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Ukraine. Institute of Hydrobiology, Citation of the book. Telitchenko, . . . .

Vvedeniye v problemy biokhimicheskoy ekologii: biotekhnologiya, selskoye khosyaystvo, okhrana sredy .

The publication that was cited: Book: Telitchenko, . . . . 1990. Vvedeniye v problemy biokhimicheskoy ekologii:
biotekhnologiya, selskoye khosyaystvo, okhrana sredy .

The site was Viewed 4.4. 2013 10. Telitchenko, . . . . 1990 . Vvedeniye V biokhimicheskoy ekologii: biotekhnologiya, selskoye khosyaystvo,

Cited in:

Hydrobiological Journal
Volume 38, 2002 Issue 1 >

The Matter in Sedimentation Traps as a Biological System A. N. Bobkova Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol, Ukraine ABSTRACT The seasonal dynamics of biochemical performances of the matter sedimented in the long-term traps situated at a depth of 1.5 m in the inshore area of the Black Sea had been under study. It is concluded that the variations of the total organic matter, carbohydrates, common protein and photosynthetic activity within a trap contents are interrelated, and a mass therein is a biological system that possesses the balancing mechanisms. Source: KiE4AT17oGoBQ&start=10&sa=N&biw=960&bih=449&cad=cbv&sei=RDtdUeKRM6aG4gSlvYGIDw#q=ost roumov+sa&hl=en&lr=&newwindow=1&tbs=qdr:m&psj=1&ei=sENdUYmVO6HK4ATBoDIBw&start=60&sa=N&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d.bGE&fp=94aab36a3e6c7776&biw=960 &bih=449

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