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Dear sir or madam I am writing this letter concerning the interest I am having about pursuing my career as a trainee in nursing.

I am a friendly person who love working with people, I am very patient and understanding. I believe that given an opportunity as a nurse trainee, I can use these qualities that I have to serve my country better. A nursing profession needs hard working people who are committed in serving their communities. I think my references prove also that I am the right person for this profession because I worked hard in this other careers that I have been doing. Recently in our country we are experiencing a shortage of nursing staff. There is also a need for a motivated nursing professional who understand that a nursing profession is a calling first and payment comes second. So giving young people who are motivated to serve their communities, a chance like this, I think is a great investment for our countrys economy. I hope that my letter will be taken in to consideration Yours faithfully Lucky Sekokotla

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