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QUIZ TOPIC: HALLOWEEN 1. The day we celebrate Halloween is on a) 5th November b) 31st October c) 25th December 2.

On this day children dress up as : ___________________________________________________________ 3. The phrase they say when they go to peoples houses hoping to get sweets is: _________________________________________________________ 4. The origin of this holiday is to be found in the beliefs of: a) the Americans b) the English c) the Celts 5. The Romans assimilated this celebration, but they adapted it to their own traditions, so on this day they used to honor the goddess ______________ whose symbol is the _____________. 6. The name of the holiday is a contraction of: a. All Hallows Eve b. All Hallows Day c. All Saints Day 7. Halloween has been celebrated in America since: a. 1940 b. 1840 c. 1740 which is the year of the great potato famine in Ireland. 8. The symbol of Halloween in America is the _____________ which people carve and place at the window or outside the door in order to frighten evil spirits. 9. The symbol of Halloween is also called _______________. 10.This holiday is: a) scary b) fun and those who love it best are the _____________.

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