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Media Release

For immediate release 30 January 2013

Students taking safety shortcuts put life at risk

Transport Safety Victoria (TSV) is challenging returning school students to be safety smart when catching public transport.

The call for safety smarts comes as TSV incident data analysis shows that there were a total of 88 confirmed bus, train and tram incidents involving people under the age of 25 in February last year. In addition, there were four youth fatalities around rail infrastructure.

Stephen Turner, Acting Director of Transport Safety, said that school students should strive to be safety smart around public transport at all times, but even more so as the public transport system becomes busier with the end of the peak summer holiday period.

The start of the school year is a busy and exciting time for many. However, its also a time when we see more incidents around public transport.

Students can show off their safety smarts by being vigilant around buses, trams and trains, and avoid taking unnecessary shortcuts.

Being safety smart means following the road rules and observing traffic lights, warning devices and barriers at railway crossings at all times, Mr Turner said.

Mr Turner said that being distracted is fraught with danger and mobile electronic devices should be used with extreme care around public transport.

Students who wear headphones, send text messages or play games on their mobiles around buses, trains or trams are putting their lives at risk.

Instead, students should focus on getting to and from school safely, Mr Turner said.

For further information, please contact Eugene Dolgikh, Communications Adviser, on (03) 9655 6073, 0418 242 821 or by email

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