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ESSEY One is rich whwn he\she has friends Friends are the pearls of our life.

This word bears its great meaning only to those who could understand the greatness of its meaning. Its some thing sacred, it needs to be cherished and build up for many years with much care. Goran Stojanov once said, "One should always take care when making a choice of a friend-as the friends are the ones you pick by yourself." My opinion is a bit different than Gorans, I prefer to say, "Friends come and go, but with the precious few we shall live our lives happily." I specially agree that friends come in to our life spontaneously. Therefore, there is little more than picking a part. Making Friends is the process, which is a very unique one. It depends on the person one is trying to become friends with, it depends on one's gender, it depends on one's age, but most importantly it depends on one's own personality. It's a complex, magical process, which must contain fluid that will start spinning the wheel.

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