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Cultural eco tourism

Chirping birds on-looking a misty morning with shades of green paving way for nippy wet grass under the rising sun, is a mystic scene that one reckons as bliss even in his most forgettable dreams. A typical city dweller was oblivious to the experience of this ambience until recently a huge rush for the uncrowned heavens was realised. Eco tourism has subverted the paradigm that city life leaves no space for one to enjoy the myriad beauty of mother earth. Typically an hour drive from ones home at the midst of a sprawling city of concrete, shows the contours of a world in our neighbourhood that has an enigmatic microcosm curtailed in itself than meets the eye. The discovery of the beauty of our forgotten culture and our flora-fauna is an epiphany to our tired working class vexed in claustrophobic cubicles, showing the indigenous beauty of ourselves in the true sense. A camel ride is no less astonishing than a Ferrari fast ride in an amusement park, albeit it helps feed a poor mans family two square meals every day. The concept has proved a blessing panacea to saving sensitive foothills and jungles leading the crafty businessman dealing in natures flesh to back off.

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