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In the next session, Hoffman was verbally aggressive to me calling me a

patholoigical liar, perpetrator, and scam artist. I left the session in severe emotional distress and needed an emergency appointment with my doctor. My doctor prescribed Xanax medication to me for the emotional distress caused by Hoffman. Hoffman also disclosed to me that she had three people die under her care due to mental reasons. This was never reported.

I, Dr. Lowtan asked Ms. Hoffman about the aforementioned complaints and Ms.Hoffman denied any such conversation occurred during therapy. 1, Dr Lowtan regularly prescribed ? ? ? ? ? , Xanax and Kionopin for her stressors, on a weekly and monthly basis. Ms. Hoffman has not had anyone die while at Committed to Change, so I dont know where these allegations are coming from. It is obvious that Hoffman will not admit to anyone dying under her care or any wrongdoing of her own. It may not have happened at Committed to Change but it did happen somewhere. Please see Dr. Lowtans records dated 8/20/12 and the previous record. They are showing that this was the first time that he had to prescribe Xanax for my increased stress due to the verbal abuse of Hoffman. It is obvious Ms. Hoffman has not been blatently truthful in her responses to my complaint. She completely and intentionally modified my entire medical record to be in her favor and make me appear treatment resistant. She must have been up all night doing this in preparation of a malpractice lawsuit. Then she fought tirelessly to keep my medical record away from me. Once I had them in my possession, her face turned firey red. She knew she was caught. This complaint would never have been made if I were allegedly making everything up.

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