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Littering In America

By: Cesar Murillo & Alejandro Perez

What Is Litter ?
Carelessly discarded refuse, such as wastepaper Cigarettes Fast Food Waste Aluminum Glass Plastic

Why Do People Litter ?

They cant be bothered or are too lazy to find a bin They have no sense of pride in their community There is a lack of education / poor parenting of young people If an area is already dirty, why bother to look for a bin?

We live in throwaway society with a snack culture and too much packaging

Who Is More Likely To Litter ?

Lazy people Cool people People who dont care about the environment Smokers are more likely to litter Kids are more likely to litter

Acts Of Littering
The General Assembly finds and determines that: (i) rapid population growth, the ever increasing mobility of the population and improper and abusive discard habits cause the existence, proliferation and accumulation of litter upon public and private property in this State;

Advantages Of Littering ?
There are no advantages of litter. Litter, in terms of the environment, is a bad thing. Collecting litter and recycling it is a good thing and very advantageous. It saves the worlds natural resources (recycling paper, metal etc), it makes the environment nicer to be in, (no one likes to see piles of rubbish on the beach or in the country side) and it is also better for the wild life for there not to be litter around (sea creatures can be harmed by plastic bags in the sea, birds and animals can choke on rubbish they ingest or be trapped in litter such as plastic bottles)

Disadvantages Of Littering
Makes your community look bad Makes it messy everywhere Gives the community workers more work It all goes to the ocean It smells bad

Strategies to Prevent People From Littering

Add more trash cans Pick up the litter Remind others not to litter and why Volunteer in your community to help prevent and cleanup litterfrom cigarette butts to illegal dumps in your community

I Pledge To
Try to pick up the litter you see If you see someone litter tell them to pick it up Go around the community and pick up the liter you see

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