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Dos, Donts and Tips

Why GDs -Exchange of Thoughts

GD is an exchange of thoughts and ideas amongst members GDs are held for selecting personnel in organizations where there is a high level of competition Usually used as an elimination process on an average about 60% -70% will get eliminated The purpose is to get an idea about a candidate in a short time & make an assessment on :

Team participation Leadership skills Listening and Articulation skills

What do Companies look for

What Qualities How do they evaluate

Content Communication skills Team Play Leadership Skills Initiative Stress Handling Creativity Reasoning Ability

Language skills New Ideas generated Ability to build up on and Support other ideas Objection handling Leadership Extent of Participation

Evaluation Indicators

Extent of Participation Opening Summarizing or Closing Number of times spoken Average Airtime Listening intently

New Ideas Contributed (Creativity) Creativity Number of Ideas Relevance Real Life and Business examples Daring to Differ with examples

Building on Others Ideas Listening Assimilating Expanding someone elses ideas

Disagreeing with respect Culture Confidence Reasoning skills Patience Understanding and appreciating a different view point

Leadership Innate leadership Driving ideas or the tenor of discussions Resolving conflict Not condescending or patronizing

Other Aspects
Vocal Clarity of Voice Voice Modulation Intensity/Energy Speed Timing Visual Posture Eye Contact Gestures

How do you prepare

Read about current topics Business and Others well in advance. READ 20 Pages every day for 200 days a year! Improve Language skills continuous learning. Practice speaking in English. Make friends of people who do not speak your preferred language Abstract Topics how can you make them related to Business and contemporary happenings Conquer fear and anxiety of speaking in large groups Anxiety knowledge and practice will help. Practice how to translate your thoughts to words! Do Mock GDs

Types of GD

GDs can be topic-based or case-based. 1. Factual Topics E.g. The education policy of India, Tourism in India, State of the aged in the nation. 2. Controversial Topics E.g. Reservations should be removed, Women make better managers 3. Abstract Topics Abstract topics are about intangible things. E.g. Which is better round or square Case-based GD Case studies simulate a real-life situation.

Type of Topics Samples only

Blue Black or Blue Round is better than square Number 10 Black or white Rural versus urban Munni versus Shiela Tsunami- lessons from Japan Leadership versus managerial skills MBS are weapons of mass destruction 20 years from now, news paper will not survive! It is not knowledge but opportunity to apply it that matters? Money and not knowledge give you name and fame in life. One does not need an MBA degree to pursue a successful career in management. Is the consumer really the king in India? Should there be private universities? Should 100% FDI be allowed in Retail?

Positive output during a GD

Initiator Information seeker Information giver Procedure facilitator Opinion seeker Opinion giver Clarifier Social Supporter Harmonizer Tension Reliever Energizer Compromiser Gatekeeper Summarizer

Negative outputs during a GD

Disgruntled non-participant Attacker Dominator Patronize Clown Silence


My Chance to Speak
How to capitalize when its your turn to speak:
Trying to interrupt others while speaking would only harm your chances. Maintain an eye-contact with the audience. This would convey positive body language Quickly come in at the right time Try and link your inputs with what has been spoken whether you are adding to or opposing ideas Be crisp, clear and concise


Techniques to initiate a GD :

Quotes Definition Question Shock statement Facts, figures and statistics Short story General statement


While summarizing a discussion:

Avoid raising new points Avoid stating only your viewpoint Avoid dwelling only on one aspect of the GD Keep it brief and concise It must incorporate all the important points that were raised during the GD If the examiner asks you to summarize a GD, it means the GD has come to an end Do not add anything once the GD has been summarized


Common Errors
1. Starting and not having anything substantial to say. 2. I agree with the topic or I disagree with the topic right at the beginning!! 3. Many interventions most without substance or back up arguments 4. One on one conversations or arguments 5. Trying to put an individual down 6. Trying to enter when the sine curve is at its peak! 7. Too Many common examples Movies, Cricket etc. 8. Absolute Silence

Some Probable Situations


Ramesh has not spoken a word. Time is running out. He does not have any fresh ideas.

Ramesh can summarize well by making a note of the main points raised in the discussions and what other speakers have said

All 4 speakers have said that they agree with the Topic and the flow is overwhelmingly in favor of the topic

Go against the flow with substantial examples and differ politely- Let me attempt to give a different perspective
3. Arun is very nervous. His heart is hammering and his body is trembling.

He is scared that he will make a fool of himself if he speaks

Arun needs to gather his thoughts pen them down. To overcome his nervousness, he needs to ease himself into the discussion by aiming to start with smaller time bytes and then gradually increasing as he gets into the flow

Discussion Etiquette

Speak pleasantly and politely to the group. Respect the contribution of every speaker. Remember that a discussion is not an argument. Learn to disagree politely. Think about your contribution before you speak. How best can you answer the question/ contribute to the topic? Try to stick to the discussion topic. Don't introduce irrelevant information. Be aware of your body language when you are speaking. Agree with and acknowledge what you find interesting.

Discussion Etiquette
Don't :

Lose your temper. A discussion is not an argument Shout, use a moderate tone and a medium pitch

Use too many gestures when you speak. Gestures like finger pointing and table thumping can appear aggressive
Dominate the discussion. Confident speakers should allow the quieter participants a chance to contribute Draw too much on personal experience or anecdote Interrupt, wait for a speaker to finish what they are saying before you speak.

Addressing the Group as a whole

Address the person farthest from you. If he can hear you everyone else can too Attend the group discussion in formal dress The language used should be formal, not the language used in normal conversations For instance, words and phrases like yaar", "chalta hai", cool", "I dunno", etc. are out. This is not to say you should use a high sounding, over the top language.

Just use formal, plain and simple language

HINGLISH should be discarded


Some Concepts that are Important

Air Time: Too little; too Much Sine Curve

Enter when the sine curve is at a low

Example: 10 minute GD and 10 participants. Too Little (< 45 sec), Too Much (>2 min)

Die out or Trail effect 20 * 200

Read 20 pages every day 200 days a year

Start off and then lose steam in the middle of a sentence or argument

Some Concepts that are Important

Have I made it LARGE?

Have I made an impact?? The Company Rep has limited attention span. How do we make an impact 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Powerful start Powerful summary or end Leading the flow Going against the tide Impactful examples

Am I through to the next level?


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