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I Wonder by Jeannie Kirby

I wonder why the grass is green, And why the wind is never seen Who taught the birds to build a nest, And told the trees to take a rest? And when the moon is not quite round, Where can the missing bit be found? Who lights the stars, when they blow out, And makes the lightning flash about? Who paints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the fluffy clouds so high? Why is it now, do you suppose, That Dad wont tell me if he knows?

1. What is the poem about? The poem is about the wonders and mysteries of nature. 2. Which phrase in the couplets tells us that the stars are not shining? when they blow out. 3. Who do you think the persona is in the extract given? A young child. 4. Which element can we see during the day in the sky? Clouds. 5. Do you think the father knows the answer to the question about nature? Give reason to your response. No. Because he did not answer the childs questions. 6. Which of the natural element that we can feel but cannot see in the poem? The wind. 7. If you were the persona, how would you feel when your father did not answer your questions? I would feel sad and disappointed. 8. State one possible theme of the poem. The beauty of nature. 9. Write one other thing you wonder about the nature. Why do clouds become dark before a storm?

10. Which element is described as cannot be seen but can be felt? Wind. 11. How would you feel if your answers are not answered? I would be disappointed. 12. What would you do to get the answers to the questions? I would surf the internet to get answers. 13. What is missing according to the persona? A part of the moon. 14. From the extract, which element in the sky is colourful? Rainbow. 15. What does the phrase fluffy clouds mean? The clouds are like soft cotton floating in the sky. 16. What does the persona mean by the line who lights the stars when they blow out? The persona is wondering who makes the stars shine again. 17. Which line in the poem implies that the persona is disappointed when his questions are not answered? Why, is it now, do you suppose, That Dad wont tell me, if he knows? 18. Describe the personas view towards the elements of nature. He is curious about the wonders of nature. He is amazed at how nature works in various ways. 19. Write one other thing you wonder about nature. Why do clouds become dark before a storm? 20. If you are the persona, what other question ot stated in the poem would you ask your father? Why doesnt the sun shine at night? 21. State one moral value you have learnt from this poem. We should appreciate the wonders of nature.

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