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GONZALEZ (1982) was born in san juan argentina although proud of her italian and argentina roots Puerto rico at the age of 10 a young age she became interested in cultural diversity and the common grounds that differente customs share even though most of herdeal with psychology, as a reader she is fascinated with fantastic literature.

2..-Details and curiosities This story borrows characters from other works of literature and mythology Bilbo baggins the main character of j.r.r. tolkiens the hobbit,makes a guest appearance in zius journey. Fantasy fiction creates worlds with internal logic the existence of ther fantasy worlds allows authors to interconnect elements. 3.-in the ancient land of wisdow In the land of the thousand dynasties sorcery is still regarded as a noble pursuit every sorcery according to the ancient tradtion he should become versed in the principles of magic to become a sorcere for the honest truth of magic is the invisible law by which the planets maintain the natural order of the universe this deepest secret of the ancient tradition was kept in the heart of every sorceser a secret that could not be taught or written in a book for apprentices to read the mysteries of the honest truth of the apprentice to uphold it that way,once learned the ancient secret

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