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10:55:26 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: Alright, what smell are you referring to? 10:55:52 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *elbow'd* S-sorry.

Will endeavor to be more fu--*shuts up as Zasha arrives back and tries to stand at attention* 10:56:03 PM <ten-chan> Flint: It used to smell like you me and rooter. 10:56:04 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *silently falls in alongside the other recruits, quietly appraising the situation* . . . 10:56:22 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: >:I Why you stop talking?! 10:56:36 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *glances at Zasha and goes quiet, glaring at lewis like, I'MMA FIND OUT THE TRUTH* 10:57:05 PM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *stares at Winter* 10:57:08 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: I don't smell an- * He'd stop as he'd notice Flint change his attention towards Zasha. Turning towards the captain, he'd also keep his mouth shut, staring towards the man.* 10:57:14 PM <Blood-and-Spice> oopse. )) 10:57:48 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *looks at her and indicates towards Zasha* The captain, Winter. 10:58:25 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *stands there silently, his face blank* 10:58:33 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter:........What 10:58:56 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *salutes* permission to smack a bitch, sir?! 10:59:32 PM ** wonderwart has left 10:59:43 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *winces, then mutters to Winter* Captain Belikov, our direct superior. I-I think it would be best to pay attention to him right now. 11:00:12 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter:........I cant hear you 11:00:22 PM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha doesn't respond to them. Waiting for them all to shut their mouths, staring at them coldly. 11:01:04 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *moves over to winter and clamps his giant hand over her face* ] BI 11:01:22 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: dgkljzdfhgzgkjz 11:02:03 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *quietly slides into parade rest, acting like Zasha is the only one out there with him, just watching him silently* 11:02:12 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *frowns and tries to pull Flint's hand off* Unhand my partner please. W-Winter, we're supposed to listen to Captain Belikov now. 11:02:21 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * Would, as well just keep his attention towards Zasha, keeping silent.* 11:02:50 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *drops his hand, bitch better be quiet or he's keepin her quiet* 11:03:05 PM ** inu-no-kage has left [connection reset] 11:03:09 PM ** inu-no-kage has joined 11:03:17 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *crosses her arms, keeping quiet* 11:03:31 PM ** TheDrawingFrog has left 11:04:02 PM <Blood-and-Spice> He waits a few moments, letting the silence seep in. "I'm sure you all know, or at least have a good hunch as to why you've been brought here today?" 11:04:43 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *nods to them both and steps back into line next to Winter. He focuses on Zasha and nods his head at the question* 11:04:49 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *shifts her eyes to Addy and glares* 11:05:31 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * Slowly nods at Zasha's question, keeping his comments to himself, since he basically did know his reasons for being here. * 11:05:52 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *nods once, silently, face blank, eyes alert* 11:05:54 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *only gives a light not but stays silent, eyes on the captain* 11:06:25 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *no reaction*

11:07:09 PM <Blood-and-Spice> "Will the ones who did the acts personally step forward and state, what you did. " He says 11:08:37 PM <ten-chan> Flint: ..*steps foreward* I defended myself, then antagonized a little weakling, then trapped people in the training room and got my ass kicked by another demon. Oh and I bit addule. 11:09:03 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * facepalms at the list Flint decided to share, keeping quiet still.* 11:09:19 PM <ten-chan> Flint: I also leave the toilet seat up, never replace the toilet paper when I finish a roll, I spit in the coffee pot every day after getting my cup. 11:09:21 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *steps forward smartly, his face completely blank* F-fought with Flint after his instigation. Um. And got bitten, b-but I don't know if that counts. 11:09:58 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *trys to cover her mouth, trying not to laugh at Flint* 11:10:18 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *clicks his heels together, takes one step forward, and salutes. In a neutral, matter of fact voice, he says* Sunil das Jhanyeshwar-jana, rookie recruit. With no provocation, I instigated a duel against a fellow recruit in direct violation of regulations, leading to both injuries to both parties, but damage to base property. I was further insubordinate and disrespectful to my superiors. 11:13:12 PM <Blood-and-Spice> He starts to pace a bit. "DAMMED. Someone tell me what it means. " 11:13:25 PM <ten-chan> Flint: IT means you're going to hell. 11:13:43 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *looks around, questioning if she should raise her hand* 11:14:31 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * He'd stand there quietly for a moment, before stepping slightly forward, ready to speak.* DAMMED, Demon and man military experimental division. 11:15:26 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *his expression never changes as he watched the proceedings, about to answer when Lewis did, so instead stays quiet* 11:16:10 PM <Blood-and-Spice> "That's correct. Experimental being something i want to emphasize. Can experiments fail? " 11:17:15 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *immediately does not like where this is going* 11:17:19 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * Doesn't exactly know if he should answer the second question, since he did with the first one. So instead, stays silent for the time being.* 11:17:32 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *shrugs, raising her hand slightly* Yes? 11:18:32 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: Yes... *has a bad feeling about this but otherwise keeps quiet* 11:18:38 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *hopes winter dies first* 11:22:07 PM <Blood-and-Spice> "DAMMED is a human military division. Ran by Humans. And made for humans. Humans, of all types. Those who deal with you directly, such as myself. And humans you will never likely see in your entire life. Including the will of the majority of the human population.Is everyone aware of that?" 11:22:57 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *nods once* 11:23:05 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *already confused by his talking* 11:23:05 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: Yes sir. * He'd reply, with a small nod, going silent afterwards.* 11:23:21 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *nods* 11:23:29 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *tries not to frown and nods* 11:23:37 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *no reaction* 11:25:11 PM <Blood-and-Spice> He stops pacing staring them down again. "I know that not all the demons here are here out of free will. Would you like your freedom back?" 11:26:16 PM <ten-chan> "That's not even possible at this point and you know it, don't play games. If you want to kill us, do it. Don't be subtle."

11:27:08 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *rocks back and forth on her heels. Not sure what to do anymore* 11:28:10 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *He scratched his head and stares at the cages, pretty sure where this was going* D-don't know sir. What would that entail? 11:28:16 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *says nothing but gives one, slow shake of his head: no . * 11:29:55 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *watches silently, his gaze unwavering as he listens* 11:31:26 PM <Blood-and-Spice> "By freedom i mean getting out. You are all, humans and demons, in a giant cage, complete with outdoor fencing.... You think I am blind to this? You think i expect you are? Do you know why they keep us in here? " 11:32:14 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * His attention would remain on the ground, until he'd look up towards Zasha, responding again, to his question.* They don't have any trust in us. 11:33:26 PM ** Cerori has joined 11:33:33 PM <ten-chan> "Because humans are afraid. And what they don't understand, they hate. And what they hate, they eventually try to destroy." 11:33:34 PM <Double-AA-202> nyyyyyyyyyyyyyqq ]] 11:33:37 PM <Sunflower-Baffu> Nyyyyyq~) 11:33:43 PM <SalamanderOpera> halloooo) 11:33:45 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *stopped paying attention awhile ago. No longer understanding why shes in the courtyard in the first place* 11:33:56 PM <Jazzikinns> Nyyq. ;u; <3]] 11:34:07 PM <Cerori> hello~ )) 11:35:50 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: B-because we're demons. We are a flight risk, we're dangerous to them, whatever else the division is about. Because we're still an experiment, as you said captain, a-and experiments can easily go wrong. 11:36:48 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *just keeps quiet* 11:38:11 PM <ten-chan> Flint looked at the captain. He wasn't dumb enough to believe freedom was even an option. He knew better. 11:38:28 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *stays silent* 11:40:39 PM <Blood-and-Spice> "Very correct. All of you. Of course i would like to emphasize that it's not just humans that feel this way about demons but demons feel the same way about humans. Which causes this endless chain of hate. So the only way such a thing could ever hope to be fixed is by showing we are not near as different as we make eachother out to be. Not near so black and white. But tell me, what have you ever done to make anyone believe otherwise? What have you done to only confirm man kind's view on demons?" 11:41:42 PM <Cerori> Aitoux: *had quietly slipped into the courtyard, walking silently behind the recruits until eventually circling around to stand by Zasha, listening * 11:42:44 PM <ten-chan> "So I should put the toilet seat down after using it." 11:43:00 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * Keeps silent. * 11:43:25 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *fixes her hair clips* 11:44:14 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *also keeps silent* 11:44:49 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *He stayed quiet. Honestly, he currently doubted there much demons would be able to do, period, without some kind of condemnation from humans* 11:46:09 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *continues staying quiet* 11:46:53 PM <Blood-and-Spice> He ignores flint. "Well? What have you done to help or hinder? I'm waiting. You need trust to ever be able to leave this place even for missions. And honestly I wouldn't even want you around my loved ones. What's going to make the world want that if they knew your behavior? But for those who don't seem to give a shit, i will show you the alternative. Jenner. Flint. Get into your cages."

11:48:03 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *salutes and silently heads into the cage on the right, turning to be able to keep watching* . . . 11:48:18 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *Turns her attention to Jenner and Flint, trying to cover her mouth from her laughter* 11:48:27 PM <Cerori> Aitoux: *smiles a bit at Flints comment, clears his throat to try to wipe it off his face, clasping his hands behind his back and looking down briefly* 11:48:44 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *his eyes move to watch Jenner for a moment then turn back to the captain as he waits* 11:49:07 PM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha just shoots a glare at Ai like mofo i'm trying to mother here be a good daddy. 11:49:45 PM <ten-chan> Flint: I have seen humans inflict levels of cruelty I couldn't even imagine on my own * he muttered as he headed into the cage* 11:49:53 PM ** PockiiChuu has joined 11:50:01 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * He watches as Flint and Jenner would head into the cages in which were set for them, without a word spoken.* 11:51:03 PM ** wonderwart has joined 11:51:53 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *glances over to Winter and frowns then turns his attention back to the situation at hand, looking worried* 11:51:54 PM <Cerori> James: *had been speaking on a military issue radio, turns it off as he enters the courtyard with his usual unflinching expression, giving the people present a good look over before proceeding, a rather large gun in his hand* Well haven't we quite the gathering here today... 11:52:44 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *stares at the gun and tenses.*.... 11:52:48 PM <Blood-and-Spice> the guards lock the cages. "Addule, Winter, please step aside." he says saluting to James. "Sir." 11:52:50 PM <Cerori> Ai: *glances to Zasha, a hint of some dread or anticipation in his eyes* 11:53:33 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *looks at Addy* Which way do I step? *whispers* 11:54:27 PM <Cerori> James: *salutes back to Zasha* At ease. *paces in front of the cages, considering Flint a while, then moving on to Jenner, giving him a small smile* Ah...I remember you from an incident before. 11:55:01 PM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *salutes James as he comes into view, looking him in the eyes silently* . . . . 11:55:18 PM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *his expression doesn't change, though he glances again at Jenner when James moves over to his cage* 11:55:30 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *just staring at the gun* 11:55:32 PM <Jazzikinns> Addule tensed up upon seeing the unfamiliar James then stared at the gun. "S-sir--Oh." Winter's question had caught him off-guard. "Um. Th-this way..." He placed a hand on her shoulder and steered her over a to a good distance away from the cages 11:55:41 PM <Jazzikinns> . 11:56:20 PM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *quietly stands next to Addy, not sure what she was suppose to do now* 11:56:30 PM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * As well as Dom, doesn't falter. He'd glance towards Dom for a moment, then towards the cages in which held their partners, then back forward.* 11:57:05 PM <ten-chan> Flint: *looks at lewis and is like....goddamnit why can't you like have some fucking emotion on your face* 11:59:47 PM <Blood-and-Spice> We hope that you learn by observing now, if DAMMED becomes a failed experiment. Demon. Human. In the end it doesn't matter. You both get marked as a failed experiment. The whole group does. " He raises his hand, Dom's arms being forced behind his back by the blood that's within them. 11:59:52 PM <Blood-and-Spice> * "

12:00:24 AM <Cerori> James: ...*turns to face the others , pulls back the top of the gun to check the bullet chainbers, then closes it* You all know why you're here right? Just to make sure there's no....regrets. *chuckles a bit* Captain Ai? 12:00:52 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *His eye twitches involuntarily, now watching Dom very intently* . . . 12:01:42 AM <Cerori> Ai: *his expression changes to a flat one, makes a motion with his hand, forcing Lewis's arms behind his back just as Dom's are with the same powers* 12:02:48 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *clings to Addys arm* 12:02:59 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * He didn't fight his arms moving on their, his expression almost unchanging, lightly showing fear. He'd glance towards Dom, then Zasha, then towards Ai, before returning to Zasha.* 12:03:06 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *he catches Lewis's glance before his arms are pushed behind him. He stands numbly and does not struggle as his body is being twisted* 12:03:27 AM <ten-chan> Flint: well jenner, see you in hell. *looks almost visibly upset that lewis is being used against him in this manner* 12:04:24 AM <Jazzikinns> Still tensed, he put a hand on Winter's shoulder when she clung to him, unable to stop staring at the spectacle in horror. They couldn't seriously be doing that. Really... 12:04:37 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *Narrows his eyes, and nods imperceptibly at Flint, refusing to break eye contact with his partner* . . . 12:06:41 AM <Cerori> James: *Loads the firing chamber with a rather audible click, looking from Lewis to Dom, then at their partners in the cages* Your choices have brought you thus far, and it's for your choices you'll pay...Shame, really. Plus it just gives dear Margaret more things to clean, poor dear. 12:08:54 AM <Cerori> Ai: *bites his lip, but doesn't look away* 12:09:02 AM <ten-chan> Flint: damnitlewisatleaststruggleyoupieceofshit 12:09:54 AM <Blood-and-Spice> "I really would like a different ending. But when you lack any hope or desire to see a different ending, why should i try any more then you?" he brings Dom down to his knees, his eyes unable to go off of him as he concentrates. He frowns. 12:10:48 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *using one of her hands, she covers her eyes.* 12:11:11 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *Watching Dom intently, holds his chin up, swallowing hard and giving Dom a look of proud defiance as he is forced down* . . . 12:11:34 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *now just yelling at lewis in Krio* fucking struggle you piece of shit. 12:13:15 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *he tenses when he's forced to his knees, glancing at Jenner, then to Zasha, keeping his chin up and keeping silent, his face showing no expression despite what he feared was about to happen* 12:13:35 AM ** McPancakes has joined 12:13:36 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *He bit his lip, eyes still glued to the scene in disbelief and thinking, "Ohshitohshitohshitohshit". He pulled Winter closer to him when she covered her eyes* 12:14:33 AM <Cerori> James: *brings the gun up and aims at Lewis* My thoughts precisely, Captain. *shoots him square in the chest, the power of the bullet knocking him backward* ...*unloads the empty cartridge and it falls to the ground with a soft "clink", positioning another bullet into the chamber, this time aiming at Dom* Don't you let go Captain... *shoots him in the chest as well, the sound of the bullet ricochetting off of the bulding's walls* 12:15:36 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *shuts his eyes tightly you know kinda like. ok death here I come.* 12:16:09 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *grabs onto Addys shirt upon hearing the gun fire* I dont wanna die yet *she whispered silently to him* 12:16:34 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * He'd of course, fall back with the shot to his chest, letting out a rather loud, and pained sound as he would do so.*

12:18:06 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha let go of him, looking down. 12:19:01 AM <Cerori> Ai: *lets go as well, taking a deep breath* 12:19:56 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *He shook his head and muttered to her* You won't. D-don't worry... *He suppressed a gasp when the gun was fired* 12:20:18 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *lets out something of a surprised and pained gasp that twisted into a strangled cry; falling back when Zasha let go* 12:20:29 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *doesn't flich from the shot, but staggers back, clutching at his chest and slipping to one knee, grimacing and looking at his stricken partner* . . . ! 12:21:41 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *gripping the crap out of the bars of his cage* 12:23:23 AM <Cerori> James: *does the same with the second cartridge, unloading the empty casing* Well then. *looks to Jenner and Flint in the cages* I do still have more bullets, what do you think would be adequate, Captain Zasha? 12:24:13 AM <Cerori> Ai: The paint transfers over to their partner, sir, I don't think12:24:41 AM <Cerori> James: *cuts in*I'm not asking you, Captain Aitouxelle. *looks to Zasha* Well? 12:26:00 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: I-I think, sir- no i HOPE, they understand the lesson now. 12:26:52 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *glare* 12:26:57 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *drags himself back to his feet, now watching Dom like a hawk, face utterly blank* . . . 12:27:06 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *took a step back in surprise, still hanging onto Winter. Well. At least they're not dead* 12:27:15 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *uncovers her eyes* Lesson?! 12:27:42 AM <Cerori> James: *gives a fleeting glance at the demons again as he walks past them, tapping his gun on the side of his neck casually, looking at Winter* ...Yes miss? 12:28:48 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: >:I The hell kind of 'lesson' is this, SIR?! *still holding onto Addy, Staring at James* 12:29:04 AM <ten-chan> Flint: She needs to be shot sir. Can I do it? 12:30:30 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *Oh shit. He tightens his grip on her shoulder* Um. Pl-please disregard that last comment from my partner, sir. *looks nervously from Winter to James* WWinter, just calm down... 12:32:21 AM <ten-chan> Flint:shooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot her 12:32:21 AM <Cerori> James: *barks a laugh at Winter, but his grin soon fades away upon hearing flint* ...*turns quickly and, with a reloading click, shoots Flint in the leg*...Here you are talking about hurting someone again. 12:32:46 AM <ten-chan> Flint: FACK *clings to his leg* YOU BALD MOTHERFUCKER 12:33:35 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: Shut up Flint. *almost snorts when James shoots him again, then remembers himself and turns back to James* 12:33:46 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *trys to shake off Addys hand* Let go now! *Glares at James* You think this is funny?! Because its not! How the is is this teaching us a damn lesson!! 12:34:01 AM <ten-chan> flint: shootherintheface 12:34:12 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *just keeps watching Dom, ignoring everything else* 12:34:13 AM ** 3712 has joined 12:34:34 AM <Sunflower-Baffu> Mysty~) 12:35:05 AM <Cerori> James: *smoothes over his shiny cranium with one hand* Some people just don't understand style. *hears Winter, then rolls his eyes* Captains, we'll need to include an addittional IQ and EQ testing to our entrance forms. 12:35:28 AM <ten-chan> Flint: how about psych too that woman is psychotic 12:35:47 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *frowns* We're short on available recruits as is.... 12:35:51 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *clinging to his leg it hurt like a bitch* 12:36:16 AM <Cerori> Ai: *hisses to Flint* Shut up! *glances to James cautiously*

12:36:31 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: Are you calling me stupid?! Everyone here is just fucking crazy 12:37:14 AM <ten-chan> Flint: HA! 12:37:27 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *right. Enough of this. He pulls Winter back and puts a hand over her mouth, muffling her words, then lean downs and mutters* Really, REALLY bad time Winter. 12:38:54 AM <Cerori> James: *raises his gun to Flint again, and pulls the triger, but it just clicks* Damn. Out of bullets. *sighs and holsters the gun, turning to Winter* You're the one who signed up for an experimental division of the military, Recruit, if there's anyone who can whine it'd be me, I was simply drafted by higher ups. *glares at Winter* Make no mistake, even without that moneky's encouragement, you'd have had the same for your disresepect. *inclines head to the captains, then strolls out whistling* 12:40:03 AM <ten-chan> Flint: suck it 12:40:18 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *hits Addys hands away* Dont you tell me this is bad timing. Those people are fucking crazy, and youre just going along with it like everyone else here!! *pushing aside the words James spoke* No one here deserves respect nor do they have it! 12:41:05 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *holds his temples and shakes his head. He nods at the guards who unlock the demon cages* 12:41:10 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *glares at winter and then looks at lewis wondering if he's gone down like a bitch* 12:42:19 AM <Cerori> Ai: *flattens his ears and looks to Winter, now in a bad mood after everything* Watch your mouth - be useful and help out or go away, you're being an ear sore. 12:43:35 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *mumbles to himself* Winter, shut up... He-he's got a point though. You signed up of your own free will. *he walks back up to Winter and once again grabs hold of her then covers her mouth again, really tightly this time. She'd need to be much stronger to get away at this point* S-sorry Captain. Winter, please calm down. 12:44:25 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *doesnt think he can walk out of his cage* 12:44:30 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: I speak my own op- *her mouth covered by her partners hand once more. Hitting his arms and stomping her feet, just as a child would* 12:46:42 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *looks sadly at Ai. and sighs before looking away* 12:49:36 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *keeps a tight hold on Winter until she's stopped flailing around. He leans over and speaks quietly to her* R-right. The people here need some help. Wwill you help, or no? If-if you won't, I'll just let you go, but only as long as you don't start screaming and digging us deeper. 12:50:34 AM <Cerori> Ai: *his vehement expression softens to that of melancholy, walks over to Lewis and takes his pulse quietly, them Dom's, straightens out and mutters as he passes by Zasha* I'll go get the stretchers. 12:50:50 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *she stopped throwing her tantrum, and nodded her head in a yes motion. Crossing her arms* 12:52:03 AM <ten-chan> Flint: leeeeeewisssss *rolls out of his cage landing on the ground with an ooph* 12:52:04 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *he's clearly in pain and shifts to feel his chest with one hand then groans. This kind of sucked.* 12:52:35 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: Okay... *straightens up and lets go of her, looking at her anxiously* 12:53:35 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: Dont ever shut me up again. *doesnt bother looking at her partner* 12:53:51 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *steps shakily out of the cage, almost falling from his bad leg, but keeping his feet and quietly making his way over to Dom, Kneeling in front of him* I'm so sorry, Dom . . .

12:53:52 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * More or less lying there silently, not exactly passed out from the pain, but wasn't showing much reaction. Until he'd hear Flint saying his name. Opening his eyes, he'd slowly sit up, raising his hand to his chest and would shoot a glare towards Flint.* F-fffliinnnttt. 12:54:44 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *just nods at ai watching the others with somewhat of a cold sadness. So dissapoint.* 12:54:54 AM <ten-chan> Flint: I'm going to kick your ass in training 12:55:05 AM <ten-chan> Flint: if I ever walk again. 12:55:06 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *nods, though he's thinking that if he has to he still will. He walks over to Zasha* A-anything I can do to help sir..? 12:55:46 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: I'll make sure you don't walk again. * Still glaring at him, clenching at his chest still.* 12:57:01 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *rolls all the way to lewis and kinda tries to hold him in a protective manner but like fails* 12:57:34 AM <3712> Gereon: *wandering the area- .. checking the messroom first, before hearing people so he looks outside* ............. ? *blinkblink* 12:57:50 AM ** McPancakes has left [connection closed] 12:58:02 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * He'd huff, taking his hand from his chest and tries to push Flint off of him.* Let me go you asshole! 12:58:15 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *rubs her temples* Fucking ridiculous 12:58:38 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *nods* Ah. Actually Addule. I need to inform you of the punishment you and Winter must do. I hope that we will never have to give either of you a more severe punishment... 12:59:24 AM <Cerori> Ai: *comes back out after a short while with a pair of folded stretchers, laying them on the ground* If anyone needs them. *walks over to Zasha, frowns and lets slip a growl at the mention of another punishment but keeps quiet otherwise* 12:59:55 AM <3712> Gereon: ... *Considers going back to bed* o-o 12:59:57 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *frowns and fidgets nervously the nods* Y-yessir... 01:00:28 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *he grinned weakly, gritting his teeth to try hide the pain and let out a small chuckle, which only made him wince* 'sokay. *he grumbles, rubbing his chest lightly as if to make sure he wasn't bleeding. He pushes himself up into a seated position, struggling to get onto his knees so he can stand * 01:01:54 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *sends a glance at Ai then looks back at Addule* It's not near this severe. You don't strike me as the troublemaking type Addule, and despite your partners big mouth she hasn't caused as much trouble as some.... So i would like to, if i can trust you, take you outside the base for some community service. 01:03:26 AM ** 3712 has joined 01:03:26 AM <ten-chan> Flint: why didn't you at least struggle. 01:03:35 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *rests his hand on Dom's shoulder, trying not to grip his partner too hard* . . . can you stand? I'll help you to the infirmary. *gets up, holding his hand out for Dom* 01:03:50 AM ** 3712 has left [timed out] 01:04:53 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *blinks and shifts, even more nervous* Um. O-okay sir. If-if you want me to. Um. Wh-what would that entail? A-and would that be just me, or Winter as well..? 01:05:28 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: Unlike you, I don't have any intention to struggle, or go against my superior's actions. * Breaks out of Flints hold and scoots away from him a bit, best he could against the pained feeling in his chest from the shot, and his body in general from being thrown back.*

01:05:59 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *hesitates before taking his hand and pushing to his feet* Don't worry. *he smiles again wearily and breathes in* Don't think the infirmary can help with a bruise. It'll go away on its own. 01:06:50 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: Both you and winter. I'm thinking litter cleaning. Not too evil i hope. 01:07:05 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *signs, feeling awkward standing alone, she decides to walk over to Addy* 01:07:31 AM <ten-chan> Flint: So if you're ordered to die you'll gladly get us both killed 01:08:25 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *puts an arm around Dom's waist, supporting him* . . . enough of that. My pride got you into this, I'll not let your own pride make this worse. I at least want to be sure there's nothing broken, or ruptured. Come on. 01:08:46 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: Um. N-no, sir, it's not. *nods to Winter as she comes over and shifts his attention back to Zasha* Where? And when? 01:09:02 AM <Cerori> Ai: *seems a little relieved, glances away and stands there quietly* 01:09:18 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: Well we wouldn't have to face such a fate if someone were to stop causing trouble and getting us into such a situation. 01:10:07 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *having her arms crossed, she keeps her eyes towards the ground* 01:10:43 AM <ten-chan> Flint: Life doesn't always go your way Lewis. Shouldn't you know this by now. 01:10:45 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: I'm fine! *he insists but he walks slowly with Jenner as his guide, not really willing to try and stumble off on his own just yet* 01:11:50 AM ** 3712 has left [timed out] 01:12:12 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *gives lewis a very disapproving look, fuck you he had actually been worried about the ungreatful little shit he ripped off that dog tag he had made with lewis, stood, chucked it in the direction of his face and limped away* 01:12:58 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: Tomorrow. After the days drills. 01:13:11 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * He'd dodge the necklace that was chucked his way, without giving a response to his partner. He'd just sit there, and watch him leave, silently.* 01:13:18 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *shakes his head* No, fool, you've been shot. Now stop being stubborn and let me take care of you, dammit. *starts walking Dom towards the infirmary* Just this once. The next time you're shot in the chest, I'll let you handle it on your own. Do we have a deal. . .? *smirks at Dom* 01:14:09 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *nods* Yes sir. *he glances over to Winter to see her reaction to this* Um. And where? Wh-what will we be cleaning, exactly? 01:14:33 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *looks up* Wait...What are we doing? 01:15:30 AM <Cerori> Ai: *sees the necklace being thrown, taps Zasha on the shoulder briefly* I'd like to talk later. *walks away out of the courtyard and over to near the green house, sitting on a bench and lets out a long sigh* 01:16:19 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *doesn't even go back to the infirmary he just goes to the library to read a book and lick his wounds* 01:17:01 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: BD If there's a next time, you BETTER leave me to struggle on my own, because if I get close enough to your neck I WILL choke you. *he winced again as they made their way to the infirmary* 01:17:45 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * Sighing lightly, he'd lift the discarded necklace and stand himself up. Stumbling slightly, he'd lift his hand to his chest again, catching his balance.Standing up straight, he'd inhale, and slowly begin to walk back towards the building.* 01:18:06 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *he nods to ai* probably the side of the street. Litter wherever we can. I will speak with the city council tonight to see if there's anywhere we might have any use. There's no reason your punishment can't be of some use.

01:18:06 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: Um. As punishment. Cleaning. Community service, the captain said. 01:18:48 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter:...................................... Thats all? *smiles* 01:19:11 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *chuckles* It won't be my fault. I told you that before, do you think I'll endanger you again after this. . . ? *gets Dom to the infirmary, opening the doors* . . . .Doctor. . . ? 01:19:23 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: That's all... That better have to be IT. 01:20:01 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Jace: *seems to already be ready for them.* Welcome back. c'mon lets take a look. 01:20:10 AM <Cerori> Nei: *pops up out of the corner* Jace we gots visitors! *walks over, looking over Dom and Jenner* You can have him sit on the bed over there. 01:20:24 AM <Cerori> lol scratch my post. xD )) 01:20:47 AM <Blood-and-Spice> it still kinda works. lol )) 01:21:14 AM <Blue-Violin1230> Winter: *looks at Addule* You better not get into anymore trouble >:I 01:21:17 AM <ten-chan> Flint: *reads out loud to himself about the fall of rome in the manner of a fairytale* 01:21:29 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *helps Dom over to the bed* 01:22:15 AM <Cerori> Nei: *scurries over to get the cart of medical supplies and wheels it over for Jace to use* 01:22:46 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Jace: ah. thank you. *he starts giving Dom a look over, doing doctor things* 01:23:01 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *sits down on bed carefully* Thanks. *he rubs his chest again, the pain still stinging and fresh* =A=; 01:23:40 AM <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *just stands back and lets them do their doctory thangs* } 8[ 01:24:12 AM ** ILoveCakie has left [connection closed] 01:24:24 AM <Double-AA-202> Lewis: * Upon entering the building, he didn't know whether to just.. go back to his room, and wait the pain out, or head to the infirmary. He'd stand there, thinking on what to do. > A > * 01:24:34 AM <Jazzikinns> Addule: *nods* Okay sir. Yessir. *looks over to his partner* Um. I-I'll try Winter. Anything else, captain? 01:25:08 AM <Blood-and-Spice> Zasha: *shakes his head* No. That is all. *he walks off, going towards the greenhouse to meet with Ai* 01:25:09 AM <SalamanderOpera> Dom: *lets the doctors work, though every now and then he feels he should insist that he is fine* <B];; hnng. Jenner, are you alright?

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