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International Library of Psychology Philosophy and Scientific Method Contributions to Analytical Psychology International Library of Psychology, Philosophy, and Scientific Method GENERAL EDITOR—C. K. OGDEN, M.A. (Magdalene College, Cambridge) Putosormtcat Stupms. 5 by G. E, Moore, Litt.D. Tue Misuse of Minp) st A Karin STEPHEN Conruict aNpDream* 2) | by W. H.R. Rivers, ERS. Tracratus Locico-PitLosor#icus . | by L. Wirrcensren Psycuowocicar Tyess*. se 1 byC.G. Juno, M.D. Scienmimic Taoucnt® +) by C.D. Broan, Litt. Tue Meanie or Mraninc 2 Oopen and I, A. Ricuarps Inptvipuat Psycotocy . by ALFRED ADLER Specutations (Preface by Jacch Epstein) ._ by T. E, Hutue ‘Tur PsycHoLoGy or REASONING* . by Evcenio RIGNANO Tue Pumosoeny or “As Ir” by H. Varmncer Tue Nature oF INTELLIGENCE by L, L. THurstowe gece 9 TELEPATHY AND CLAIRVOYANCE —. . « by R. TiscHner Tus Growra oF THz Minp® . . + by K, Korrxa Tre Mentatity oF Apes a . «by W. Koner Psycuotocy oF Revicrous Mysticism. by J. H. Leusa Tus Puitosoruy or Muste Paixcrpues or LITERARY Criticisit Metariysica, Founparions oF Science Troucut AND THE Brain® 5. Puysigue AND CHARACTER® PsycuoLocy or Emotion: . PROBLEMS OF PERSONALITY . ‘Tue History oF MATERIALISM Prrsonauity* : Epucationat Psycuotocy* | Lancuacg anp THouGHT oF THE CHILD* ‘Sex AnD REPRESSION IN SAVAGE SOCIETY COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY =. CHARACTER AND THE UNcoNscious* SoctaL Lire in THe ANtMaL WoRLD How Animais Fino tHetR Way AsouT by W. Pous, F.RS. by I. A. RicHARDS by E. A. Burtr, Ph.D. by H. Pitron by Exwasr Mnerccrnee by J.T. MacCurpy, M.D. in honour of Morton Prince + by F. A. Lance ‘ R.G. Gorvon, M.D. + by CHARLES Fox 7 by J. Pracer by B. Mauinowskt, D.Sc. by P. Masson-OurseL « by J. H. van DER Hoop +. + by FLAtverpes by E. Rasaup Tue Socitinsects . . et by W. Morton WHEELER Turorertcat Biowocy |) lt by J. von Urxkunt Possisuity® ce ‘Scorr BucHANAN ‘Tue TECHNIQUE OF Controversy . . by B. B. Bocostovsxy Tue Syuporic Process. 5 st + by JF. Markey PourticaL PLURAL : by K.C. Hsta0 by Liane Cur-Cuao by W. M. Manstox History or CHINESE PoLiricat Tuovont InrecRative Psycuotocy* . + Pato’s Tueory or Ermics + byR.C. Lovce Hisrorica Intropucrion To MopERN Povcnovocy” 1 by G. Murpuy Creative IMAGINATION. =. se by June E. Downey Covour ax Corour THzorirs CuristiNé LADD-FRANKLIN Brovoctea Privcteuzs. . + + by J, H, Woopcer Tue TRauMA oF Brett . ‘Tre Statistical METHOD IN Economics Tue Art oF INTERROGATION . |. ‘Tne Growru or Reason 5 Howan Sptzcu by Orto Rank by P. S. Florence by E.R. Hawittow by FRANK Lorimer by Sir Ricuard Pacer FOUNDATIONS oF GEOMETRY AND INDUCTION : ww Nicop ‘Tux MewraL DeveLorMenr oF THE CHILD ae K. Buacer Eweric IMacERY : : + tp ER Jaanscu ‘Tux Founpations or Maruemarics +. by BB Rawsey ‘Tus Putosoriy op THe Unconscious by E. von Haxtuaxn Quruines or Greex Puiosopuy - | byE. Zerier Tue PsvcHoLocy oF CHiLpREN’s DRAWINGS by Hutca Enc by Jerkuy BentHaw by S. ZockERMAN by B.A. KIRKPATRICK dy E. A. WesterMaRck « by Bruno PErerMann _ by K. Vossier Tue Tuzory or Lecistation =. ‘Tae Soctat Lire or Monkeys ‘SctENcES OF Man 1x THE Maxino Ermicay Retativiry . ‘Tue Gestatt THrory +: ‘Tue Spit oF Lancuace + Tue Nature or Learninc * 1 by Gronce Huwpnzxy ‘Tue Ipivipuat AND THE Communrry by Wan Kwet Ltao Crmmz, Law, AND SociAL SCIENCE. . by JEROME MICHAEL and M. J. ADLER Dynamic SoctaL RESEARCH . by J. J. Hapen and E; C Lnepewax Srezcu Disorpers oe by S. M, Stincurraty Te Nature or MATHEMATICS =| by Max Brack ‘Tue NevRAL BAsis oF THouGHT by G. G. Campion” Sir Grarron ELtiot Suit Law ann Socran Sciences.» by HUNTINGTON Carrns Piato’s THEory of KNowLeoce* . 9. |. by FM, CoRNFORD InFANr SPEECH poof ff by MM. Lewis AN ExamiNation or Locicat Posrrivism. | |. by J. R. Watnaara Ipgo.ocy anp Urorra oe ‘KARL Mannan Logican Syntax orLancuace 5 5 StL Rupour CaRNaP Communication. G66 oe Kart BRrirrox Cuaries Peirce’s Empreicisut =. 2 + by Justus Bucuier Tue Cup's Discovery or DEATH - by SyLVIA ANTHONY ‘Asterisks denote that other books by the same author are included in the series.

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