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Littering in America By: Briana Spring and Kasandra olivares Period 3

What is litter?
Litter is trash of any type thrown where it doesn't belong. Litter is chewing gum wrappers, cigarette butts tossed on the ground or a broken washing machine pushed down a rural hillside.

Why Do People Litter?

All sorts of people drop litter, and there are many reasons given as to why this might be. People have all sorts of theories as to what would stop people from littering.

Who is More Likely to Litter?

mostly teenagers litter because some smoke and drink and fool around with stuff. some sit around all day eating chocolate bars.

Acts Of Littering
Even some of the most otherwise lawabiding citizens will thoughtlessly flick cigarette butts onto the street or toss food wrappers from their car.

Averages of Littering
It costs our region about $3,000,000 and nearly 150,000 labor hours each year to pick up trash along Valley freeways. ADOT crews pick up an average 12,647 bags of litter from Valley freeways each month, or about 151,000 bags per year. Each bag of trash weighs an average 10.635 lbs., representing 134,501 pounds (67.25 tons) a month, or about 1.6 million pounds of trash (803 tons) per year.

Strategies to Prevent People From Littering

There cannot be piecemeal solutions to the larger garbage problem that plagues our landscape. Littering in public places is just one manifestation of the problem. Reduce-Reuse-Recycle coupled with a scientific treatment plant, plus proper collection and delivery system from the source to the plant can be the only solution.

Disadvantages of Littering
The single most common litter item in Australia is the cigarette butt. Cigarette butts make up half of the litter in NSW. Other common litter items include small pieces of paper, chip and confectionary wrappers, fast food packaging, bottle caps, glass pieces, glass alcohol bottles, plastic straws and bottles. depositing litter on land or waters in a public place or an open private place (including littering from vehicles).

I Pledge To

I will pledge to clean up the beaches sand. I pledge to keep the cities clean. I pledge to help plant more trees and help garden.

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