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April 17, 2012 To Whom It May Concern: Sometime during my combined elementary classes my second grade teacher instilled

a latent love for teaching and a profound respect for her enthusiasm and understanding. By having such an amazing teacher in my life from such an early age it was only natural that I grew up with a desire to become a teacher. Recalling my childhood experiences, classroom environment and adolescent friends, ignites a desire to share and instruct children. Teaching horse-back riding lessons also spurred me onto my goal of becoming a teacher. I have been helping to teach riding to children as young as five and as old as fifty-five and it has never failed to give me enjoyment. For a student teaching assignment I would really love to get to work with children under the age of 11, but I am happy to work with any age. I will be doing eight weeks of my student teaching in Montana, and I will be doing eight weeks of student teaching in Ireland. I am very excited to get the opportunity to student teach and to be able to put what I have been learning into practice. My parents promoted responsibility and self reliance and I have held a job since I was 16, paid my bills and managed to complete a college education, train and compete with my horses and volunteer instruction to pony club members. I have an undergraduate degree in accounting and am now working towards my graduate degree in elementary education. Since coming back to school I have worked in a kindergarten class and worked with kindergarten and first graders in the Flagship program. I have also volunteered as a tutor through the McKinney Tutoring and am currently working with a fifth grader. Observing casualties and suffering injuries during my riding and training has created awareness of training and teaching deficiencies in the horse world. This has created a desire to always be correct when I am instructing and teaching. So far I have been very fortunate with the teachers I have observed in that they have all been fantastic teachers, and I am looking forward to working with even more great educators. My resume and transcripts are enclosed. I would like to thank you for your consideration and am looking forward to my student teaching experience. I am usually available on my cell phone anytime of day. Sincerely,

Brittney Trowbridge

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