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Littering in America

By Luis Cortez and Devin Gomez Per.1

What is litter
Litter-Litter is when someone throwssomething on the ground. Theyare most likely to litter arecontainers, wrappers, and paper product Chip bags, cans, leftover food, boxes, grocery bags

Why do people litter

They litter because they dont care about the environment As long as they live they know its going to be okay when its not They are too lazy to go to a trash can

Who is more likely to litter

It would be rich people who dont care Lazy kids Those teenagers Old mean people

Acts of littering
Clean it if you see it on the floor Throw it away instead of putting it on the floor Keeping the environment clean

Advantages of litter
You dont have to waste your time finding a trash can. Also you dont have to hold the trash in your hand. Also if you have to go some were but you have trash you can.

Disadvantages of littering
Never litter Keep the environment clean Dont harm the world There is a trash can you know!!!

Strategies to prevent people from littering

Look for trash cans. You will get karma. Saying you are a good person. To stop them you give them a fee.

I pledge to

I pledge to never litter. I pledge to clean the streets. I pledge to do the right things.

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