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Non-Continuous Verbs

Mental and States believe dislike doubt imagine know like love hate Emotional prefer realize recognize remember suppose understand want wish Sense appear hear see seem smell sound taste Communication Other States agree be include astonish belong involve deny concern lack disagree consist matter impress contain need mean cost owe please depend own promise deserve possess satisfy fit surprise Continuous Meanings feel = 'feel physically' - I'm feeling awful this

Non-Continuous Meanings feel = 'have an opinion' - He feels he should get

a second chance.

see = 'understand' - I see what you mean. think = 'have an opinion' - I think we should
leave immediately.

see = 'visit' -She's seeing a doctor this morning. think = 'use the brain' - He's thinking hard
about the problem.

appear = 'look like' - That appears to be stale. look = 'seem' - It looks impossible! taste = 'have a taste' - That tastes yummy!

appear = 'be on stage / perform' - Jack

Daniels is performing at the Paramount tonight. look = 'stare at -I'm looking at that strange man. taste = 'use the mouth' - The cook is tasting the sauce!

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