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) elabore 5 oraciones en pasado progresivo interrogativo

1. Was I drinking? Yes, I was No, I was not 2. Were they playing video games? Yes, they were No, they were not 3. Was I doing a table? Yes, I was No, I was not

4. Were you going to home? Yes, I was No, I was not 5. Were we watching tv? Yes, we were No, we were not

2.) Use el pasado progresivo de cada verbo, completando la oracin 1. Richard ____ _______ the door yesterday (open) Richard was opening the door yesterday

2. The teacher __________ _______________ the schedule (write) The teacher was writing the schedule

3. The children ________

__________ television tonight (watch)

The children were watching television tonight

4. They _______ ___________

the lesson last week (study)

They were studying the lesson last week

Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin UEE Alberto Ramos Semestre 11 Asignatura: Ingles


Profesor: Alexis Valderrama

Integrante: Ziorela Gmez C.I. 14.721.088

Santa Teresa del Tuy 02 de abril del 2013

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