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MAIN COURSE Kubba, Arabian Ingredients 2 lbs.

lean ground meat (lamb or beef) 2/3 cup burgul (cracked wheat grains) 2 large onions 1/3 cup pine nuts Butter Oil Spices (allspice, pepper, little cinnamon), seasoning to taste Cream cheese if desired Preparation Instructions Soak burgul in cold water. Let stand until soaked up. Mix filling in frying pan (about lb. meat flaked, chopped onion, seasonings, spices, spices, salt and abou t 1 tbsp. butter) until brown. When almost done, add pine nuts. Let stand to coo l. With remainder of ground meat, mince 1 onion, add seasoning spices with burgu l (press burgul dry before adding). Mix well Sprinkle with water as needed. Grease pan with butter. Make a thin layer on bottom of pan with kubba mixture. S pread filling over all. Cover with layer of remaining Kubba. Cut into diamond sh apes and chill in refrigerator, preferably. Dot with butter and a little oil. Ba ke in moderate oven (350-375) about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Serves 6.

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