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0Littering In America

By Esmeralda Madrid Ashley Munguia Period 2

What Is Litter?
trash, wastepaper, or garbage lying scattered about <trying to clean up the roadside litter> Coke cans Plastic bags Plastic bottle

Fast food rapper

Why Do People Litter?

They cant be bothered or are too lazy to find a bin.

Who is more likely to litter?

The people who dont care about the planet or people who have no respect for the pollution.

Acts of Littering?
. Flagrant flingers littering of objects out in the open without attempt to there actions . Inch away inches place their litter beside them and slowly inch away format until they no longer be identified as the letterer . Foul shooters aim to discord their item in a receptacle but after missing leave the object on he ground.

Advantages of Littering?
Some advantages of littering would be that theirs no advantages of littering because they all hurt our environment. Also littering can cause a lot of pollution to the whole world and to people also to the air that we breath. So there are no advantages of littering.

Disadvantages of Littering?
Well when you litter your hurting our word. Also you kill animals and people because of littering. In fact when you litter you make our world look ugly and messy. So theses are some disadvantages of littering.

Strategies to Prevent People From Littering?

Educate all your family and friends about littering and how bad it is. If you want to take it even a step further, you can become a guest speaker about the impact littering has on the environment.

I Pledge To

Not to litter Prevent people from littering To pick up litter when we see it

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