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Showcase Lesson: Careers

This lesson on careers was not only my last lesson but it was also the lesson I used to cover the EEDA standard required of us. I picked this lesson to be my show case because when I pre-assessed the students by asking them if they knew what a career was, all of them told me they had no clue what it was or meant. After teaching my lesson about different careers found in the community all of the students could tell me descriptions of the careers we talked about in class. I also really liked this lesson because it was easy to make personal to the students by asking them to share with the class the kind of careers their parents have. During the lesson I used a smart board activity with different jobs and their descriptions. The students had to match the correct corresponding image of an occupation to the given description. The students seemed to really enjoy this lesson and we were able to have a lot of whole group discussions about the jobs we talked about and if we see them represented in our communities. This was a lesson that was planned thoroughly in advance to ensure the students would gain as much knowledge as possible about jobs in our community. Although even with well

thought out plans I was still faced with questions about jobs causing me to think on my toes. I know this is how it will be in the future with teaching young children eager to learn so I really enjoyed being able to answer their questions.

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