:00:13 PM** Asteruhas left [timed out] 10:00:32 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: Yes! DO live! That is a very important thing to keep in mind! *He chuckles and rubs idly at his bruised nose for a moment.* Me? Oh, not very long. I believe my title is "Rookie." 10:00:33 PM** ToastBustershas left [connection closed] 10:01:06 PM<Mondefou>Asteru, TheDrawingFrog, snagerdra: </b>Adele:</b> She simply doesn't have any energy to respond, but nods when Nehnna speaks for her. 10:01:13 PM<Mondefou>FFFFF)) 10:01:54 PM<Beybladegal>Himiku: Emm: was only a little surprised when she was glomped, but the friendly touch and familiar face pulled her from her madness for the moment, her eyes slightly dilated back to their normal state. Ally! she said happily her grin turning more friendly than crazy as her ears flicked happily. Ive been everywhere now, where have you been!? she asked hugging her friend back. Wheres Lonny? And Clearly? she asked knowing that London seem to always be with her and that Clearly was always with London. 10:03:05 PM<wrath-kakerou>Kai: *giggles* don't worry, live I shall do. Well eventually you'll grow out of that title and you'll become a junior and then a senior. *smiles* *blinks when he notices Locke's bruised nose* What happened to your nose? 10:05:01 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: Oh, this? *As if surprised he asked.* Well~ The Commander didn't appreciate my taste in music, apparently. 10:06:23 PM<Awa303>TheDrawingFrog, SoveriegnofSilence: Tsuyu: *head over the thin mattress, started humming a song trying to calm herself, maybe put herself to sleep and, with a lot of luck, when wake up convince herself this is all a nightmare; but it seems her mind is not working in her favor as the only lullaby-sounding song she remembered was anything but happy [link] * 10:06:56 PM** Asteruhas joined 10:07:25 PM<Himiku>Beybladegal: Alizea: *her tail swayed and she gave emma a big smile* well i should have be everywhere huh? just hanging with the boys. *she smile semi dropped when emma asked* oh well they are in the other room. where the boys have to sleep. we are split up by gender now for the rooming. 10:08:06 PM<wrath-kakerou>cocowoushi :Kai: Eeeeeh did he punch you or something? And because of music nonetheless? What kind or music was it? *crosses his legs, rests his elbows on his legs and rests his head in his hands, facing towards Locke* 10:09:24 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Awa303: Bell:*closes her eyes, listening to Tsuyu hum- it sounded so much like one of her tribe's old songs- unconsiously, she began humming in harmony, holding her book to her chest*

10:09:34 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: More liek this- *He holds his arm up

straight at the elbow, then swings it down sharply from the 90 degree angle to smack into his hand with a loud clap.* I simply wanted to show him my I played piano~ 10:09:36 PM<snagerdra>Asteru TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: :U.... it wasn't my SNOT. *blows nose into his hand* this is snot. *does a trick with it too vile to describe here. note me for details* 10:10:03 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: So you can understand why I am not too remorseful that we are leaving that place. 10:10:03 PM** Fluffy-Kitsunehas left [connection closed] 10:10:51 PM** faithomhas left [connection closed] 10:11:38 PM<wrath-kakerou>cocowoushi :Kai: Ouch, must have hurt. Did you get it checked by Jace to make sure it's not broken? Well I did pass two years there I guess I got somewhat attached. Cue the somewhat. 10:12:40 PM<Awa303>TheDrawingFrog, SoveriegnofSilence: Tsuyu: *the little hummed choir of her and Bell's voices calmed her down a little. Now she wasn't scared anymore ...but instead, feeling simply depressed and with a great emptiness in her chest as she continued the song along the demon girl. The feeling she had now was similar to when her father died, though she couldn't precise (and would not admit) it at the moment* 10:12:57 PM<Asteru>snagerdra thedrawingfrog mondefou Nona: *Nona baffles for a moment at the outburts, antennae piqued, and she forms a pensive frown, pausing before she makes her inquiry* ... Nehnna, I do not think that description sounds fine. I think that you may need a hug or some other form of comfort. Would you like a hug? 10:13:17 PM<Beybladegal>Himiku: Emm: oooh, she said, her eyes clicked with registration as she realizes this fact. Thats no fun. She said but her voice cracked as a uncontrolled snicker shook her body, the madness swarming the boat still very much tempting her to indulge, but she would resist. Shaking out of it she played it off and continued to talk. So how have you been? 10:13:43 PM<TheDrawingFrog>snagerdra, Mondefou, Asteru, Awa303: Nehnna: She flicked a glance at Tsu, starting to pick up the humming. At least, until chryl did his OMG. She stared at the slime demon and felt torn. On the one hand, she could transform and tear Chryl's limbs of-- "Yes, I want a hug," she said, opening her arms and looking at the softness that is NOna ever so desperately. 10:13:56 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: Mm, no. My partner bandaged it up. *He then chuckles again, grinning his somewhat sleezy smile.* Somewhat, for sure.. But I'm quite sure where we are going won't be so kind. *He shifts his eyes to the door.* If we get there at all. 10:14:56 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: But really~ *He leans a little closer, his voice lowering as well.* A boat full of demons and trained partners? Surely we would be fine on our own. 10:16:47 PM<Asteru>snagerdra moundefou thedrawingfrog Nona: *Nona's expression softens back to neutral again as she closes in for a hug. Her first hug, she thinks. She closes her arms around Nehnna and presses her cheek against the crook of the distraught demon's shoulder. She remembers reading about a scene like this in a book once. She drums up the appropriate phrase that is often coupled with this gesture.* "There, there", Nehnna. 10:17:13 PM<Mondefou>snagerdra, TheDrawingFrog, Asteru: Adele: When she sees what Chryl is doing, she HURKS, and looks away quickly, feeling the boat sway underneath her. Oghod,theyreallyweretryingtokillher. 10:17:30 PM<wrath-kakerou>cocowoushi :Kai: Yeah... I have a really bad feeling about all this... You think the ship will sink or that we'll all get killed before getting there? *leans towards Locke when he gets closer to him and raises an eyebrow* ...*waits for Locke to enlighten him.* 10:17:38 PM<SoveriegnofSilence>Awa303: Bell:*relaxing a little as the song continues, her spine, feeling not-so-ridgid, her fingers slowly uncurling around her book, it even made the swaying of the boat a little less nerve-wracking. 10:18:37 PM<snagerdra>Asteru TheDrawingFrog Mondefou Chryl: *also would like a patented Nona-hug* OO! OOO! do me, next! ;A; *taps Nona's shoulder* 10:18:55 PM<Awa303>TheDrawingFrog, SoveriegnofSilence, snagerdra: Tsuyu: *is too distracted with the song now to pay attention to the gross act Chryl just did, or merely doesn't really care* 10:19:20 PM** RemixedMagichas left [connection closed] 10:19:50 PM<cocowoushi>wrath-kakerou: Locke: Sink the ship..? No - I doubt they would do such a thing. Doesn't make for good tactics! But~ *His grin remains, looking back from the door to the human.* Guards with guns? They didn't look like anyone I'd seen before.. You know something isn't right, don't you?

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