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1. What languages can you speak? 2. Where do you usually have lunch? 3. What do you usually have for breakfast? 4. What do people usually do in summer? 5. How old were you five years ago? 6. Where were your parents born, exactly? 7. What time did you go home yesterday night? 8. Where did you have lunch last Sunday? What did you have? 9. What time did you get up today? 10. What did you do last night? 11. When did you go to Lima? 12. What time did you start chattting last night? 13. Who did you chat with, 2 days ago? 14. How many e-mails did you send yesterday? 15. When did you start your kindergarten? 16. When did you finish your elementary school? 17. When did you start your high school? 18. When was your first romantic date? 19. What was the date three days ago? 20. What did you do on your last birthday? 21. How many bedrooms are there in your house? 22. How many (male) (female) students are there in your classroom? 23. How much is your cellphone? 24. How many private universities are there in Santa Province? 25. How many public universities are there in Ancash? 26. Where do you go if you have an accident? 27. Where do you want to have lunch today?

28. Where do you want to buy your laptop? 29. What new languages do you want to learn? 30. Where do you want to stay the night? 31. Who was the first major in New Chimbote? 32. Who was the first president of Peru? 33. Whats your dream? 34. Excuse me. Is there a Cathedral near here? Where is it? 35. Whats your opinion about me? 36. Whats going to happen with weather tomorrow? 37. What do you think of Paco Gasco? 38. Whats the last movie you saw? 39. How do you say Pasala bien in English? 40. What do you think of Pepe Vasquez? 41. What things do you buy on the internet? 42. Whats your mom doing right now? 43. Whats the last hit you heard? 44. Can you describe the hotel you stayed on your last vacations? 45. What are you going to do later? 46. Where are you going to work when your finish your career? 47. Whats the weather like, today? 48. Excuse me. Where is Continental Bank in New Chimbote? 49. Why are you studying at UCV University? 50. What are you going to do for your next birthday?

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