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Shylie Richardson


Course Prefix Number-Section


Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this General Education class? I learned that it is important to take the time to exercise and maintain wellness (even if it means waking up super early every morning).

2. How would you apply this information to your life? I have been able to wake up early every morning and make sure that I get to yoga or zumba and I think that I have felt so much better this semester than I ever have before. This has helped me to know that exercise really is important to health.

3. What is your intention to continue to practice what you have learned in your life and why? I want to continue to do zumba because it is fun and, like I said before, it makes me feel great! I had never done zumba before this semester and am excited to have found a form of exercise that is fun and works!

4. General ideas for improving this course? In my other zumba class I am taking we are able to attend another zumba class to make up a missed day. I think that would be helpful with this course as it is only once a week and things always come up at some point or another. Plus, attending another zumba class is much more fun than writing a paper!

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