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Change the lives of women in N I G E R I A


Long Before Womens Inequality Existed

o Women were the ones to farm, fish, and herd o Women had the right to profit off their work to support their family o Women had rights.

o Marital domestic abuse and rape are legal o There are high rates of genital mutilation o Women are treated as second-class citizens o Many cannot progress past grammar school o Women are sold into marriage

stems from
Many of Nigerias problems stem from the military rule that occurred for 30 years. Although, they have been freed from it and now live in a civilian government, Nigeria is still licking its wounds.

So, Now
Among Women for Women International-Nigeria participants
o 64% cannot read or write o 38% have no formal education o 87% have no electricity or running water in their homes

However, with your help and your donations the women can finally be educated and given a whole new life. When, a women becomes part of the Women for Women program in Nigeria they are tough mainly about poultry production. Then, from this they learn:
o o o o How to sell How to produce How to profit About the economy

Not only are they taught ways to make a profit to provide for their family, but they take classes that teach: o Women in politics o Women in economy o Women in the family o Women and health o Women and nutrition


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